NYE Outfit Idea

Hey lovelies! How are you? ♥ I hope you've all had an amazing Christmas time and that you are all ready for the New Year's stuff and the coming year 2016. I'm super excited because we will have a little party at our place on NYE and I've literally been crazy about it for a week now. Today, I took some pictures of the look I might wear for the occasion, but the final look you'll see on NYE.

NYE dress

Blogmas Day 24, Merry Christmas!

Hey lovelies! Hope you are doing fine today, and for the next couple of days, because I will enjoy time offline. At least kind of. So...

So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Frohe Weichnachten, Feliz Navidad, God Jul, Hyvää Joulua, or whichever your choice of Holiday wish is. I hope you will have a blessed time with your family and friends and that the rest of the year will treat you well. I will see you again in a couple of days!

Have an amazing day ♥

Blogmas Day 23, Glitter Gradient & Reindeer

Hey lovelies! How are you? ♥ It's the second to last Christmas post, and even though the schedule has been all over the place at times, I'm very happy that I actually got through with all the posts I had planned. I might do this again next year, but then I will start the prep much earlier and actually schedule even more. So yes, it's been a learning experience. Today, I'm showing you the last bits of Christmas nail art this year.

Christmas nails

Blogmas Day 22, Gluten Free Treats: Meringues

Hey lovelies! How are you all? ♥ I'm sorry this is a bit late, but better late than never, right? Here is the 22nd day of Blogmas, which is a recipe post with a video. (Yes, I quite like doing them - though I still got a ton to learn!) But without further ado, let's get to the recipe - and the video. The recipe is originally from Kinuskikissa (Click!) and the original recipe was in Finnish, but I did my best to translate. And I didn't use chocolate.

Blogmas Day 21, All Black Everything

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I'm currently having my second to last wrok day before Christmas, which feels very nice since I know I'll have a long weekend ahead of me. Sleeping in, I'm waiting for you! Of course there's still a couple of posts to go before that, but then I can take a small breather from blogging before starting with NYE posts. I will have 4 or 5 of those for you next week, but now, let's get to this outfit post, shall we?


Blogmas Day 20, Christmas Makeup

Hey darlings! How are you all? ♥ I can't believe it's almost Christmas since the month has gone by so fast and we still don't have any snow sticking to the ground. That sucks, as it is also extremely dark in here. Tomorrow, 22nd, is the shortest day of the year, as far as daylight goes, so I'm actually super happy since it means it will get lighter every day after this and that's more than amazing for the blogging and all. Today, you get to see my attempt to create a bit of a Christmas makeup. I tried to combine green and red, and this is what I came up with:

makeup2 (Large)

Blogmas Day 19, Beauty Blogger Tag

Hey lovelies! How are you? ♥ Today has been about shopping and chilling, and I'm quite ready for the holidays coming up. I'm most hyped about NYE, because we will have friends over and it will be loads of fun. I'll show some of the preparations and my outfit later, but today, it's time for another tag post and some makeup talk along with it. I was tagged by the lovely Miah (check her tag out here!), and I'm so excited to answers all the questions.

So let's get going with it:

Blogmas Day 18, Gognac, Black and Red

Hey lovelies! How are you? ♥ We went to an extempore date night today, so that's why I didn't post two times like I was planning to. Sorry! But tomorrow I can easily catch up because I have the posts figured out and I only need to write them down. I seriously can't believe there's only six Blogmas posts after this. And, I gotta say I'm sort of very proud of what I've written, but I still have a little way to go before getting a small Christmas break from blogging (for about three days, maybe). Anyway, let's get to this day's outfit, shall we?

winter outfit

Blogmas Day 17, Gluten Free Gingerbread

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I've had extremely busy day for a day off, I've literally been bare faced and in gym clothes because I've had no time to dress up. But that's okay, because excitingly enough, I'm collaborating today with the lovely ladies from Nerdly Beautiful and Jenessa Michele to bring you all fun Christmas themed posts, so definitely go and check them out too, I absolutely love their blogs!

We're all doing Christmas recipes, and mine of course is gluten free one. I did traditional Finnish gingerbread as a gluten free version, and now you can do so too!


Blogmas Day 16, Penguins and Star Wars

Hey loves! It's a super late hour that I'm posting this, but hey, when you love what you do... This time I will cut to the chase and just go straight to the nail art. I hope you're okay with that!

Penguin nails

So yeah, the first set for this post are these penguin nails inspired by cutepolish (she's freaking amazing!) and they also work as my entry for #aussienailchallenge under the theme Christmas lights. I really loved wearing these for the first half of the week!

