Glittery Nails x 2 ♥

Hey lovelies!

I hope this week has started off well for you all ♥

Like I promised on the last night's post, here's another NYE themed post about a couple of nail designs I created for the holiday parties. Both of them are glittery, so they are really totally appropriate for New Year's Eve party. And without further ado, let's just see the nails, shall we?

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First up, a glittery explosion kind of creation where I tried out the explosion tape mani thing for the first time ever. I actually created this one with the NYE inspiration post in mind, weren't I so nice? (How many of you others really even care about the nails you have for each event? I think that's just me, lol.)

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A bit of different light. I played with the filters here just to show you all the aspects of the mani properly. I took all the pics using my light box that totally lacks proper lights and the flash ruins things and I'm such a complete amateur with the manual settings of my camera so this is what you get. :D

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Closeup of my thumb. I really like the explosion thing there.

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The polishes I used here were China Glaze Bizarre Purple, China Glaze Gossip Over Gimlets and China Glaze Your Present Required.

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And if you rather go green this NYE, here's another option for nails:

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Silver and green, a traditional holiday combo. These were actually my nails for the Christmas, so I do get it if some of you feel this is too much like Christmas colors, but as I've seen so many outfit inspirations built around the green jewel tones, I figured this would be all cool for this post as well.

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And you know, you can never go wrong if you do glitter nails for a party, no matter what the color. As you can see, these were pretty simple glitter gradients that absolutely anyone can achieve if you just own a colorful polish and any glitter polish.

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My polishes for this mani were O.P.I Fresh Frog Of Bel Air, L'Oréal Color Riche Green Couture, Essie Set In Stones and China Glaze Gossip Over Gimlets. I don't usually do green nails, but for this holiday season I actually went and bought a bright green one.

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So here you have it, couple of options for the New Year's party nails. You can do either of these with pretty much any color, it doesn't really matter, the main thing is that you love what's on your nails - even if you have absolutely nothing on them, natural beauty rocks as well.

What will you be rocking on your nails this NYE? And, what do you think about these designs here? ♥

Now, I need to go get ready for some shopping and then for my work shift. I hope I can still post my December Link Loves tomorrow, but I don't know my schedule yet so won't make promises.

Have a fabulous day everyone!

Blog ya later,



New Years' Party Idea: Cocktail Party ♥

Hi there lovelies!

How are you today? ♥

The New Year's Eve is creeping closer, and if you still don't know what kind of party to throw - or what to serve drinkwise, I'm here to help you out.

Last weekend, our friend J was visiting and boys and I had decided that we would go on and try out a bunch of different drinks. So in a way, we had our own cocktail party. Minus the fancy outfits. That gave me an idea to photograph the drinks we tried, and to share the recipes with you in case you wanna try them out. Unfortunately I don't really have non-alcoholic options in this post, but I promise I will share that kind of recipes here as well when I find good ones. ;)

Note: Always remember to drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, don't drink when you're a minor, and all the other stuff you lot probably know already. I'm sorry if this post offends anyone by any measure because I mention drinks here and all, that's not my intention at all. I just want to share something me and my friends liked for the holiday season.

So here are some cocktails totally approved by me and the boys, all of them are reasonably easy to make, though on couple of ones we kind of took our own route as we didn't have the exact items available - and I don't own a shaker so some drinks have ice even if they aren't supposed to, but don't mind that. The ones marked with an asterisk (*) are claimed to be classic cocktails (therefore, one can count them as common knowledge, right?).

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Christmas Cocktail*

1 serving
1 sugar cube
drop of brandy
dollop of cold cranberry juice
cold champagne
(few raspberries on top)

1. Place the sugar cube on the bottom of a chilled champagne glass.
2. Add brandy and let soak. Then add the cranberry juice.
3. Right before serving, pour in the champagne and add one or two raspberries as a decoration.

