Pastel Leopard vs. Glitter Gradient ♥

Hello everyone! ♥

How are you all?

I'm almost through with my work week, only one shift to go and I can fully enjoy my weekend. Tomorrow we plan on having a dinner & hockey night, which should be a lot of fun as we haven't been to a hockey game for ages. I still have one review and one outfit post for you this week, but today, I'd like to once again show you a couple of manicures I've done this year.

So, nail art time it is!

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First up is this pink mani with pastel leopard accent nails. I hadn't done a freehand leopard print in a while, so it was about time to do some of that. Also, it gave me a perfect opportunity to practice some sponging with pastels.

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There's really not that much to tell about this mani, except that I really liked the colors and that this was one of the easiest I have done in a while.

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Oh, and in case anyone wonders about the rainbow base of the accent nails, I just painted the nails white and sponged some different pastel shades over them randomly. Then I just used a dotting tool to create the print over it.

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The second one today is a glitter bomb. I really loved the colors here, but messed it up a bit so it became way too thick - which actually shows even on the pictures.

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I want to try to create this mani again later, because I liked the way the colors look together, but I'm not happy at all how the nails looked with the too thick layer. But hey, you can't master it every time.

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The polishes I used here were Essie Muchi Muchi, Essie A Cut Above and China Glaze Mosaic Madness. Plus I used some random blue glitter polish to make the blue less see-through.

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So, that's what I have for you today, two pretty simple manicures. Maybe these can inspire you to do your weekend nails. ;)

Now, however, I have a cleaning mission I need to attend to - before lunching and heading to work. But, I promise you to be back tomorrow, as I have a post for you I can't wait to publish. (Well, actually I have many of those, and luckily, weekend brings me time to write more!) Okay, anyway, I'll go now - see you soon!

Have a fabulous Friday! ♥

January Link Love ♥

Hey there lovelies! ♥

How are you all today?

Sorry for the long silence here on the blog, but I've just been getting the much needed break from my laptop - without planning that, though - and now, I'm so full of ideas for posts and stuff. I'm also going through the whole apartment, trying to throw away as much junk as possible - and having a non-official shopping ban until summer. I'm not promising not to buy anything, but I sure try to minimize my shopping and instead, I try to learn some sewing skills and DIY stuff on the way. (Also, it helps me get more functional closet as I will consider more carefully every purchase.)

So today, the real subject is sharing some love to other fabulous bloggers who have been inspiration to me at some level lately. If you're looking for new blogs to read, please do check these out!

Little Miss Violet

One of my definite favorites when it comes to personal style, she really knows how to mix girly and edgy with a hint of sporty, and make it look amazing. I love all her looks so, so much, and also her style of writing is so nice to read. If you're fan of personal style blogs, this one is a must for you!

Fabulous blog with amazing looks and fun little girly posts about makeup and such. I absolutely adore Sandra's style so much and I wish I could rock looks like hers. She is also super nice person, and I wish I could meet her one day.

A beautiful blog by a beautiful lady with an amazing sense of style. This is one of my more recent finds but I've been loving her posts a lot because of the positive attitude that shines through the photos. I also must say that I love her stunning hair and can only wish that mine would ever look as amazing.


One of my absolute favorites when it comes to beauty blogs. This blog has such great posts about makeup, skincare, cosmetics and such, but it also contains health, personal style and lifestyle. So it is a very versatile for a beauty blog, and I must say that the person behind the blog is also very beautiful on the inside. Definitely blog you should have on your reading list.

Maryam Maguillage

This is a blog I found through Instagram while in search of makeup inspiration. Maryam is a super talented makeup artist who creates absolutely stunning looks and she also creates very lovely manicures. This is a blog I go to when in need for a new makeup inspiration for parties and such, I absolutely love her work so, so much. So all you beauty people out there need to go check her out if you already haven't!

So, here are my link loves for January - next set of five will be picked next month! If you wish to see your blog in these posts, just hit me with a comment on any post, and if I like what I see in your blog, it might make the list. I try my best to mention different blogs each time, so that as many awesome people as possible would get mentioned. Also, next month I will pick blogs with smaller audiences, so if you are a beginning blogger or just don't have so many followers, make sure to leave a comment somewhere so I can check your blog out!

Now, this girl is off to work, but I'll be back pretty soon as I have loads to show you!

Have a fabulous day ♥

New Little Things ♥

Hiya loves!

How are you today? ♥

I have managed to tackle yet another morning shift, and only two more until the weekend, yay! Also, today I got out in the sun and went walking with my camera - and captured pretty cute photos, even though I say so myself. I've also been happy because I've been waiting for some packages for a while now, and finally received them this week. And one of them is something I really wanted to share with you today.

