Hello everyone! ♥
How are you all?
I'm almost through with my work week, only one shift to go and I can fully enjoy my weekend. Tomorrow we plan on having a dinner & hockey night, which should be a lot of fun as we haven't been to a hockey game for ages. I still have one review and one outfit post for you this week, but today, I'd like to once again show you a couple of manicures I've done this year.
So, nail art time it is!

First up is this pink mani with pastel leopard accent nails. I hadn't done a freehand leopard print in a while, so it was about time to do some of that. Also, it gave me a perfect opportunity to practice some sponging with pastels.

There's really not that much to tell about this mani, except that I really liked the colors and that this was one of the easiest I have done in a while.

Oh, and in case anyone wonders about the rainbow base of the accent nails, I just painted the nails white and sponged some different pastel shades over them randomly. Then I just used a dotting tool to create the print over it.

The second one today is a glitter bomb. I really loved the colors here, but messed it up a bit so it became way too thick - which actually shows even on the pictures.

I want to try to create this mani again later, because I liked the way the colors look together, but I'm not happy at all how the nails looked with the too thick layer. But hey, you can't master it every time.

The polishes I used here were Essie Muchi Muchi, Essie A Cut Above and China Glaze Mosaic Madness. Plus I used some random blue glitter polish to make the blue less see-through.
So, that's what I have for you today, two pretty simple manicures. Maybe these can inspire you to do your weekend nails. ;)
Now, however, I have a cleaning mission I need to attend to - before lunching and heading to work. But, I promise you to be back tomorrow, as I have a post for you I can't wait to publish. (Well, actually I have many of those, and luckily, weekend brings me time to write more!) Okay, anyway, I'll go now - see you soon!
Have a fabulous Friday! ♥
How are you all?
I'm almost through with my work week, only one shift to go and I can fully enjoy my weekend. Tomorrow we plan on having a dinner & hockey night, which should be a lot of fun as we haven't been to a hockey game for ages. I still have one review and one outfit post for you this week, but today, I'd like to once again show you a couple of manicures I've done this year.
So, nail art time it is!
First up is this pink mani with pastel leopard accent nails. I hadn't done a freehand leopard print in a while, so it was about time to do some of that. Also, it gave me a perfect opportunity to practice some sponging with pastels.
There's really not that much to tell about this mani, except that I really liked the colors and that this was one of the easiest I have done in a while.
Oh, and in case anyone wonders about the rainbow base of the accent nails, I just painted the nails white and sponged some different pastel shades over them randomly. Then I just used a dotting tool to create the print over it.
The second one today is a glitter bomb. I really loved the colors here, but messed it up a bit so it became way too thick - which actually shows even on the pictures.
I want to try to create this mani again later, because I liked the way the colors look together, but I'm not happy at all how the nails looked with the too thick layer. But hey, you can't master it every time.
The polishes I used here were Essie Muchi Muchi, Essie A Cut Above and China Glaze Mosaic Madness. Plus I used some random blue glitter polish to make the blue less see-through.
So, that's what I have for you today, two pretty simple manicures. Maybe these can inspire you to do your weekend nails. ;)
Now, however, I have a cleaning mission I need to attend to - before lunching and heading to work. But, I promise you to be back tomorrow, as I have a post for you I can't wait to publish. (Well, actually I have many of those, and luckily, weekend brings me time to write more!) Okay, anyway, I'll go now - see you soon!
Have a fabulous Friday! ♥