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1 serving
2 cl (0,7 oz) pear schnapps
cold pear cider
slice of pear or cherry

1. Pour the schnapps into a cold champagne glass and add slowly the pear cider.
2. Decorate with the cherry.

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Blue Lagoon

1 serving
2 cl (0,7 oz) blue curaçao
2 cl (0,7 oz) vodka
drop of fresh lemon juice

1. Take a high ball glass or a cocktail glass, and pour in first the curaçao and then the vodka.
2. Add in the lemon juice and then as much Sprite as you wish.

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1 serving
6 cl (2 oz) gin
2 cl (0,7 oz) lemon juice
1 tablespoon grenadine
1 teaspoon sugar syrup
crushed ice cubes
orange slice for decoration

1. Pour gin, lemon juice, grenadine and sugar syrup on the ice cubes and shake well until the mixture is cold.
2. Filter into a chilled highball glass, and pour over soda.
3. Mix up carefully and decorate with an orange slice.

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Singapore Sling*

1 serving
4 cl (1,4 oz) gin
2 cl (0,7 oz) cherry liqueur
2 cl (0,7 oz) lemon juice
1 teaspoon grenadine
crushed ice cubes
lime skin and cocktail cherries

1. Mix up gin, cherry liqueur, lemon juice and grenadine with ice, until the mixture is cold.
2. Fill a cold highball glass to halfway with crushed ice, and filter the cocktail into the glass.
3. Pour in soda and decorate with lime skin and cocktail cherries.

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1 servings
crushed ice cubes
4 cl (1,4 oz) vodka
orange juice
orange slice

1. Fill a cold glass with the crushed ice.
2. Pour the vodka over the ice and over that the orange juice.
3. Mix well and decorate with an orange slice.

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Long Island Iced Tea*

1 serving
4 cl (1,4 oz) vodka
2 cl (0,7 oz) gin
2 cl (0,7 oz) clear tequila
2 cl (0,7 oz) white rum
1 cl (0,3 oz) white mint liqueur
4 cl (1,4 oz) lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar syrup
crushed ice cubes
wedge of lime or lemon

1. Shake vodka, gin, tequila, rum, mint liqueur, lemon juice and sugar syrup with ice, until the mixture is cold.
2. Filter into a highball glass full of ice, and pour in some coke.
3. Decorate with a wedge of lime or lemon.

So here you have some nice cocktail ideas for any occasion, and each of these are great for the NYE party as well. You can only choose to serve one or two, or if you are gathering with a smaller group you can do a sophisticated cocktail tasting if you want to. This post clearly targeted for my audience over 18 years old, but if you are younger than that, or don't drink alcohol for any reason, don't worry, I have things in store for you too. ;) I'll be posting another NYE themed post tomorrow morning, so stay tuned for that! ♥

What are you guys going to do on NYE? ♥

Now, I'm going to watch a movie with my man, but I try to finish my next post right after that!

Have a fabulous start for your week!

Blog ya later,



What's In My Makeup Bag? ♥

Heya everyone!

How did your Christmas go? ♥

Mine was pretty peaceful and fun, I got to spend time with some of my loved ones and just relax after the crazy times at work. I promised myself and you guys as well that I would blog this week, but my life got the better of me and I just didn't even open my laptop before now. Weird, right?

Well, even if that might have been disappointing to us all, now I'm more motivated to blog than I've been in a while, so hopefully that'll mean I will get lots more posts up in the near future. ;)

Today I wanted to do a little different post, and show you guys the contents of my makeup bag. This will not actually even contain all my makeup stuff, but most of them anyways. I will probably do an update some time next year anyways. :D

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So here we have my cute little makeup bag (with leopard print, of course) I got this year. My old Hello Kitty one simply couldn't hold my stuff anymore so I upgraded the bag to this. Let's open it, shall we?

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Looks a lot like a well organized mess, huh? :D

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First up, I will show you my humble pile of makeup brushes - though I need to be honest, I actually have a  bigger collection now that my Born Pretty Store order finally came home (more on that later). I've never been much into the beauty stuff, even though I do my nails so much, so that's why my brushes have been very modest and there aren't that many.

