Bucket List 2018

New year, new resolutions. 

I've actually never been one to really make New Year's resolutions because I don't really believe in them. Instead I do believe in bucket lists. So I made one for the year. 50 things, big and small. Some that are bit of reaches, some are things that I know will happen. Some might happen the year after this. Some seem vain, some are deeper. And I figured how to make this interesting both me and you, so I may put a little explanation to some, AND once I achieve something, I will either mark it on a blog post concerning it or I will highlight it a bit on Instagram (follow me on @silvertigo if you don't already do so!). And of course at the end of the year, we will see how did I do. 


Pics From Christmas

It's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged, and while I had nice posts planned, also life happened and I had to focus on living offline instead of prioritizing all the posts. I'm sorry if that let anyone down. But also, what you don't know is that I spent this Christmas with a new boyfriend, new extended family and got sick just before Christmas so there has been a lot going on. I'm sure next year will be more chill, so I added the planned posts to next holiday season's agenda and will probably prepare them well ahead.

To summarize our Christmas, I'm sharing some pictures of it today. It's not a super long post - those kinds will follow next month - but I thought this was least I could do since I kind of disappeared just before Christmas.


Gluten-free Gingerbread House

One of the most exciting things around holidays is definitely the holiday treats. Around Christmas, I love gingerbread maybe more than anything. So it's probably no wonder I was determined to make some gluten-free gingerbread on my own, but I also challenged myself and made a whole gingerbread house from scratch.

gingerbread house

Blue Snowflake Nails

On Holiday time, I often get super inspired to do many themed nail art designs. This year doesn't seem any different as I already started my third mani of the month yesterday. Here on the blog, I will today share my second Christmas mani of the year, which is maybe more a winter design. But I wanted to play with techniques as well as new stuff I got from Born Pretty Store. I'll talk more about them below along with the pictures.

winter nails

Christmas Decor 2017

Every Christmas, the best part for me is that I get to decorate the house with some Christmas items. Usually I don't go too overboard, and this year is no exception. In this post, I'm sharing the decorations I put up this Christmas. 

christmas decor

FiorellaShop Haul (and My Christmas Wishlist)

For months now, I've been drooling over FiorellaShop clothes after seeing them on so many cool girls on Instagram. When they had Black Friday deals, I figured it's time to try some. So in this post, I will show you what I got this time. And at the end of the post, I share a wishlist for this holiday season.

Fiorella accessories

Gingerbread Nails

Happy December everyone! ♥ This month I'm trying add a little bit of Christmas to every single post until Christmas. I was originally planning to post every other day starting the 1st of this month, but I was too busy on Friday and yesterday to actually sit down and blog. So we start the Christmas countdown from the third instead. Hope you're okay with that.

To start to get into the Christmas spirit, I naturally did my nails with Christmas themed design.

holiday nails

Perfect Fall Outfit Lookbook

I know it's nearly December and the title really doesn't fit the time, but on the other hand, the weather in Finland is quite fall-like still so this is kind of relative post. And if all else fails, this can work as an inspo for the next year, right? Today, I'm showing you some perfect fall looks that can be easily transformed to fit most girls' styles. I'm focusing mostly on things I like in fall styles, which are:

- Nice boots/booties
- Plaid
- Warm scarves
- Layers 
- Rock chic edge

Keeping that in mind, I created three different outfits - all of which serving a bit different weather. I know most of my audience comes more or less from North America, so I tried to create a lookbook that would give inspiration to everyone, not depending on what kind of climate you live in. Here in Finland the weather changes from very warm early fall into super cold, nearly winter-like late fall around this time. But it can literally have anything in between during the whole fall - or even in one day, so I also need to know how to dress in different weather situations.

streetstyle autumn

Coloring My Hair With Manic Panic

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ❤️

I've been super tired this week and still can't sleep in even this weekend because I have so much going on. So to get more energy, I decided to do a mini makeover yesterday. That means I lightly dyed my hair. 

Manic Panic Haircolors

Fall Favorites

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥

Since it's technically almost winter here in Finland, despite the weather still being in fall, I thought it would be fun to share my fall favorites of 2017 with you. These are not in a particular order but they sure have all been favorites this fall.

