Halloween Look: White Queen ♥

Hello darlings!

How are you today? ♥ I'm currently doing a school task that's due in 14 hours, as well as putting our Halloween decorations together. So far I've cut out a big bunch of bats from black paper, almost assembled a spiderweb and cleaned up the apartment for the decorations. I will get it done tomorrow and hopefully I have the time to take pictures as well.

But today, I simply wanted to share my last Halloween look inspiration. This is and easy one to do so literally no tutorial needed at all. It is the White Queen from Alice in Wonderland, as portrayed by Anne Hathaway. The pictures are quite heavily edited for the perfect light (I promise you, one day I have a better environment for this kind of pics!), but this was a pretty good look even without the adjustment.

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Basically what you need for this look are dark brows, bold red lips and a very light (pink) eye makeup. Bonus points for big blonde hair, or a wig.

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For the outfit, I layered white pieces from my closet and threw on a pearl necklace. Shoes would be any walkable heels you may have in your closet, preferably white ones. I didn't bother getting a pair for this one shot (sorry!), but I would wear my pair of nude heels as they are as close to white as my shoes get.

What do you think about this look, and what will you be for Halloween? Let me know in the comments below! 

Now, I gotta finish my school work, but tomorrow, I will share one more recipe with you before sharing our Halloween decorations and such on the weekend. So stay tuned for that - and follow me on other platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) for more (random) updates.

Have a lovely day ♥

Halloween Treat: Ghost Cupcakes ♥

Hello everybody!

Hope you're doing well (and that you're still not totally bored with my posting...). Today has been an eventful day and I've got quite a lot done. Tomorrow, I will put up our little Halloween decorations and later on I will show them to you. They're nothing much, but something fun for the weekend, at least.

However, like I promised earlier today, I wanted to share these super cute Halloween treats with you! If I could, I would hand these out through the screen for you all. They're that good.

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Like you guys might know, I've been on gluten free diet since summer, as I was diagnosed with celiac disease. Sounds scary, I know, but it's nothing major. I just have to eat right and I feel well. Easy-peasy. With that change, however, I need to keep looking my baking a bit differently. I need to work with new ingredients and some of them work slightly differently than the ones I had been used to.

But I figured that if I find a fool-proof (or at least surely good) recipe I could actually modify it for my diet. So I took a cupcake recipe from Martha Stewart (click here to see the recipe) and switched the flour to gluten free flour mix and rice flour, and added some psyllium fiber to make the texture better. And, I must say, it went pretty well. Taken that this was my first time making cupcakes since my diagnose.

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When it comes to the appearance, I can say I'm not Martha Stewart, nor Bree van de Kamp, but these still came out pretty decent. The eyes are simply painted with gel food color, but the seeds that the recipe called for would have been more fun. These are so delicious with all the chocolate goodness going on and the little marshmallows inside, that you can't really eat more than one at a time. Or per day, for that matter.

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I still have one more recipe to go this week, as well as one costume idea, before I show bits and pieces of our low-key Halloween. Then you can say goodbye for Halloween posts for a year, but I promise, I have fun stuff even after this. Just in more sensible posting schedule.

But let me know what you think about these goodies, and what you will maybe bake for Halloween, in the comments below!

I'm heading to bed now, but I will talk to you very, very soon ♥

Have an awesome day guys!

Halloween Nails: Bones ♥

Hello lovelies!

Happy Tuesday! ♥ I hope you're all doing well today - I sure am despite being pretty tired and all, but like they say, one doesn't get tired when the projects in life are interesting enough. That's how it is with me. I can honestly say I am stressed, but for once, it actually feels very good. Motivating, even.

As I'm typing this, I'm on my Russian lecture. By Christmas, I should have a proper base to actually start learning to use the language. We shall see...

But anyway, today I really wanted to share this kinda simple and cute Halloween nail design with you all. All you need is a black and white nail polishes, a thin brush and a dotting tool.

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I did this cute little skull and bone design, because I had seen someone painting bone nails on Instagram. If I remember who that someone was, I'll make sure to link them here.

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Like mentioned, only two polishes are needed to recreate this. I used China Glaze White On White as a base, added couple of coats of China Glaze Ghoulish Glow on top to make it glow in the dark, and then used China Glaze Smoke And Ashes to paint the print. (Does anyone know how to photograph glow in the dark polish in the dark? I would need loads of help with that.)

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For the skull, I painted a big blob with the black polish. Then I took a thin nail art brush and painted the tooth part (kind of a square). After it dried, I took white polish and added eyes with a dotting tool, along with a little nose. With a thin brush, I painted the teeth. Then just a tiny drop of black to the center of each eye to make it cuter.