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My products for creating a nice base for my makeup. There's powder, concealer, cover stick, foundation, blush... Very, very basic stuff like you can see. I use mostly affordable drug store brands so if you ever like any of my looks, you can probably create them pretty easily.

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The only two things I have for eyebrows. The trio palette from Wet N Wild, and a pencil in the shade Blonde from MUA Cosmetics. Right now I'm favoring the MUA pencil, but those are both pretty awesome in my opinion.

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My pile of eyeshadows, mostly from MUA Cosmetics. I simply love their eyeshadows, because they are more than worth their super affordable price. They have a lot of pigment and they stay on for hours easily. I must admit that this isn't actually all I have, not even all I have from MUA, but I'll show you the rest once  get my stuff stored more neatly. ;)

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Another cute eyeshadow palette! This one is from and it's supposed to be a natural eye kit, but for my skin tone this wasn't as natural as I would've hoped. I love it anyways, and it is very handy as it comes with a mirror on the lid.

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My liquid/gel/glitter liners. Not having that many so far, and even from these I usually just use MUA liquid liner and the gel liner on the left (which is from Maybelline). I would like to have more of those fancy glitter liners by Make Up Store, so maybe I need to hit the store on the next pay day and get one or two.

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What I use for eyeshadow primers when I create more festive looks. They're not all actually primers, but they do the job well so I like to use them.

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They crazy - and still growing collection of eye liner pencils. I would love to have these on every color because I really love doing different eye looks, even if I'm not that talented in it. :D

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My lip liners, missing my pink one though as it is in the pocket of some of my bags or something... I'm pretty ashamed to admit I have so few of these, as I actually have pretty many lipsticks. :D Well, that is probably something I'll look into next year.

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And if you still didn't get the thrill, I'm pretty obsessed about eye makeup. Hence so many mascaras - and I'm still searching the perfect one. So if someone reading this knows a great mascara that gives both volume and length, could you be so kind and let me know what you use? Thank you! ♥

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Most of my lipglosses, which I don't use that much on winter time, but what you will start seeing more on me during spring. I have few cool shades still missing from my collection, but again, that's something I'll look into next year.

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Lip stains, something I don't have that many of - and actually this pic is also missing my Max Factor one I've gotten as a present - but what I do like to put on occasionally when lipstick is too much and just a gloss won't do the trick.

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My nude lipsticks. Something I would really want to find more, I'm crazy about wearing nude, glossy lips every once in a while, but I would like to have different options, too. So now, it's only three, but I can pretty much tell you it'll be more next year. :D

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 My colorful lipsticks, all pretty much pink and red. This pic is missing couple of the pink ones, but I will show them to you later in life. My absolute favorites are the bright red on the top (a matte red from MUA) and the fuchsia pink on the right (Maybelline ColorSensational). I can't live with those two, even if I had to give away all the others.

So that's all I have for you today, a little tour around my makeup bag (which probably would've been more fun on the video).

Please let me know if you liked this post or if you would like to see more posts like these, like my shoe collection, or any other collection, or perhaps a favorites post about any items or things in life. I love hearing what you all would like to see, because then it's easier for me to create all sorts of random posts for you to read. ♥

Thank you for reading this, I really hope you liked this post at least a little bit. Tomorrow I'll be writing one or two posts that will hopefully start getting you into the NYE mood, because I have managed to capture some inspiring things already earlier this month. ;)

But now, I'm going to go warm up some tea and enjoy some PS3 gaming with my man. See you guys again tomorrow!

Have a fabulous weekend! ♥

Blog ya later,



Red vs. Gold ♥

Hello everyone!