Nail polish

TAM Beauty Haul & Review

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥

It's been some days since my last post, and I probably should come up with something else than a haul again, but I've had this one in my drafts too long. So today, it's time to talk a little bit about makeup:

TAM beauty haul

China Glaze Autumn Haul 2017

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥

It's been roughly a week since the last post, and I've had a ton of things going on offline so few days of blogging silence was much needed. Most importantly, I got allergy tests done, and can finally find out what really causes my occasional reactions and also if there's anything stopping me getting a pet in the future. The results were quite what I expected so far, but I need confirmed results from my doctor. But what I am excited about is that I didn't get a reaction to dog so my dream of getting one someday lives on. 

Today I really want to talk a little bit about nail polishes I purchased this autumn.

China glaze 2017 fall colors

Halloween Nails 2017: Glitter Blood

Happy Halloween lovelies! How are you today? ♥

As I'm not having any Halloween festivities - especially today since it's the middle of the work week - I figured I would celebrate by posting a themed nail art post instead.

Blood drip nails

Halloween 2017: Last Minute Costumes (Easy & Quick)

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥

I hope many of you are having a Halloween party to go to within few days (or otherwise have a chance to dress up a bit for the occasion). I personally don't really have the opportunity, but I love scrolling through inspiration pics nevertheless. In case you are having a quite eventful year like I am, or otherwise haven't had the time to really put that much time into a Halloween costume, this might just be the post for you.

These ideas mainly require stuff you either already have in your closet or can easily access also elsewhere than in Halloween Wonderland of USA. Also, I need to say that a lot here is my previous content that you can also find through the "Halloween" tag but I felt like they were well enough made to feature here instead of creating everything again just for this post. Next year, I'm kind of hoping to go bigger and starting planning from the start of the year so that I could make every look super detailed and put together. As well as the decorations around my apartment. But this year, let's do it a bit more low-key.

Halloween Nails 2017: Spider & Glitter

Hello lovelies! How are you doing today? ❤️

I'm typing my post on my phone today so excuse me if the editing isn't the neatest this time around. But I really wanted to share this post with you today so that we can soon wrap up the Halloween posts this year. I will have a last minute costume post up tomorrow and then one more nail art post on Monday, but then we're done. It's kinda sad Halloween is over but on the other hand I get to plan so many other posts and even start focusing on Christmas stuff soon.

However first let's focus on today's nail art post.

Halloween nails

Halloween 2017: Poison Ivy

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥

I've been quite excited about today's post, and wanted really to post this yesterday already, but didn't have the energy to paint my face so I had to postpone this with a day. Which may mean that I have to give up on one Halloween post unless I get sudden inspiration for a look. But I've still planned few posts already that will be up no matter what. So don't worry. Today, however, let's focus on another costume post.

Poison Ivy Cosplay

Halloween 2017 Nails: Vampire chic

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥

I had a couple of days' break from opening my computer because I was feeling a bit down and needed to focus on offline life more. Today I'm finally bringing a new nail art post, and hopefully tomorrow another costume post if possible. But let's focus on the nails now, right?

Vampire nail art

Halloween 2017: Rey

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥

This post is going a day late according to my original plan, but I couldn't edit the images yesterday because of a migraine. But I wanted to do this one as well as I could because it's the outfit I'm most proud of this year. I had my mom help me shoot the photos but we did have a problem or two with my settings even though she's quite the pro with her equipment but my camera wanted to be tricky.

But nevertheless I managed to scout out few that looked pretty nice so in this post I will show those to you.

Star wars inspired costume

Halloween Nails 2017: Sugar Skulls

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥

I'm currently spending the weekend with my parents, so I scheduled this post in order to have a post up for you even though I'm not on my laptop for the weekend. As I'm still working on the rest of the costumes, you are getting a nail art post. But don't worry, I promise to get the costumes up soon too. I'm actually hoping to get one photographed with the help of my mom if there's good weather outside. It would make such cool pics if I could do it outside. 

But anyways today, let's focus on nails, okay?