For the bones, I painted a thin line, just a little shorter than I wanted the bones to be. Then, with a dotting tool, I added two dots for the end and repeated that on the other end of the line. And there's your bone.

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So that's another little Halloween inspiration, you can easily make many different designs with these, and you can make the skulls edgier without the centers of the eyes. Try it out. I promise you this is an easy one!

What do you guys think about this design? Let me know in the comments below!

The Halloween spamming continues later tonight, when I will share a cupcake recipe with you. Stay tuned for that!

Have a lovely day ♥

Halloween look: Effie Trinket ♥

Heya babes!

How are you all doing? ♥ I know it might feel a bit excessive to post even twice per day, but I have so much Halloween stuff that I really got to get it all out. I will get back to the almost daily posting after this week, so try to be patient with my excitement, okay?

Anyway, I have a little bit of a pictorial for you, in case you maybe wanted to dress up as a Hunger Games character this Halloween. (And if you want more professional one, make sure to check out Kandee Johnson's on on YouTube!) My pick was Effie Trinket, and due my minimal budget, I tried to wing it with the things I already had. I really think I wanna have a redo with this once I can spend as much as I want on it. ;)

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This look starts with a very light base, so make your face as clear and light as possible.

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The brows can be done very lightly, or with the glue stick method, depending on your brow shade and the result you like. Also, take some light pink and put it over your lids.

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Take more pink - a darker one or couple - and finish your eye shadow. Take some of that, and put it on your temples and even cheeks. See Effie photos for reference.

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Then, take a lilac lipstick, and draw small lips. You can go way under the real lip lines, that's the thing for this look. Then take a blue lip liner, eyeliner, or just eye shadow and a thin brush, and line the lilac lips with that, blending towards the center for the ombré effect. See how it looks below.

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Add some mascara, and the makeup is pretty much done. You can add some white to the inner corners of your eyes in case you wanna make the look pop a bit more.

Then it's time for the hair and the outfit.

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I used the same wig I had for the Sugar Skull look, just pinned it up and added some powder. Then, I added a big bow on top because that's pretty Effie to me.

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For the clothes, I went for a simple dress, pearls, blazer and a scarf thingy as a decor. I had to kind of hold it because I didn't wanna go sewing it there, so never mind about that. Also, I glued a rhinestone on my cheek to finish the look.

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So that is my take on Effie Trinket look, I know it could be better in many ways, but I was pretty happy with it, taken that I have no experience with costume makeup from before. But even this isn't what I will be for Halloween (that I will spend home eating homemade treats because the week after that will be crazy!). You will see my true Halloween look a bit later.

But, what do you think about this look? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, I will hit the bed so that I'll get enough energy for yet another overbooked day that is tomorrow... But I wouldn't change my life, it's pretty great right now.

Have a great day, lovelies ♥

Halloween Look: Rocker Babe ♥

Hey guys!

Happy Monday ♥

Today I wanted to show you another idea for a Halloween costume. This on was inspired by Taylor Momsen, whose provocative style I admire a lot. I wouldn't get away with that, not only because I'm way too short, but also because I need try to keep my looks somewhat business appropriate.

But for the parties, and for Halloween, I think anything goes.

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Somehow my lips look very overdrawn, but let's not care too, too much about that. Okay?

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For this look, you need several shades of purple eye shadow, dark red lipstick and lip liner, and big hair.

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For the outfit, I would wear something kinda sexy and possible with a punk vibe. I paired a giant top and a "school girl" skirt, topped with edgy boots and lots of jewelry. Even though I still have a couple of looks to come, I would rank this my own favorite. (No surprise there, huh?)

Let me know what you think about this look, and what are your own plans for a costume, in the comments below! ♥

I'm off to school now, but hopefully I will get another post up for you tonight. Talk to you soon!

Have a fabulous week!

Halloween Nails: Mix N Match Orange ♥

Hello lovelies!

How are you all? ♥

I've been doing so much this weekend I can't even believe it. You know those weekends when you get so inspired to do something that you simply lose the sense of time? That happened to me this weekend. However, now that I'm getting ready for the week, I figured I should also post something here for you. (Taken that I'm a day behind in my posting, and I need to get certain posts up before Halloween.)

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So this one is another nail inspiration post. If painting all these seems too complicated, you can pick each one, and just use that.

I think orange is such a perfect Halloween color, along with the "obvious" autumn colors like black and vampy reds and purples. So I used China Glaze Stoked To Be Soaked (2 coats) as a base, and painted some Halloweeny things over it.