Blogmas Day 15, Office Outfit

Hello lovelies! How are you? ♥ As promised, here's some more catching up in the form of an outfit post. I'm still quite determined we can make it to 24 posts before Christmas, and when you think of it, there's not that many posts left for that. Even if I'm a day or two late. Tomorrow, I will have a little collab with some of my blogging friends, but before that, there will be a post or two after this one. But without further ado, let's get to the outfit:

office outfit

Blogmas Day 14, My Christmas Wishlist

Hello lovelies! Sorry for lacking the posts, but it's been quite a ride here. I'll catch up with them in these couple of days though. I love many things about Christmas, and although getting gifts is not on the top of my list, I figured I would still do a bit of a wishlist kind of posts. If one were to get me a gift, these are always welcome:

X-mas Sweaters

Blogmas Day 13, Fur Vest With Olive Leggings

Hey lovelies! How are you? ♥ As promised, here's Blogmas post number 13. I'm currently at work, but I scheduled this one for you so that we get on with the Blogmas schedule later today. But anyway, in today's post I'm showing pictures from one of my favorite outfit shoots this winter. These were taken during the time of first snow, which unfortunately melted soon after but now it has actually snowed a little again and I'm hoping it will last. Okay, I'm blabbering... Let's get to the post, shall we?

fur vest olive leggings

Blogmas Day 12, What I love about Christmas

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ Sorry for a late post, but the weekend has been crazy. So, I will be uploading the posts 12, 13 and 14 very close to each other. It will be better after tomorrow, I promise. I got the last school thing out of my hands so I can focus on the blogging stuff on my free time. Today's post - well, Saturday's post - is a quick one about things I love about Christmas. See my list below:

Blogmas Day 11, Candy Canes & Christmas Trees

Hey babes! How are you all? ♥ I can't believe it's almost halfway of the Christmas calendar here on the blog. Time really flies by. Anyway, today was a pretty ordinary one so without further blabbering, let's get to the post. Which today, is more Christmas themed nail inspiration.

candy cane nails

Blogmas Day 10, Layered Rock Chic Look

Hey there lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I've had a great day with work, workout and such. I don't have much of things to tell really, because it has been such ordinary day. But on the bottom of the post, there's something I think most of you would like to see. Before that however, are today's outfit pictures:

rock chic outfit

Blogmas Day 9, 50 Random Facts Tag

Hello lovelies! How are you all? ♥ I've had a chill day at home, I've done some school stuff and had a tiny bit of exercise, but mostly I've just rested and tried to get my body to heal the flu. Not sure how that turns out yet, but we'll see. Today's post is actually a tag got from Beauty and the Nature blog (see her post here), and the challenge is to tell 50 facts about you and then tag others to do this too.

Blogmas Day 8, Red & White Eyeliner

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I had such a great day at work, because the tasks were great and I also got good news - meaning I get to work on the same fantastic job for at least few more months. I'm so excited that my flu didn't feel like anything throughout the work day. And I'm still feeling quite well. So after the work day, I created this makeup look to maybe give you inspiration if you have holiday parties coming up soon. It's nothing too amazing, but still something!

christmas makeup

Blogmas Day 7, Gingerbread Latte

Hey lovelies! Hope you're doing well today.♥ I've been little worse with my flu than yesterday, but I think it won't get too bad. Today, I'm having a quick little recipe for you. This was originally spotted here, and I've been loving it a lot.

Gingerbread latte

Blogmas Day 6, Our Christmas Decorations

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ Today has been the Independence Day of Finland, so we've had quite a chill day at home. I feel a bit like I'm coming down with a flu or something, but I hope that will pass because I really don't have the time to be sick right now. But if I will catch something, at least I have to house all pretty to stay in. Wanna see what I mean? Let's have a tour around the apartment and see this year's Christmas decorations!

Christmas decorations

Blogmas Day 5, Batman Top

Hey darlings! How are you today? ♥ I've been enjoying the day off, getting things photographed/otherwise prepped for the blog, as well as tidying up the apartment and just chilling. And with the chill theme, I think this outfit is kinda very appropriate. Because Batman, and all.

black skirt

Blogmas Day 4, Christmas Nails x2

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I had to travel to another town for work stuff today, so that's why today's Blogmas post is up this late. I didn't write it beforehand, and needed to relax before jumping on a laptop. But anyway, let's get to the post:

Candy cane nails

Blogmas Day 3, Fur Vest & Leather Pants

Hey lovelies! I hope you're having a great third day of December! How many of you checked out yesterday's video? If you didn't, click here and you can see it on yesterday's post. Today, I'm wearing similar makeup on the pictures, so you can see how it plays out on broad daylight. And there's also a winter outfit. Enjoy!

fur vest

Blogmas Day 2, Go-To Makeup

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ It's time for another Blogmas post, and today, I'm showing you my go-to makeup - and a Get Ready With Me video (at the bottom of the post). I hope you will enjoy this one, and let's get to the pictures:

go-to makeup

So, my go-to look has a bit of smokey eye, a defined winged liner, strong brows and usually a nice lipstick as well. It's nothing too special, but I guess some could say that's a lot of makeup. However, I enjoy my face looking like this, and feel super confident this way.

Blogmas Day 1, Peppermint Mocha

Hello my loves, and happy 1st of December. Today starts the Blogmas - or the Christmas calendar, whichever you prefer - for this year. I don't think I've ever done this before, but I feel like this year, we are going to try this. Also, I have another thing for you little before halfway of the month, but that I will talk about once it's time for that. As today truly is the first day of Christmas time for me, I figured that starting out with a Christmas beverage would be a nice thing.

So here is one of my favorite recipes this winter (originally from here):

peppermint mocha

Let's be friends in IG!