I will probably say this in few different posts at the beginning of this year, but don't mind me repeating myself… This year, I decided to take a step back and instead of maybe doing what's popular and all, I'm going somewhat back to the roots of this blog with my content. With the same time trying to keep the ideas fresh enough for it to not look like it was just dragged from 2012 or so. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I don't think that would be exciting for the most people.
So, the roots. If you've ever wondered the long name of the blog and why I've been stuck with it instead of just having my name there or something cool and short, here's why. To me, Handmade Dreams of Mine is a bit layered thing. On one hand (pun totally intented) it means "life is what you make of it", and that the dreams you have are yours to realize, and no one else's. But on the other hand, if refers to my nature of loving to do things myself, whether it's painting, drawing, knitting, sewing, baking or whatever. And both sides are something I've let go too much in the past couple of years.
Meaning that this year, we're doing more DIYs and such, and also trying to make some dreams come true. But being realistic, let's start with the DIYs.