Happy Halloween!

Today, I don't have too much to say. So I'd rather let the pictures speak for themselves to wrap up this month.

_DSC1823 (Large)

Blogoween: Wiccan Inspired Nails

In line with today's previous post, I bring you "witchy" nails, inspired by Wiccan symbols. Now, as it's a serious belief as any religion or such, I really don't want to offend anyone by my nail art. I just personally think Wiccan symbols look beautiful, and that they have wonderful meanings that are often ignored and made look worse than they actually are. I tried to choose symbols that could have a positive meaning for me, were I to believe in all this wholeheartedly, and my reference article can be read here. (If you're a Wiccan, or more informed about these than me, please don't hate on me if I've missed a point here. I did this mostly for the visuals but wanted to acknowledge in this post where the symbols come from.)

symbol nails

Blogoween: Witch Costume

Like I promised yesterday, today there'll be two posts. This is the first of them, and another one will be up within few hours. I know I did one witch costume already (the Hogwarts one), but I also wanted to create one not tied to any brands whatsoever.

witch outfit

Blogoween: Blue Skull Nails

Quick post before I head to bed; I created Halloween nails I'm excited to share with you! These aren't in traditional Halloween colors but again, not everyone wants the traditional color scheme. So these might be just for those of you.

Skull nails

Blogoween: Halloween Frappuccinos

The other day, I was searching the Internet in hopes of finding the right drink recipe to share with you. I wanted something non-alcoholic, relatively easy and something that would translate well into a dairy-free one in case you, who are reading this now, happen to be vegan or otherwise dairy-free. I came across articles describing Japan's Halloween frappuccinos their local Starbucks' are serving. You can find them here and here. They sounded challenging but not impossible, so I created my own copycat recipes of them. Mind you, I haven't tasted the real things so I don't have exact measurements, but I think with a little tweaking and having a real one to compare these to, I could make the recipe perfect. 


Starbucks Halloween Frappuccinos homemade

Blogoween: DIY Paper Bats

So, as you may have noticed yesterday there was no Blogoween post yesterday. That's because my PC couldn't connect to the Internet and this is the only appliance I can actually post from (it has my editing software and all). Therefore, I figured we'd skip a day, and make it up on the weekend with three uploads instead of two. I think you're going to be okay with that. But now, let's get to today's craft:

paper bats

Blogoween: Glitter Nails - Two Ways!

Super late upload today as the cat was feeling under the weather yesterday, and it stressed me out to the point that I couldn't handle prepping this post. Sorry about that, but as you understand, my cat means more than any blog post.  However, today I want to share two very different nail designs with you. Yes, you heard it. Two.

Purple and orange nails

Blogoween: Elize Ryd for a day + HELIX by Amaranthe is out now!

Fun story: When I originally planned to do this look, it was purely for the fangirling and love for Elize. While I am a hardcore fan of Amaranthe and they are my ride or die band, I don't have any more inside knowledge about anything the band does unless it's officially announced in socials. But, I had in early August planned this post for the 19th of October, and then 10th 0f August rolled around and the band announced their new album Helix being released on the same day. I immediately got chills and knew this was more or less meant to be. Also I'll sneak in an album first impression and a link to the music video of "365" from the same album in case you haven't seen it before. Another cool coincidence from that day was the said music video launching the minute my summer holiday started AND they announced gigs in Finland.

Long story short, Elize and the whole Amaranthe band just know how to rock my world constantly.

elize ryd look

Blogoween: Halloween Popcorn

As promised, today we're making a popcorn treat for Halloween. I like creating these mix and match type of popcorn snacks, as they are super quick and easy, and they can be made suitable for all the diets - unless someone's allergic to corn, of course. Popcorn is a good snack ingredient since it's not very unhealthy (I cook mine without any oil, even), it can be made into both savory and sweet, and the kernels are very inexpensive.

sweet and savory popcorn

Blogoween: Pumpkin Nails

Time for another nail art post! Yet again I have a very simple mani for you, you need two polishes and decals and that's basically it. 

halloween nails

Blogoween: Vampire Ariel

Ready for another costume idea? Once again it's more makeup than the outfit, but I try to give some sort of outfit suggestion in the end as well. Wanna learn more about this look? Then keep reading! 

vampire ariel

Blogoween: Halloween Garland

Can you believe we're already halfway through Blogoween? Me neither! It seems like it was just July and I started planning for all of these and now we're halfway done with the posts. Time really flies.

