Pink Nails x2 ♥

Hi lovelies

How are you all today? ♥

I had a great day, I once again started it with a jog, and in the afternoon I had a date with my friend L. It was so good to get to gossip about things and just get a laugh with a girlfriend, I totally needed it. Thanks L, you rock! ♥

Anyway, today's post is just a quite short one with nail art pictures - as I'll have a longer one coming up tomorrow or the day after. As usual, I have two looks for you here, hope you like them!

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First one is a bright pink mani with gold glitter. Again I was doing a leopard print, since I just love it so much.

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The polishes I used were China Glaze Escaping Reality (two coats over a white polish), China Glaze I'm Not Lion (two coats over a random gold polish) and Essie Licorice.

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I was pretty happy with these nails, they have all the great elements ;) My cuticles aren't at their prettiest here, so sorry about that!

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And for once, the two manicures have something in common. They're both pink!

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...this one just isn't quite as bright. So here's a little half moon mani I made with white (Essie Blanc) and soft pink (Sally Hansen Sweetie Pie).

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Again, sorry about the cuticles, they were in horrible shape back then, but I've gotten them better since.

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I should've done these with the help of stickers, but I tried to practice my free hand painting - you can never do that too much! Also, my top coat was running low, so you can see pretty ugly stripes here and there :P Lesson there: when you have a fast dry top coat, make sure there's enough of it before using or it'll end up looking nasty!

But, your turn: What do you think about the manicures here? And, what are you wearing in your nails today? ♥

This girl is off to bed now, but I'll get back as soon as I can!

Have a fantastic day ♥¨

Blog ya later,



Sushi in Stripes

Hey babes!

Happy Saturday ♥

I hope you're all doing well, I'm currently trying to stomach Finland's awful hockey game against Sweden - they lost, but will get the chance to win bronze from either Switzerland or USA, we'll see. Anyone else watching the world cup now? :D

Also, tomorrow is exciting because I get to meet other bloggers from my town at the fashion flea market (Muotikirppis), I will have my camera with me, and try to take nice photos for you to see, too. Finnish readers: Kuinka moni on tulossa huomenna Pakkahuoneelle Muotikirppikselle? On varmaan hieno tapahtuma tiedossa ;)

Anyway, today I just wanted to share a couple of foodpics and an outfit I wore to have a coffee with a dear friend L a while ago.

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These photos were taken in my favorite restaurant, Maruseki, which serves amazing Japanese food - I've eaten the best sushi so far in there. The food is always like art, it looks amazing and it also tastes fantastic!

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A variety of sushi that I had the last time, every single piece was way too awesome ;)

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Later that day, I went to see a friend I hadn't met for over a year, and as it was one of the first warm days, I dressed like it, too.

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Knit: Mango Leather shorts: H&M Tights: House of Holland Biker boots: Ebay Belt: Mango Necklace: Seppälä Cross ring: Gina Tricot Stone rings: JC Earrings: Bik Bok

So, another quite simple and a bit rock chic look. I love the combination of black and red so much, and those tights are way too cool! I think many people thought I wasn't wearing any pants, so I got some pretty funny looks when I walk around dressed like that. I can assure that you'll be seeing more of those tights later on, as soon as I figure out what to combine them with.

But now, the word is yours: What do you think about this look? ♥

I'm off now, to watch more hockey, but I'll get back to blogging again tomorrow ;)

Have a fabulous day!

Blog ya later,




Hi babes!

How are you today? ♥

I've been super busy with working out and just working, so I've been less online than I thought. But hey, gotta enjoy the nice weather while it lasts, right?

Today I just wanted to share a quick outfit post with you before going to bed, so... Here's a bit more casual me, and this is quite what my go-to outfits look like, simple and super comfy.

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So not amused, lol.
Sweatshirt: Gina Tricot Ripped jeans: Vila Necklace: Gina Tricot Earrings: Bik Bok Headband: H&M Ring: Gina Tricot

So this is kinda how I wear casual looks on days that I'm tired, busy, or simply can't bother about my look. Could be worst. ;D I'm completely in love with that sweatshirt, it's super comfy and cool and I'm almost sad it's too warm to wear it already. 

But, what do you think? And, what kinda clothes do you wear on the most casual days? ♥

I'm off now, to get some much needed sleep, but I will try to write something again tomorrow!

Have a lovely day ♥

Blog ya later,



Manicure Friday ♥

Hey babes!

Happy Friday ♥

I hope you're all doing well today - I sure am, as yesterday with boys was so much fun! Soon I'm going to the extra shift at work (yeah, call me crazy, I switched my Friday off with hockey for four hours of working. I know, insane.) but after that, it's weekend. My friend J and her boyfriend E are coming to visit us tomorrow, which is so fun as I haven't seen either for a year or so! Can't wait to see them.

But today, I just thought I'd share a quick little nail art post with you, as I haven't done so in so many days (well, in like 7 days, but anyway). I hope you'll like them!

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First up is a French mani with a little twist to it. It has black tips instead of white, and on the ring finger there's a cross. That day I was in the mood for simple manicure, and that's what I did.

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The polishes I used were Essie Muchi Muchi, and Essie Licorice.

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Sorry for the weird zoom in the pics, I really need to invest on a better lens for macro shots.

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The other one, well, it's very different. Neon colors felt like the thing that day, so I created a color block mani with tape, where I used these delicious shades.

