Snake Print Top

Hey lovelies, 

Are you having a lovely start for your weekend? ♥ 

I am, though I still have a work shift to go to, but luckily that's only 4 hours. Yesterday I was at work only for 45 minutes, and then got so dizzy (and nearly fainted) that I had to get back home. I'm not sure what was going on, but I guess it has something to do with the heat, migraine and dehydration combo. I'm feeling totally fine today, and really hoping that today goes more smoothly. :)

Tomorrow we're planning on going to Pori once again, as there is this annual Jazz festival kind of thing. Not that there's actually artists I tend to listen to, but I thought it would be fun to go and have a drink or two with the guys while listening to the music. And, I'll take my camera along, so hopefully I'll get some fun material to show to you all. :)

Remember me telling you I received something fun at the mail? Well, now I'm going to show two items (and on the next post, there'll be another one). You might have noticed I don't really enjoy writing New In posts, even though I do shop kinda lot. Although it's nice to see some finds from others - as an inspiration - I really don't see the point of showcasing every single item I buy. It feels like bragging. I rather show my finds while wearing them, when you get a better picture what they're really like in real life. 

But, I don't judge if someone likes to take pictures of their buys and show them. If it fits your style and it feels right, do it. I just don't have that much fun writing about stuff. :D 

Okay, enough of that. Just see what I found from web shop:





The reason I'm now showing these two items, is that I had been wanting a new bag for quite a while, and drooled over these honeys for long - so long that in the end, I couldn't find them at the Mango store anymore. So I logged into Mango's website, and there they were - on sale. I simply had to by them!

Especially the brown one, I guess it'll my favorite one in Autumn. ;)

I've probably mentioned how obsessed I am with leopard print? Well, as it seems, my obsession now covers the other animal prints as well. Case in point: This next outfit.

Outfit of the day










Snake print top: Mango
Denim shorts: SpiritStore
Sandals: SpiritStore
Bag: SpiritStore
Feather necklace: Gift from the lovely Dian ♥
Feather earrings: H&M

The top is a find from our trip to Helsinki. It was on sale, and looked so amazing with it's slouchy shape and neutral colors, that I just had to have it. It seems that happens a lot to me when it's about Mango... Oops. 

The necklace is also lovely, it's same series with the earrings in the previous post, which I got from a reader, blogger, and a friend of mine, Dian. She's such a sweet girl, and insisted on sending a gift back to me when she received a giveaway prize from me back in the Spring. I also got this amazing hair accessory, but haven't find the right occasion to wear it yet. But when I do, you'll be first to see it. ;)

And now, something I've been talking about in so many posts before.

The 31-day manicure challenge

I have today the first two manicures of the challenge, from which the latter I had on when photographing the outfit for this post. (And I shouldn't play favorites, but I also love the latter way more!)

#1 Red nails



This one I kept really simple, just put on two different Mavala polishes - one color, and one glitter. This could've been more creative, I admit, but I wasn't feeling the red that day, so...

#2 Orange nails



It's very much alike to the one seen on the previous post, but I liked the design so much I had to try it in different color. Big thanks to Leanne for bringing me and this manicure together, she's the sole reason I've fallen for this particular design. ♥

Next time, you'll be seeing more manicures, and my amazing buy from Oasap. So, see you on Sunday!

I hope you'll all have a fantastic weekend - all about 200 of you following my four blogs - you are amazing! And so are you, who are reading anonymously, or reading without leaving a mark. All of your support keeps me going with this blog, so THANK YOU! ♥

Blog ya later,



Studs of Summer

Hi lovelies!

How are you? ♥

Sorry for neglecting blogging for a few days - I needed a little time off to get a bit more inspired writing here for you. ;) Also, one of my closest friends was visiting after a long while, so I spent the whole weekend catching up with her (and shopping). And then Monday and Tuesday went by with wardrobe reorganization, so now, 3 hours into Wednesday, I finally have the time to write the post I was supposed to write on Monday... Oh, well.

I'm still waiting for the real Summer to begin, it's cold, cloudy and rainy here in Finland, and I hate it because I can't wear my Summer wardrobe out there. Well, maybe later this week, though. Now on Wednesday I've planned to take photos after such a long while - both because of the cuts and bruises and schedule problems, - but lucky for me (or you, however) I have few nice outfits ready for me to wear and "model".

I hope you'll enjoy what's coming!

Today's outfit is something I wore before Midsummer, when it was sunny and warm. And also busy. So forgive me if the pictures aren't the most fabulous, we took them in under 15 minutes on our balcony - right before I headed to work. :D

Outfit of the day









White top: H&M, the black one under it: Gina Tricot (DIY)
Shorts: Zara, details: DIY
Sandals: SpiritStore
Gold & mint bracelets:
Skull bracelet: Gina Tricot
Earrings: Seppälä
Aviators: Citymarket

Kinda simple outfit, but that's how I like them in the Summer. I also love metallic details (as if you didn't already know!), especially studs, so this was just perfect. I have other - in my opinion - nice outfits I wore that weekend, I just need to re-wear them and take the pictures so you can judge them. ;)

But, how do you like this look?

I hope you're all doing fabulously this week - I know I do as I got the wardrobe in order. You couldn't believe how much stuff I threw away to make room for items that are more "me" than my old clothes. I will show you the neat new order in the apartment post - as soon as I can manage to photograph that... 

Have a fantastic week! And thank you for all your comments, likes, follows etc. here in Blogger as well as all the other social platforms. I totally appreciate all your support! ♥

Blog ya later!



Bare Midriff

Hey lovelies!

How are you all? ♥

Isn't it fun it's almost weekend? I know I'm loving it. Today I was shopping and lunching with my fiance and his friend who's staying over until tomorrow, and I really had a lot of fun. I also got an item I need to finish off a DIY project, so stay tuned for a brand new DIY post. ;)

And I got a little something to put on packages I'll put on mail tomorrow. Those who are waiting for me to send something to them, heads up!

Did I mention earlier I had a nasty little fall the other day? I got three cuts from asphalt and it hurts when I walk, but other than that, I'm just fine. Days like that really remind me why I keep photos stored for the future - when something weird happens, I still can blog. :D

Now, what I can say for the outfit... I had been curious to try out the bare midriff trend, but haven't really had the top - or the bottom to create the look. Then one day, when I was tidying my closet, it came to me. I had the top and had the bottom, and when it was warm enough, I wore them together.

And here's the result:

Outfit of the day









Skirt: thrifted
Cropped top: Gina Tricot, studs DIY
Biker shorts leggings: Gina Tricot
Wedges: SpiritStore
Faux leather jacket: H&M
Pink necklace: my cousin's old
Skull rosary necklace: Gina Tricot
Feather earrings: H&M
Stud earring: H&M
Cuff: Gina Tricot

I must say this is one of my favorite Summer outfits this far - though I've worn many lovely ones after this, too. I love the way my hair looks here, the shade is so cute. I try my best to keep it that way (meaning, a bath tomorrow with some bubbly and a color mask ;)), but we'll see - as, you know, I'm not really a redhead. 

What do you all think about the look? Have you tried this trend, or do you plan to leave it for the others?

Oh, you know what I'm starting tomorrow? The 31-day manicure challenge! (Mentioned in this post.) ;) Okay, it'll be more like 2-3 months long due my schedule, but it'll be exciting - at least for me, anyways. The manicures will be featured in the blog, and I try to make some of them into tutorials if I just have the time.

Also, I have some exciting news to share with you, but it's not quite the time yet. Can't wait to get to tell you all, though! 

Have a fabulous start for your weekend! 

Blog ya later, 



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