Makeup Revolution Liphug Review

Hey lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I'm almost leaving the house as I'm typing this, so I hope I won't forget anything. Like I told you yesterday, Today is time for a bit of a makeup review. Some while ago I bought things from Makeup Revolution, but I haven't really talked about them here as I haven't had the chance to try them out and so on. But today, I'm sharing my thoughts on some f their lip products:

Makeup Revolution Liphug

#31DC2015 Half Moons & Galaxy

Hello lovelies! How are you? ♥ This blogging month has been extremely slow because I've had so many other things in life. I have a ton of things I would love to write about, but finding the time can be a bit challenging at times right now. Tomorrow (Friday) I will start another fun weekend with the guys, but I will schedule you something to read while I'm offline. In today's post, I will continue the 31-day challenge from last year, because I still haven't posted all the manis here in the blog.

So let's get started, shall we?

half moon nails

Winter Gear

Hey lovelies! How are you? ♥ This has taken way too long because everything that has been up lately, but I finally have this year's first outfit post for you. Today, I'll show you how I have been bundling up these crazy cold days we've had here in Finland quite a bit lately. In other words, see how my true winter gear looks like!

fur hood

#31DC2015 Geometric & Glitter

Hey lovelies! How has the week started? ♥ I've had such a rollercoaster of emotions today with many things, but everything is well, don't worry. Just life teaching me some perspective. But luckily I have my workout to keep my head straight. Like I've mentioned everywhere, I'm quite passionate about my new routine and definitely want to share it once I get some visible results. (I may have showed a sneak peek today on Instagram - I'm @silvertigo if you don't already follow me there!)

On today's post, I'm sharing two new manicures from the 31-day challenge I did at the end of last year. We're already halfway through the designs, so let's try to get to the end, shall we? 

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My Nail Stash: Blues

Hello lovelies! How are you today? ♥ I've been spending the day fighting flu and gathering vitamins to my body. It feels like my body is getting better, but I'm positive I need to avoid exercise the whole week (lame). I have quite a bit of things planned for this week, including taking the first outfit pics this year - I still haven't, we had other things going on last weekend. But now that the weather seems to be getting more decent, I know I'll be getting pretty snow shots soon. 

In the meantime, I hope you'll like these beauty and food related posts instead. Today, I'm showing you more of my nail polish stash. See my blue polishes below:

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NYE Party

Hey babes! How are you? ♥ Sorry for the lazy schedule at blogging, there's been quite a bit going on in life. I'm trying to figure out a decent schedule for posting in these couple of weeks, so please be patient with me. One thing bumming me out about posting is not having any outfits to post due the combination of cold and dark days and I don't want to just post nail stuff even though I have a lot of those in store. I'm sure it gets better very soon though, as the days get longer. However, today, I'm sharing bits of our NYE party (mainly decorations).

We had such a good time with our friends on New Year's playing games, having drinks and eating unhealthy food. I don't even remember having more fun NYE than we did this time, and I'm so, so grateful for all the people that were there for being amazing. I really don't have much to say about the pictures here that you can't tell by looking at them, so here we go:

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#31DC2015 Flowers & Delicate Print

Hey loves! How are you? ♥ I want to wish you all a happy new year 2016, and I hope it will bring you everything fantastic. I started mine off with nearest and dearest of friends, and I've probably never had as amazing NYE as I did this time. I'll post some pictures later this week, but today, I'm continuing with some last year's nails I didn't have the chance to post before December. As you may remember, we were going through the 31-day nail art challenge and left off with animal print.

Today, we shall continue that with flowers and delicate print:

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Let's be friends in IG!