Deutschland Day 3 - Free Practice 2 ♥

Hello my lovelies!

Hope you're doing well today ♥

Yesterday was my first day at work after a month of vacation, so it was definitely a bit weird to be there. But then, only few weeks until I will be a full-time student, so I might as well enjoy my time at work.

Today, however, it's time to see more of our trip to Germany. Let's start this one from the Mannheim railway station (Mannhein Hauptbahnhof).

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Don't know about you guys, but I'm a sucker for candy stores of all kinds. So this one was a must to check out. I meant to buy something from there later on, but somehow I never did. Oh well, that goes to bucket list.

From Mannheim, we took the train to Hockenheim, where on that day (Friday), was time for free practice for all the series they drove there (F1, GP2, GP3 and Porsche Supercup).

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Cool cars in front of the Motordrom Hotel. I would love to try out one like that some day.

Below, some pics from the F1 Village:

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There was a chance to try out changing a tire to a Ferrari - which I might try out some day if I ever start working out my arms more. Because, if you don't know, those tires actually weigh more than you'd probably think.

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And then some pics from the track itself.

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Kobayashi's car in flames. And he played a firefighter, which is pretty cool.

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Danish fans, I assume. I really like their banner a lot, very cool.

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That day, we left kinda early because I got ill from all the sun and all, and then we headed to Frankfurt for an early dinner.

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On our way to food, we spotted Minnie and Mickey. I'm kinda disappointed we didn't get to be in a picture with them. :(

The restaurant we went to was recommended to us by a random citizen we stopped at the My Zeil shopping mall for advice to a good steak restaurant. The man told us to go to Buena Vista, and gave us simple directions to it. And he was right, the food was excellent!

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We tried out chicken in cheese gratin and spinach, with rosemary potatoes. This was absolutely amazing and I could imagine trying to cook something similar at home some day.

After this, we headed back to Neu-Isenburg - but more on that on the next post.

Let me know if you liked this post in the comments below!

Now, I will go do all my chores etc. before work. We're finally having somewhat cooler day, so I can actually manage cleaning up the apartment without having a heat stroke. But I'll get back to you soon!

Have a fabulous day ♥

Deutschland - Day 2: Pit Lane Walk ♥

Hello everybody!

How are you all? ♥

My summer vacation is officially over, and I'll be back to work tomorrow. Not too excited about it, but at least I can go back to my vacation memories here in the blog in many posts. So today, we're flying to Germany and will see how the pit walk day was for us. For first two posts click here and here.

So, after visiting the zoo, we headed to Hockenheim to see the track as there was a chance for 3-day ticket holders to go and see the pit lane up close. There was also other things to see, as you can see below:

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We had to stand in line for an hour before we got to the pit lane. Totally worth the wait though.

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Vest: Cubus Top: H&M Shorts: DIY Boots: SpiritStore Bracelets: Gina Tricot, Seppälä, Europehouse Bag: Boohoo

Posing at the start/finish line. Happy camper, as you can see. Also, I have my zoo souvenir with me, but more on that later.

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Cars from minor classes.

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Fan girl moment. Daniel Ricciardo's car!! Awesome.

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Daniil Kvyat's car being transported through pit lane.

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Felipe Massa's vehicle, going to FIA inspection.

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New engineer of Williams? Well, I guess not. But he looks pretty happy up there.

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Looking way too happy next to the Williams' garage. But look, there's a place for Bottas! Yay! Fan girl #2.

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Paddock area. My dream would be to get to enjoy the race from any paddock one day. Just to see what it's like.

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Green tire wall. For those who don't know, this is for safety measures. It keeps the drivers from hitting a bare wall in case they make a mistake or get hit by another car etc. and lose the grip/control of the car. I still find it unbelievable that it's just rubber, and that it still is such a protection.

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Now, after this we got something to eat and headed back to the hotel - and I opened a package the Santander girls gave me at the F1 Village:

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So, like I said, they gave away these little boxes (to pretty much everybody), with some nice little Santander freebies.

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A seat-cover with some foil - temperature-proof, love it.

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Fernando Alonso postcards.

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Ear plugs. With wire.

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And a pen.

Yeah, I was lame enough to do a haul about a freebie box. Just let it go.

Anyway, that's all for this post, and tomorrow, I try to get another part up.

Let me know what you think about this post in the comments below!

Now, I'm gonna make some night snack, and then head to bed as I have to get my schedule in order for school within the next month. Excited for that! See you later you all.

Have a fabulous day ♥

Let's be friends in IG!