These are items I bought yet again from Born Pretty Store, you may know I've been buying nail art stuff from there, but I finally decided to try out other sections as well. So here you can see what I got from them:

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A lovely multicolored glitter mix polish in an adorable heart-shaped bottle ♥

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UV nail polish (you know, the kind that glows under the UV lights), because every girl needs a proper party polish ♥

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Matte top coat - because my last one is nearly finished ♥

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Swatches of each of the polish. The matte polish looks like silvery thing here, but it's really not. It's just really, really matte.

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Two mystery boxes...

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...first one containing a studded watch that serves also as a lovely bracelet...

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...and second one containing a lovely white watch with rose gold details. I can totally see this as a part of some cool armparty later this year.

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And last but not least (though you might think so because the photo doesn't do any justice), are my new cut out leggings. These are so very cool and I can't wait to show them as a part of an outfit so that you'll see how amazing these are, but if you are curious you can go and check them out here. (I don't get paid a cent even if you click the link and buy stuff.)

So that kind of little newbies this week, I really like what I got and I'm so excited to get to wear these all later on.

However, now I need to go get some food and then sleep, because yet again, I have 4:40am wake up in the morning... Thank God it's weekend soon. Oh, and speaking of weekend, we'll have another little trip then, so stay tuned via Instagram (@silvertigo) to see snapshots in case the blog is a bit silent from Friday to Sunday. I try to write something beforehand, but let's see if I have time for that. :D

Anyway, I'm off now!

Have a fabulous day, everyone ♥

Sequin Jacket ♥

Hey guys ♥

How are you all today?

I'm still bit adjusting for my early bird morning schedule, but luckily this shift leaves my creative time (which is the evening) open for writing and planning blog posts. So that is pretty awesome, and I also feel more energetic even though I have to get up at ungodly hour to get to work in time.

Things this week has already taught me though:

♥ Breakfast is possible even as early as 5am

♥ It is possible to get ready for work in 30 minutes

♥ Sometimes technology just hates you for no visible reason

♥ There aren't many things more beautiful than a sunny winter morning

♥ A warm coat can actually make you love the cold days

Have you learned anything new this week?

But the real reason I started typing this post is an outfit we photographed before the really cold front hit this city. Now I couldn't imagine going out without a coat just to take pictures, it's way too cold for that. At least, to me.

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So this is an outfit I wore earlier this month when I really just wanted to kind of dress up without really dressing up. So I put on a simple look and just added the sequin blazer to make it more glam. There's really not much more to say about the look. Except that now that I look at it, I would change the shoes. :D

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These nails can be seen more properly here
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Blazer: Boohoo Top: secondhand Jeans: Gina Tricot Boots: SpiritStore Necklace: Gina Tricot Ring:

I totally love wearing that blazer and can't wait for the spring so that I can properly rock it outside. Now, because of the weather, I'm kinda forced to snuggle in chunky knits and thick coats, but that won't last too long before the weather gets warmer. ;) So I might as well enjoy it. I have some more wintery outfits coming up pretty soon here, so if you wanna see how I get by on winter, just stay tuned. ♥

Now, we're gonna hit the grocery store and after that, it's relationship time for us before this girl needs to hit the bed again. But, I have a little post already planned for tomorrow, so if you like my posts, you don't have to wait for long.

Have a lovely day!

Stickers vs. Feathers ♥

Hey everybody!

How was your weekend? ♥

I didn't have the time for another post yesterday, and I feel bad about it, but luckily I have few minutes to spare before going to bed - I'm having a 4:40 wake up in the morning as I have a morning week at work. I know, that sounds like the most awesome thing in the middle of -20 degree Finnish winter, right? But hey, at least that means I will have time during the daylight time for blogging, so I will finally get proper material and therefore, more motivation for writing. ;)

Today I just wanted to write a quick post to kinda review some things I've bought from Born Pretty Store as well as show off a couple of manicures I haven't shared with you yet. Remember that if you go to their site and find something you like, you can use the code JVNT10 to get a 10% off at the checkout.

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The first mani is a simple sort of a Christmas one, that I wasn't really eager to post, but for the sake of reviewing the nail stickers I used here... Well, I just had to post this. As you see, I managed to rip the one on my index finger before even taking the pictures, so it's safe to say these stickers didn't love me too much.

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The polishes used here were China Glaze Gossip Over Gimlets, O.P.I Fresh Frog Of Bel Air and Essie Set In Stones.

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The stickers were a little thick, so at least for me, they were pretty tough to work with, but then again I don't use them so much so I might just be that my technique is quite off. As you see with my thumb here, it didn't settle too nicely, which was a bummer because I love that print a lot. So I wasn't in love with the product, but I do want to give it another chance just in case it's just me that's the problem. But they are nice and easy option for those who can't wear nail polish to work but do wanna do their nails for the parties. It saves time because you don't have to wait for multiple layers to dry and so on.

