Spring Bling Fling with AUrate New York

Happy Saturday my lovelies! Today I'm sharing a post I've been excited to plan for you. This one is put together with a company I've worked before, and I will talk about them more at the end of the post, but if you're here just for the fashion part, it's going to be right here at the start. 

So let's get into it.

dress look

Pink And Green Nails

Ready for another nail art design? I know I am. I've actually been surprisingly active on doing my nails lately, I have quite many designs shot for the blog and I'll be somewhat slowly rolling them here for you to see. Don't worry, I do have other content lined up as well in case you're not into the nails that much. I mentioned briefly in the previous one that I'll be sharing some home decor things on Instagram, and I will be sharing them here on the blog as well. Also, I have planned the next 1 Item, 5 Ways for you and I'll be shooting that in a week or so. Can you guess what item I'll be styling?

Anyway, I've blabbered enough now, let's get into the nail art: 

green and pink nails

Red Cherry Lashes Review

Today's post is something I'm very excited about, and it took longer than I thought to create but I believe is better to make it properly right away than have to maybe correct many things so that's why this is up a bit later than I originally planned. Hope you can appreciate that. 

At the beginning of the month, I got contacted by False Lashes UK about possible cooperation. I'm a big fan of lashes, so I thought this would be a good fit for me. I don't do too many sponsored posts or collabs because most I get offered are either not a good fit for the blog/me or they're sounding unreasonable (looking at you, Chinese companies expecting things for 10$...). I know this is still a hobby for me and I do things when I just have a good while, but that's even more reason to be picky about the collabs I take. So even though I received the products here for free, the opinions are my own and unbiased, like if I had bought these with my own money.

But without further blabbering, let's get into the lash try-ons:

red cherry false lashes

Neon Spring Nails

Hello my sweeties! The weekend and today flew by way too fast and I couldn't find the time to sit down and write anything for the blog. However, I am here today with a new post, and will be here tomorrow with another one. I'm having a couple of days off from work so I try to use the time well and get some blogging stuff done ahead so that I won't fall off the routine if things get busy soon as they tend to do in spring. But anyway, let's get into the nails!

china glaze colorful nails

1 Item, 5 Ways - Band Tee

Today, I have another lookbook for you. This time, centering around a classic rock item - a band tee. More specifically, I styled a merch tee from Alia Tempora, metal band from Czech Republic. Their singer Marketa is the ultimate unicorn princess and one of the ladies who inspired me to go colorful with my hair. We've also had some lovely conversations online and I'm patiently waiting for the day I can meet her! (The day is yet unknown but we'll surely meet someday!) If you're into melodic metal, check the band out on YouTube or Spotify, and if you feel like supporting them you can also find their merch here. And no, this isn't sponsored but rather me supporting a friend.

But now, let's get into the lookbook:

band tee plaid shirt

Night Sky Nails (Coewlesspolish Recreation)

Not too long ago, I spotted nails I really wanted to recreate on @coewlesspolish Instagram. Eva is absolutely one of my favorite nail instagrammers, and while most of her designs are too detailed for me to do or even try to do past of them on my mani, this one here looked like something I could do a simple little version of. 

night sky nails

Spring 2019 Capsule Wardrobe

It's time to switch up my closet again. I would've done this earlier, but since even last week we've had a bit of snowstorm and -16-degree weather, I took my sweet time. These capsule wardrobe posts give me a great chance to think about my style and where I want to go with it, as well as if I have things in my closet I won't need anymore, and therefore can upcycle, recycle, give to friends or donate (and in rarer cases, sell). I like playing with my style a little and therefore will probably not have a very small closet in any time soon, but these do help me to see if there are seasonal clothes I won't really wear and therefore shouldn't invest in later on either. And hopefully, these will be an inspiration for you to think about your style and all that. 

capsule wardrobe

Thrifting the Trends - Colorful suits

Today it's time to continue the Thrifting the Trends series. If you're new here, this is the series where I take trends of this spring/summer predicted in the posts here and here and incorporating them into my style by thrifting, DIYing or using things I already have in my closet. The goal of this series is to show you don't always need to buy new things to be on trend and wear what's hot right now. 

And, as I always say, it's better to think style over fashion. You can have an amazing style without following trends and fashion, but trends and fashion never promise to make you look stylish. That being said, I have fun emulating the trends into my looks although that's probably not what I will do too much unless rock chic and/or metal style comes in fashion. 

blue suit office look

Neon Floral Nails

Today, I'm happy to share another nail art design with you! I'm very eager to get into the more colorful designs as it gets towards the spring - although to be honest I think we all know I love wearing my colors on my nails and on my hair for any given time. I'm also very, very tempted to buy the China Glaze spring collection since they have so many beautiful colors in it. In case I do invest in it, expect a post with swatches as well as some designs featuring only them. 

neon floral nails

Copy That Look - Girly White Dress

After a relaxing weekend and a Sunday with me not using much Internet at all apart from streaming series from Netflix and videos from YouTube, it's time to get back into the blogging grind. After yesterday I feel so energetic and ready for the challenges of the week, and I did already tackle challenging things at work earlier today. Which feels so rewarding and I'd like to continue that feeling throughiut this week by completing things on my list both at home and at work. Don't know what it is about this week but I feel really good. Anyway, let's get into the post, shall we?

pleated dress

Key Lime Pie (Easy & Gluten-Free!)

Happy International Women's Day! Today is a good time to share this recipe in case you want to bake something for the occasion - or you know, just really want something sweet. This was surprisingly easy even though I was nervous about making the meringue. If you just focus on what the recipe says, you can do this too.

meringue pie

Tropical Leaf Nails

Since we're on the spring months already, it's only fitting I start posting spring nails as well. So today, we'll start off with these tropical nails I did a little while back. Also, as we speak, I have some nail supplies waiting for me in the post office and I will be picking those up tomorrow. That may make it into a little post or at least an Instagram story unboxing. But before that, let's get into these nails.

leaves nails

Thrifting The Trends - Lace

Hello March. The month I'm going to not be eating meat or chicken. I'm hoping that would give a boost towards my summer body, not necessarily by losing weight but certainly by making me feel lighter, even less bloated and all that jazz. More on that once we get more into this month, as currently it's only been two days. 

Anyway, today's post is another installment to the Thrifting The Trends series. If you're new here, this is a series where I take trends and colors from a Vogue article here and Pantone color trend report here and create outfits based on them by thrifting, using my existing clothes and DIYing. The goal is to show that everyone can wear the trends in normal life, it just takes adjusting the things you see on the catwalks into your own wardrobe. And it is actually much easier than one would think. 

I promise.

lace look office

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