How are you all today? ♥

I hope you've all had an amazing weekend with the boys and totally got the relaxation I needed after all the work past few weeks. I still need to do stuff for Christmas, like buy a couple of gifts and wrap them all and schedule blog posts and everything, but after this weekend I feel like I have the energy for it all. This year my Christmas will be a tad short as I only have three days off from work instead of the whole week, but somehow I'm pretty okay with that.

If you follow me on Instagram (@silvertigo), you know I have tried a bunch of holiday nails this month. Actually I'm painting a brand new ones whilst typing this post (meaning I paint my nails and carefully type while the polish dries), so stay tuned via IG if you wanna see those soon!

But today, you'll get to see more of my previous holiday nails, which I painted in the beginning of the month.

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First up, red and gold nails with some festive stamping on them. I made these pretty glittery and all because I felt like that would be a pretty Christmassy thing to do.

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The polishes I used were China Glaze Goldie But Goodie, China Glaze Twinkle Lights, Ciaté Mistress, and Ciaté Enchanted Rose. For stamping I used Konad stamping polish in white.

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This was my try to get back with the stamping but I feel like it just pushed me away more. I guess I try to do this thing a little too quickly and I just can't seem to get the stamps straight anymore... So, sorry for the inconvenient looks of these, I promise I will try to get better at it towards spring and summer!

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The other manicure is something I made after kinda sorta messing up the red one after a day or two. I removed the red polishes (I don't know if it's just me, but the Ciaté glitters totally make the nails weird and not that wearable, so I usually can't go for many days without redoing my mani.) and replaced them with these glitter gradients.

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Polishes used here were China Glaze Kalahari Kiss, China Glaze Twinkle Lights and China Glaze Goldie But Goodie.

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I personally liked this one quite a lot as it is pretty subtle but still super festive. I don't know if you guys have noticed but I seriously have a thing for glitter polish all year round. Beware, there'll be more where these came from!

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Now, I'd like to hear from you:

What do you think about these nails? And, what kind of polishes you all like to wear during the holiday season? ♥

Now, this girl needs to go get her cup of tea before hitting the bed for some much needed sleep. Tomorrow, I need to go buy some last minute things before work, and on Tuesday morning we will head to Pori to spend the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my fiance's parents and family, followed by a visit to our friends for a night. I will try and schedule a post or two for the days I can't really hit the laptop, as I still have a lot of things from this month that I really would love to share with you. ;)

Have a fabulous day, everyone! 

Blog ya later,



Plaid & Fur ♥

Heya everybody!

How are you all? ♥

How many of you are super excited it's almost weekend? I know I am. This week has felt so long and yet I haven't had time for like anything. That's bizarre. Luckily it's Friday tomorrow (well, technically today as it is past midnight, but still), and one of our dearest friends, J, is coming to spend the weekend with us. We have many nice things planned and I hope I can catch some of it on camera as well. ;)

However today's business is simply to show you this outfit from earlier this month:

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Fur vest: secondhand Shirt: Gina Tricot Plaid skirt: SpiritStore Bag: Boohoo Tights: Seppälä Boots: SpiritStore Necklace: Gina Tricot Bracelets: Gina Tricot

I had been itching to create a proper look with my "new" white fur vest, and this is what I came up with. I love that skirt a lot, but for some reason I don't wear it that often. The colors here are pretty typical for my wardrobe and that bag you have probably already seen too much of... :D But still, I really loved wearing this and could imagine wearing something similar again any time. Oh, and sorry for the mess of a hair, the wind got to it before we managed to take the pics. :D

Now I'd like to know what do you guys think about this look? ♥

Now, this girl needs to go get some sleep before waking up early(ish) to prep up the place a bit more for the weekend and Christmas. ;) I'll be reporting back to you as soon as I can.

Oh, and I'm preparing a fun giveaway for the time this blog hits 300 followers, so if you maybe have friends who would like my posts, or if you maybe haven't joined here as a reader yet, now is a great time to join in and be one of my lovelies. ♥

Have a lovely day!

Blog ya later,



Let's be friends in IG!