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Another thing I wanted to try were the feathers. I have never used feathers in a manicure before this orange design I did for NYE. I couldn't decide what to mix with feathers, so I did a i bit of everything.

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Trying to better my taping skills... It'll get there. :D

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The polishes I used were China Glaze Sun Of A Peach, China Glaze White On White and China Glaze Goldie But Goodie. The glitter was some loose glitter I have bought over a year ago (from I don't remember where), and the studs were also from Born Pretty Store.

The feathers weren't as easy to work with as I had thought, though I just might be too clumsy for them, I don't know. But as long as I'm only doing a silly accent nail here and there, it's totally worth the little trouble. These feathers were kind of white/transparent ones, which is perfect when you wanna layer it with a popping color. After I got the hang of how to add the feathers, they were kinda okay to deal with, and they stayed on pretty well. Removing was... not so much difficult as messy, but not too pleasant. Though, when you compare it to removing glitter polish, it's downright fun.

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I can tell you more about the pros and cons of these products after using them a couple times more, so I can see how much the difficulties were just me being unable to do things, and how much it's the product being tricky. But before that, I hope you enjoyed these photos and found this post entertaining and/or at least a teeny bit helpful.

Please let me know what you think about these designs in the comments, and if you maybe have tried similar nail art things, you can also let me know if your experience were anything like mine. Also, all kinds of questions about nail art are welcome!

Now, I need to go enjoy a quick cup of hot chocolate and then crash so that I can be all fresh and awake in the morning!

Have a fabulous start for your week ♥

Blog ya later,



Super Easy Banana Pancakes ♥

Hey guys!

How are you all today? ♥

I've been enjoying the beautiful weather today, and it actually inspired me to make some healthyish brunch for myself while my fiance was still sleeping. As the recipe was super easy and the results delicious, I thought I'd share it with you.

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Banana Pancakes

1 big serving
1 banana
2 eggs
4 tablespoons granola (optional)

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Put the banana and the eggs into a blender, or in a proper cup to use some kind of other mixer.

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Mix them thoroughly.

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Add in granola if you wish, and mix with a spoon.

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Take out a frying pan, and heat up a little oil on it. Test out the temperature with a small amount of dough before really starting to cook the pancakes. Once the little piece cooks nicely, you can start cooking the real ones. This way, they don't just end up super oily, yet uncooked.

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Make sure the temperature is set on medium or low when you cook the pancakes, so that they won't burn. Also make sure they still cook, and don't just sit on the oil. Cook them on both sides until they're golden brown or so. This takes a bit of patience, but don't rush it so that you don't burn them.

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Serve them right away with the desired toppings ♥ I had blueberries, small amount of light syrup and whipped cream. And I added a little powdered sugar for decoration, but you don't really need that in my opinion, unless you like yours super sweet.

I really liked this recipe as it was so, so easy and because it fits to many different diets as it doesn't include milk, gluten or added sugar (before the toppings). The granola I used was totally gluten-free and it had some dried blueberries in it, so basically you can do many, many different pancakes with this recipe. It is so easy to alter, and the amounts are easy to double or so, so if you wanna make these for the whole family, that goes very nicely too.

I will try to write another post later today, but until then...

Have a fabulous day! ♥

Snapshots From Yesterday ♥

Hey lovelies ♥

How are you all today?

I've been enjoying the fresh winter days lately, the sunshine, the snow, the beauty of the nature... And I've been getting more creative and energetic, which I hope will translate into better blogging and bigger amount of content.

Today I really just wanted to share some pictures I was inspired to take because of the beautiful winter sun. I've been missing sunshine for weeks now, so it feels amazing to finally have some light around here. Because it means I can finally get more outfit photos, yay!

But here once again some little things that have been making me happy lately:

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Morning cup of coffee to wake me up ♥

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Frosted glass on our balcony ♥

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Snow!! ♥

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Winter view ♥ I really like how it looks up here.

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Flowers ♥ Hopefully this one will stand me enough not to die on me.

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New spot for the Christmas lights ♥

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Finally, a wall clock ♥

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More complete spice shelf ♥ Sorry for the photo spam, but I simply love these too much to not share them. Can you imagine the delicious smells from there?

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Hot chocolate after a long day ♥ Seriously one of the best things in the world.

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Managing to knit something kinda pretty ♥ Still not telling you what that'll be, but hopefully you'll find out within few weeks. ;)

So that's the first list of things that make me happy for 2014. Not big things, but rather the small everyday things. And writing this makes me wanna ask:

What has made you happy lately? ♥

Now it's time to go bed so I can get up early to enjoy the light when we finally have some, and hopefully, I will also have the weather for taking some outfit pics as well. ;) I have fun things planned in drafts for you all to see, and I really try to have the time to publish them all as soon as I possibly can, so stay tuned!

Have a fabulous day ♥

Blog ya later,



Let's be friends in IG!