I thought I'd be getting back to blogging with something way more lighter but with what's been happening in the US (the George Floyd case and more), hopping here to talk about just skin care or something felt a little tone deaf. So instead, I'm using my little space on the Internet to share some resources that I've been familiarizing with lately in order to find ways to help people who are victims of racism. Being a (white) Finn, it's hard to picture a society where people have to actively be scared because if their skin color, and moreover to be afraid of police. And that right there is my privilege speaking. Privilege, which I would rather use for greater good - and that's exactly what I'm trying to do with this post.
To be honest with you, I'm not an expert in any shape or form in these issues, but just a person wanting to do something so that people won't have to live in fear. My extended family just recently grew with couple of little babies, and it would break me if they had to live in fear just because of something they're born with - yet that's the reality for too many people. That's not okay, and none of us should tolerate that.