Sugar Skull nails

Halloween 2017: Harry Potter Inspired Snacks

Hey lovelies! How are you today?♥

I'm so in the Fall mood this week and very excited about all things Halloween. I actually dug out my decorations already and will be putting them up during the weekend. Much to my mum's pleasure I'm sure because she's coming over and is not much of a Halloween person. But she knows I love Halloween so I think we're good. 

Today, instead of costume like I was planning, I have a food post for you. So let me present you, Harry Potter inspired snacks for your Halloween party. Or you know, Harry Potter movie night.

Harry Potter inspired snacks

Halloween Nails 2017: Bats

Hello lovelies! How are you doing today? ♥

As promised in previous post, this one is up quicker than the outfit one was. I need to catch up a tiny bit if I want to get all the posts I planned up for you all to read. But to be honest, I don't mind a bit of pressure, it just makes me perform better. With every task in general. Is any of you the same way?

Today, I wanted to show you another Halloween inspired nail art. I'll be doing quite a bit of these because they are easy to do and photograph, and they're almost as fun as making up costumes. And speaking of costumes, I'm getting parts for one in particular this week so hopefully I can shoot that in the weekend. Also, I'm getting up on before that once I buy one more thing for it.

But, to the nails:

Bat decals

Halloween 2017: Mermaid

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥

I've had quite the hard week both physically and mentally, but I still managed to prep this post and the next one, and I hope you'll get a little inspiration out of them. Of course I was hoping to get this one up earlier but being sick and all didn't really allow me to properly put on makeup and all that jazz.

However, today I'd like to show you an interpretation of mermaid costume and makeup. I know this is not the most original thing ever, but I wanted to try my hand on it for practice - and also for reflecting how I could do this better if I ever were to dress up as a mermaid for any event. So this is not by any means perfect but it was fun to try out anyways.

Halloween makeup

Halloween Nails 2017: Black Cat

Hello lovelies!

It's been a while. Too long of a while. Life has been a bit crazy to say the least, and blogging has been the least of my worries for months. Some of you know what I mean, and for the rest of you, storytime will follow once I feel it's time for that. But for this month, I'd rather concentrate on lighter things. Things that make me happy.

Like Halloween. And nails.

I felt that for me, there's not more appropriate way to make a blogging comeback than post some fun Halloween nails. I hope you'll agree.

Cat nails

Black & Burgundy

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I finally got myself into a theater to watch the new Star Wars film and I really liked it a lot. So, if you haven't seen it, you probably should. I've been so bad at going to movies since I've been introduced to Viaplay because I love staying at home in cozy clothes and under blanket instead of putting myself together and going out and about.

But in today's post I am being somewhat put together. This is another unpublished look from the archives, and I'm hoping to get new pictures with winter on the background soon - maybe even tomorrow.

DSC07514 (Large)

Glitter Accent & Crosses

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ Look who's back so soon after the previous post. Got to start out strong, right? Also, I've needed to make decent use out of my flu days so there's not many things better than blogging in times like these. I'm also getting back to reading my favorites, since I've been more about Instagram and YouTube lately. But with the new energy of the new year I feel like getting back to reading in many ways.

Today, I wanted to share a couple of manicures with you, if you're up to that.

If not, come back when a new post is up because it will be about something else. I promise.

Gold accent nail

Pink & Ruffles

Hello my lovelies, and Happy New Year! How are you doing today? ♥ I've been such a bad blogger after Halloween, but I guess I've just needed a break from it. I'm sorry for not letting you know I would be gone so much, I honestly didn't know how long it would take for me to feel good enough about blogging. I think now I might.

I also think I maybe want to find a bit new aesthetics to the pictures I upload, so I may be investing in a new camera some time soon. I feel the old one isn't doing enough justice anymore which further lowers my inspiration to create. But I really want t get back to my dear hobby so hopefully we'll get back to the routine soon.

Today, however, I wanted to share a look from the archives. Since it's -20 degrees and we have snow all over, it feels funny to post a look like this. But it's a cute look so why not.

DSC07135 (Large)

Let's be friends in IG!