Baby Pink Nails

Spring time means spring nails. So, I created this simple mani you can definitely create at home as well. You only need one color polish and some water decals.

essie muchi muchi

Spring In My Step

Finally. I'm actually posting an outfit here. Of course I posted kind of one about the wedding look earlier this year, but it's been forever since I did a proper outfit post with someone else taking my photos. And this feels good. It feels right. This is why I started the blog in the first place. For my love for style. Of course I blabber here about anything that inspires me but I'm most excited about fashion in general. So here you have the first outfit post of the year:

spring look

Nail care routine 2018

I haven't done this in a while, so I guess now is as good time as any to update you on my current nail care routine. It hasn't changed too much in a while, but I'd love to highlight my nail care every once in a while because I do get asked about my nails - mostly in real life - quite a bit. Often people think that I have acrylics or gels because my natural nails grow quite long on their own. But of course behind the scenes I do take care of them as well. When I don't, they do break as anyone else's might when there's no routine behind the nails.

old nails

March Purchases

So, I know March ended a couple of weeks ago but... I still wanted to make this post. Better late than never, right? 

Today, I'm sharing the main things I bought during March. Since we got the move out of our hands, I finally had some budget for buying some fun stuff. And some kind of necessary stuff.


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