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The polishes here are all by China Glaze. The shades were Flip Flop Fantasy, I'm Not Lion, and Aquadelic. I love them all a lot!

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I consider this the first proper Summer manicure for this year, those colors were such a mood booster ;)

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And, if someone ever wonders, yes, I always do both hands!

So, what do you guys think? Yay or nay? And, which on is your favorite? ♥

I'm off to work now, but I'll be back in action on Sunday!

Have a lovely weekend!

Blog ya later,



Leather Shorts with Blazer

Hi lovelies!

Happy Thursday ♥

Today is a national holiday in Finland, which means no school, no work, no mandatory things to do - and that's kinda awesome. We're going to Pori to fix my fiance's bike with his dad, and to go out eating with a friend or two. Sadly, it's been predicted to rain the whole day, but let's hope people have been wrong about that!

But what I really wanted to share with you today, is an outfit I had on the day I got my hair done. Even though my hair stylist knows my taste pretty well, I always think it's good to dress the part, so the professional can see what my style is like nowadays. And here's what I had on for the occasion:

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PU Shorts: Seppälä Tights: H&M Biker Boots: Ebay Blazer: H&M Spiked Shoulder Pads: Boohoo Top: too old so that I could remember, lol Necklace: Gina Tricot Skull Bracelet: Gina Tricot Pearl Bracelets: Seppälä Triangle Rings: Rose Ring: SpiritStore

So there, edgy and girly, wrapped into one. I really personally liked combining all these items, but I do get if there's too much for some. I guess I could do a better job simplifying my looks, but oh well. We only live once, let's have fun. I'm sorry you have to see so much of the biker boots, I am a bit obsessed about them. Luckily the weather is getting warmer so they start to bee a bit too much!

But what do you think about this look? Is there an item you've been obsessed about lately? Share your thoughts! ♥

I'm off to bed now, or, well off to a cup of decaf tea and an episode or two of Desperate Housewives. Gotta get my relaxation. ;)

Hope you'll have a fun day!

Blog ya later,



May LivBox ♥

Hiya Lovelies!

Happy Tuesday ♥

It's the second day of my detox week, and I'm starting to feel the results. I haven't done my work out at all this week - yet - but I'm planning to start tonight after work. Today, however, I'm feeling the fluids moving inside, which isn't too comfortable, but necessary for this week to work. If everything goes well, this will more or less become a lifestyle. But more on that next week. ;)

Today our mailman brought me something fun again. My May LivBox!

Finnish readers, if you haven't opened yours, don't spoil the surprise by scrolling down ♥ Ja sama suomeksi, jos et vielä ole avannut tämän kuun LivBoxiasi, välty spoilaantumiselta ja sulje tämä blogi selaimestasi nyt! ♥

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I was happily surprised by the bright red color of the bow on the front, it made me instantly feel like there would be nice girly things inside.

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The name in the product menu, Roman Holiday, supported my theory of nice girly things. Exciting!

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And after reading the menu through, I couldn't wait to rip the whole thing open.

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Looking good, huh?

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Not a bad box at all... Let's take a proper look to the products.

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Eylure Individual Lashes

A brand I've actually used before, I totally like their lashes, and was just the other day thinking about getting new individual lashes, so this couldn't have been better! I'll be definitely using these later in the parties and such.

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Papier Poudré Paper Powder

I remember how my mom had these when I was a little girl, and I remember how it was so fancy to get to use them sometimes even though I didn't wear almost any makeup back then. Absolutely a great product for travel, when you need to patch up your makeup from time to time. So excited for this one too.

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Lash Card

Seriously? They make stuff like this? I'm excited to try this, but there's also another trick to prevent clumping,. So, if you use affordable brands, just like me, I don't think this is a very needed product, but for those who use Dior or other more pricey brands, this is a great deal - I guess.

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Académie Crème Veloutée Hydrating Treatment (+ 10eur gift card)

Yet another fun moisturizer (seriously, thanks to LivBox I don't need to buy the big ones as I get new moisturizer every month ;)). This one smells good, is easy to apply, and absorbs well to the skin. This sure is a great addition to my moisturizers.

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Lavera Basis Sensitiv Hand Cream

Deliciously scented moisturizing cream for hands. It includes chamomile, shea butter, and other goods for your skin. This little baby goes straight to my handbag, as my job makes my hands dry up totally and completely. This might just be the savior. It absorbs well and moisturizes the skin instantly.

And, last but certainly not the least:

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Ciaté Mini Paint Pot ♥

A fabulous little Ciaté bottle that I couldn't even find first (it had dug its way to the bottom of the box, under the black shreds) but when I did, I literally yelled with joy. I got a fantastic little shade called Heirloom (nr. 116) and have already an idea how to use that in a manicure. Heirloom is a neat glitter polish, that has very fine glitter in it, and it has a beautiful duochrome effect to it. I'm sure this will get a lot of use, especially when the autumn arrives - but probably already sooner.

So, what do you guys think about the products? Are these new to you, or have you tried them out before? ♥

And to my Finnish readers: Joko sinä olet avannut oman LivBoxisi? Mitä boxistasi löytyi, ja mitä pidit tuotteista? :)

I gotta go now to prepare a dinner before going to work, but I'll be back soon! ;)

Have a beautiful day!

Blog ya later,



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