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The other polishes I used were Essie Licorice, Essie BelugariaChina Glaze White On White and Rimmel Lasting Finish 280 Sunshine. Tools I needed for this were couple of thin brushes and a dotting tool.

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Never again painting/drawing a bat without a reference picture. :D That was tough!

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There you go, some more nail art inspiration for Halloween, hope this helps any of you!

Let me know what you think about these nails in the comments below!

Now, I need to prep some posts for the week, and do plenty of other stuff for tomorrow. But talk to you soon, I still have few Halloween posts coming up for you within the next few days. ♥

Have a fabulous day!

Orange Hot Treat ♥

Hey lovelies!

Who else is excited because it's weekend? ♥ I know I am. On Sunday, two big deadlines are finally over and done with, so it's less stress for me for a little while. That feels pretty amazing. I'm also pretty hyped about Halloween, and I'm going to do some fun preparations during this weekend. More about them soon on the blog.

For the Halloween party purposes, I tested out this neat little recipe I found on Home Is Where The Boat Is.

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How cool is orange hot chocolate? I think it's pretty awesome. Although, I don't know how I feel about calling this hot chocolate since it doesn't have any brown chocolate in it. It was nice, nevertheless. You know how I am with foods. Gotta try everything, as long as it is gluten free.

And this is pretty perfect for Halloween as well. Just add a marshmallow on top and you're good to go.

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I couldn't resist taking some candlelight shots of the drink. They remind me of autumn and Halloween, so it felt perfect.

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If you happen try this out too, let me know what you think about it. In my opinion, it is pretty clever and perfectly color-coordinated for this time of the year. And it was such a nice sweet treat for the stressful time I'm having. (Though I totally should work out instead of eating when it comes to dealing with stress, hehe!)

What are your Halloween treats (traditionally, or this year)? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, this girl is off to bed so that I have enough energy to do all the things I've planned for tomorrow. Talk to you soon!

Have a lovely day ♥

Halloween Look: Bunny ♥

Hey lovelies!

How are you? ♥

Guess who was crazy enough to do school stuff this late (it's 2 am)? Yeah, me. I was determined to get an essay piece done today so that it's ready nice and early so I stayed up this late. And I just can't postpone my blogging so I figured I would write this one with the same willpower. Crazy again, I know.

But I just really, really wanted to share this simple Halloween look with you all. Unfortunately, no tutorial this time, but this is pretty much so easy you can figure it out by looking at the pictures. That's how I did this.

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This is actually a look I could totally wear for Halloween, it's pretty effortless to make, and it's very wearable even if you're not into costumes - but still need to wear one.

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Basically all you need for this look are black eyeliner (I used a pencil and a liquid one), black eye shadow (helps to settle the eyeliner and make it stay on better) and bunny ears. If you have a proper black lipstick, that will be perfect for this. I don't own anything like that.

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For the outfit, I figured a simple glitter skirt and sheer vest over rhinestone bra would totally work. But again, you can choose whatever you wish.

Let me know what you think about this look, and tell me what you are going to be for Halloween, in the comments below!

Now, I'm heading to bed so that I can get through the last school day of this period. Talk to you soon!

Have a fantastic day ♥

Halloween nails: Spiders ♥

Heya guys!

How are you all? ♥ Today, I have been feeling so positive about all the school stuff, blogging stuff and life all together. That feels so great. I also got the chance to quickly meet an online friend for the first time today. V, it was very brief, but I'm so happy to put a face to a person. You are very nice.

Anyways, before I run off to other things, I shall take a minute and share these Halloween nails with you. I personally think they are super cute even if I was totally winging the design without planning it that much.

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So, here you go, little spiders, bit of sparkle and a lovely red background. I absolutely adored these nails even though I don't like spiders at all. But these are so cute!

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The polishes I used for the base were China Glaze Seas The Day, China Glaze Crimson and Essie Thigh High.

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The polishes for the decoration, on the other hand were China Glaze White On White, China Glaze Glitz N Pieces, Essie Licorice and L'Oreal Color Riche Confettis. The studs/rhinestones are all from Born Pretty Store.

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The spiders were painted with thin nail art brush and couple of different sized dotting tools.

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So that's my first Halloween mani of the year, you might have seen my second one on Instagram already (I'm @silvertigo, in case you'd like to follow me), and I'm just about to paint my third one when I finish with this.

Let me know what you think about this design, and tell me how you are planning to do your nails this year, in the comments below!

