Birthday Girl Haul & My Unicorn Party

At the beginning of this month, I had my birthday. And I kind of celebrated for a week. Which is - like the title tells - what this post is about. If you're interested in seeing more about that, read along, and if not, come back for the next post which will be about other things.

birthday girl

Blue Zebra Nails

Who wants to get back into nail art posts? Because I sure do. Today, I'm sharing pictures from a little while back as I have been lacking in blogging for some weeks now. I've tried to plan my life and have routines so I could better fit blogging in, but to be honest it was hard for a while. Now, I think the routines have settled in their place enough for me to add writing the posts in. 

But now, without further ado, I'll show you the nails:

blue zebra nails

Festival Outfit Lookbook - Inspired by Elize Ryd

Headed to a rock festival this year but not knowing what to wear? I got you covered girl. 

In this post, you can see six looks inspired the queen of metal looks, Elize Ryd. I've said time and time again how I love her style, and while I can't wear these looks to the office nor am I going to too many festivals this year to showcase them for you the regular way, creating a lookbook with them  felt like a nice idea. So without further ado, let's get into it.

metal girl festival style

Trying Victoria's Secret Models Inspired Diet - The Results

I know I promised this post to be up so much earlier. I'm sorry about the delay, but let's make this more useful one since it's late, okay?

This diet/exercise regime has actually brought a lot of good into my life. And that's what I will be talking about today. I'm hoping this post will inspire you to do a better life choice today, no matter what that will be and how small one it will be. And it doesn't have to be about weight at all.

progess photo

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