Saturday Nailed Fever

Heya People!

Happy Saturday ♥

Today's post is once again quite short, due to my hectic hometown schedule - I'm seeing so many friends I really can't use the computer. You know how it is. ;)

But here's some inspiration for your nail art, I really hope you like these!

31-day Manicure Challenge

#25, Inspired by fashion

I went through some serious Google search to find the inspiration for these. I kinda dreamed of recreating some classic pattern or something on my nails, but instead, I went for corset design. It was my first time doing this, and I tried to make them more "bling" with some additional stars. ;)





Okay, way too much photographing these... But I  really loved them a lot!

#26, Inspired by pattern

This was one of those days I really didn't feel like doing my nails (can you believe?) And I wasn't too inspired by the theme, either. So if you find this mani a little dull, boring, or not my best work... You're entitled to. :D I don't know if I was inspired more by confetti, bubbles, polka dots or fish scales... But that can be up to you.




All in all, this was just a bit different French mani.

#27, Inspired by artwork

I don't know how many of you counts black and white photos as art, but I decided that's good enough. We have some B/W photos of flowers on our wall (from IKEA, lol), and I used them as an inspiration. I wasn't a big fan of these nails, but here they are anyways... :D



A little different than what I usually do. Still not sure if that's good or bad. :D

Anyways, here's all I have for you today! I hope next week, I can bring you a bit longer posts with some bits of my daily life as well.

Tell me what you think about the manicures here, which one is your favorite? ;) Also, if you have a manicure you would like to see here with a tutorial, leave the request on the comment box!

I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend with the nearest and dearest - I know I am! ♥

Blog ya later,



P.S. Did you notice the supposedly funny title of this post? 


  1. oooi ihanat, varsinkin noi ekat <3

    1. Voi kiitos! Ne on munkin suosikit noista ;) <3

  2. Omg so cute...I am so bad at nail art..may be could learn something from ir post

    Btw do check out my new post
    Stay in touch

    1. Thank you, I actually have a couple of tutorials in store for all of you ;)

  3. hahahah I am also having a nail fever and thanks for the inspirations dear!
    Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow!

    1. Haha, no problem ;) It's always time for nail art - if you ask me, anyways :D Wonderful Sunday to you, too! <3

  4. Ouh kun on makeet, nuo ekat aika seksyt^^ Eniten ihastuin pallero-kynsiin, tosi suloiset ja simppelisti kauniit - sopivasti extraa perusmanikyyriin. Oikein kivoja kynsi-inspiraatioita sai taas jälleen ^^ Ne galaksi-kynnet mun täytyy saada toteutettua joku päivä!

    Mukavaa lepopäivää x


    1. Hih, ne pallerot on myös simppelit tehdä, ei tartte kun muutaman värin ja jotain millä tökkiä täpliksi (esim. dotting tool) :) ton voisin harkita tekeväni hieman erilaisilla väreillä uudemmankin kerran ;) Kiva jos nämä toimi inspiraationa, se oli tarkoituskin ;)

  5. You're too much Jo!!! Those corset nails are killing me! I want them on my nails. TOO CUTE! :) Great job doll!

    1. They're actually pretty easy to create ;) So you definitely could have those!

  6. I love the first nail design. You did a really good job on them.

  7. Thank you, I really loved wearing them :) I could do a tutorial for them as well, because I think I'll be doing them again sometimes. <3

  8. oh my goodness you are go great at doing nails. All of those little details are incredible and not messy at all! My favorite are the multi-colored polkadot nails. Lovely job dear

    The House of Shoes

  9. Oh my, so many pretty nail designs, loving the spotty tipped ones dear! Oh and I do love the black and white number too.

  10. extremely cute nails! love the last ones :) x

  11. Taas kasa ihanuuksia. :) Ekat on lempparit!!

  12. Me han encantado, ojala yo tuviese tanta maña como tú :)

  13. Oh gosh, they all look fantastic! But the first one is my favorite! You are so so talented!

    xx Ivana
    Macarons and Pearls

  14. OMG your 'confetti' nails look amazing! Will definitely be using them as inspiration. I don't even know how you have the patience to do half of the designs you do, I'm bored after one hand ha xx

    1. Hehe, it takes sometimes all the patience I have - I can admit that - but usually I'm watching TV when I do my nails, so it doesn't get that boring ;) Thank you for your kind words, darling! <3


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xoxo ♥