I'm going to make some tea now, so that I can better focus on doing my nails (yeah, I'm a tea addict!). I'll be talking to you again really soon, as I have a ton of things to post before Halloween! (Don't worry, I will be back to normal after next week, if you're not so much into the Halloweeny stuff.)

Have a lovely day! ♥

Halloween Look: Sugar Skull ♥

Hello my lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I've been doing some school stuff, and I got into doing another Halloween look (sneak peek on Instagram as we speak, check out @silvertigo for that). But before I talk more about that, let's see the first Halloween post - which is a pictorial for a Sugar Skull makeup, if that is something you would like to do for a Halloween party.

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Finished look is somewhat like this, but let's start from the bare face, okay?

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So, start off with clean (moisturized) face. I prefer wearing clothes that are comfy and can get messed up while doing this kind of costume looks. This one contains face paint, so it's better if you don't have to worry about the clothes so much. Hence, the oversized black hoodie.

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I started with setting my eye brows. I used the glue method, where you take a glue stick, and glide that over your brows. Then, before the glue dries, you take loose powder and try to settle the brows as flat (and as invisible) as possible.

Then, take white face paint, or white foundation, and make your face completely white. You can, of course, do any color you desire, but I felt the white base was a good one.

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Take black eyeliner, and draw a "nose hole". Set it with black eye shadow to make it less likely to smudge. (Or, be wiser than me and actually do the eyes first, haha.)

You can also take any color you like to do a little bit of contouring around the edges of your face. I used blue, but it doesn't show up too much in the pictures.

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Now, choose a color to put around your eyes (mine was obviously pink), and draw a circle around each eye. You can go as big as you wish, because with this look, you can play a lot. Color the circles entirely.

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Line the circles with an eye liner, or a thin brush and eye shadow. I chose a bit of a metallic bright blue for this, as I thought it gives a nice contrast to the pink.

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Plan a design around the circles, like flower petals, or anything you wish. As it was my first time trying this, I went for a pretty simple design. It's the coolest when you can make the design identical on both sides, but I pretty much failed in that. But hey, practice makes perfect, right?

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Next, draw the mouth. Simply take a black eye liner (pencil!) and draw the corners of your mouth way longer than they really go. That can be all the way to the jawline (especially if you like Jack Skellington), or just to your cheeks. After that, draw vertical stripes to create the teeth. You can then color the inner sides of your lips a bit darker (black) for more dimension.

Use the eyeliner - or any thin tool - to create patterns and designs all over your face. You can do as little or as lot as you like. You can also add glitter, rhinestones or any other glam to make it more dressy. I simply lined my eyes and added mascara. False eyelashes would be cool as well, but I don't get along with those too well so I let them out. (I should practice more, I know.)

Now, just add a wig, floral crown or any other fun element you want, and you're done!

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Tutorial for the floral crown here.

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So that's my first (ever?) Halloween tutorial for you. I wish that some day, I will have enough room for proper lights and stuff to make these into videos, but before that, I hope this is enough. More will be coming soon!

I would love to know what you think about this post and this look, so let me know in the comments below! Also, you can suggest looks you'd like to see - if I can't make them happen this Halloween, I'll keep them in mind for the future.

Now, I need to go get something to eat, and then practice for my Russian test tomorrow. I'll talk to you very, very soon with more Halloween stuff!

Have a fantastic week ♥

Rock the cold ♥

Heya guys!

How are you all! ♥ Long time no talk - or that's how it seems to me right now. We were spending the weekend away, I've been doing school things and planning Halloween posts, so there hasn't been enough hours in the day to do everything (or I just plain suck at planning, don't know). But today, I found the time to sit down and write up something before getting to the Halloween stuff. Which will start tomorrow, are you excited?

I am.

Anyways, let's see the outfit for today's post, shall we?

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Jeans: Gina Tricot Boots: SpiritStore Shirt: Cubus Jacket: H&M Bag: from my mom Scarf: Cubus Hat: from my mom Bracelets: Seppälä, Gina Tricot

As the weather gets colder, I get into layering and accessorizing. In this case, I went for a super cozy hat and a big scarf. I would need more of those big and warm scarves - don't get me wrong, I have too many scarves, but not really that many ones for winter and fall. I guess I try to find ones soon. But yeah, the outfit... This totally represents my casual style, like many of you know already. It has elements with rock vibe to it, black leather, boots, skulls and so on, so to me, it's a perfect look.

But, what do you think, let me know in the comments below!

Now, I'll go back to editing pictures and writing stuff, so that I can start posting Halloween stuff for you tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Have a fabulous day ♥

Let's be friends in IG!