Anyway, today I'm sharing another cute DIY that will bring some Halloween spirit in your home without being too overboard or spooky. And it will compliment minimalistic home decor if that's your style!

halloween garland

Blogoween: Harry Potter Nails

Today, I'm sharing the nails I may be the most excited about this Halloween. Harry Potter nails. I was afraid I couldn't make any justice to these, but I feel like the design I came up with is actually really fun. And again, not too difficut to recreate, although I admit this one took me a while to make. Below, I'll break down why it took a bit more effort than some others. 

harry potter nail art

Blogoween: Hogwarts Student (Slytherin)

Today it's time for our weekly Potter movie (we're having themed movie nights throughout October), and I felt like dressing up for it. Or maybe I had decided to do this earlier, but it went nicely with today's movie theme.

slytherin girl outfit

Blogoween: Sorting Hat Cupcakes (Gluten-free!)

Happy Friday my loves! Today has been a good day because Amaranthe released their new single "Inferno" - which is a killer song, and if you haven't heard it yet, please stop reading and go put it on to the background while reading this post. You'll love it. Like I hope you'll love this little food post I have for you today.

sorting hat cupcakes

Blogoween: Haunted House Nails

Before any one of you says "that's too complicated, can't do that", stop and hear me out. This design is much more simple to create than you think. I promise.

Halloween nails

Blogoween: Lady Joker

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today, I'm sharing with you a look I wasn't originally going to do, but this called to me more than what I had planned before so... We're going with this look. It's a relatively easy for anyone to do, as with this one you don't have to be super neat or anything, but the messy application can actually make this look better.

girl joker

Blogoween: Indoor Pumpkin Lanterns

Who feels like crafting today? I would, if I hadn't already done these! As the night's get darker, it's nice to have something to light up the place with. But, as a new cat owner, I had to come up with something that is safe indoors and around pets/children.

diy halloween decor

Blogoween: Mermaid Nails

Time for another nail art post! Today we're creating something not necessarily super creepy but something that goes together with yesterday's makeup look. Mermaid nails.

Shopkeeki decals

Blogoween: Sultry Siren

Happy Sunday people! I'm again a bit late on today's post but I was more or less having a mental health day and not really sitting on computer that much - but rather having a long phone call with a dear friend and playing with the cat and chilling with my boyfriend. However, here's something I created on Friday:

sea inspired makeup

Blogoween: Pumpkin Donuts

It's weekend, so what better way to spend it than making (and eating) treats. In today's post, I will teach you and easy recipe for cute and tasty Halloween donuts!

frosted donuts

Blogoween: Black Cat Nails

Ready for another Halloween mani? Because I got one for you all! Today's design can be done with two polishes and some decals, so yet again it's something easy to recreate.

cat nails

Blogoween: Eevee Costume

Today's post is up a little late to the schedule (sorry!) because I was busier with things than I thought and didn't get to assemble the costume before today. But nevertheless, I feel it cam out fine and I'm happy to share it with you.

pokemon cosplay

Blogoween: Easy DIY Spider Webs

Want to decorate for Halloween but don't like super spooky stuff? I have a DIY for you. And it's so easy even children can make it! Seriously, the blog I found it from (see the post here!) called it a craft for kids. See how I created mine below!

halloween diy spiderwebs

Blogoween: Spider Nails

New Blogoween, new nail designs. You know it's not Halloween without me creating fun nails to go with the occasion. I've tried my best to keep these simple so that more of you would be encouraged to try to recreate them. Because nail art isn't very hard, you only need good-quality products, little time and patience - and like with any art, some practice.

shop keeki sider decals

Blogoween: Harley Quinn

It's that time of the year again. Halloween month. The time that gets my creative side a little more awake and makes me wanna post a ton.

Starting off with this Harley Quinn look, where I combined traditional Harley in her black and red vibes with the newer movie version one. I had so much fun creating this look and taking the photos and I hope this is a good one for kicking off the Halloween season.

halloween look

Let's be friends in IG!