Sunday Nail Inspiration

Hey everyone!

How are you? Have you had a fun weekend?

I have, though once again it's been rainy. Well, that just means movies, candies, new manicures, little crafting... All sorts of nice things. I also tried out these "just add water" kind of cupcakes - I'm writing about the experience later. ;)

Today I felt like I should just post something very light, because, after all, it's Sunday. 

I've spent the day watching Formula 1, playing with Instagram (who else admits being hooked?) and shopping. I found 2 cute tops, earrings, and 2 nail polishes, but didn't photograph them because they were so basic. Saves you many precious seconds in loading time. Hehe.

Anyway, I'll keep my babbling short this time around, I can totally do that in the future posts more than my share, hehe. So, let's move on to the real point.


31-day Manicure Challenge 

#22, Inspired by a song

For this, I just really, really wanted to use some glittery polish, so then I remember one of my favorite artists has a great song to use as an inspiration. I don't know if this interprets to anyone as I thought it in my head, but my inspiration was Pink's Glitter In the Air.



They're not perfect, but I really loved the gradient blue base, and the glitter polish on top (Rimmel #500, Disco Ball) look very gorgeous in real life - the photos don't do justice to it.

#23, Inspired by a movie

I had seen some amazing Spiderman designs around the web, and after seeing the new Spiderman movie, I knew these were the movie nails I had to create. This is actually a recreation of someone else's design, so if they look familiar to some, that's why. This was one of the most fun manicures of this challenge, and even though these aren't perfect, I loved them a lot. (And so did my fiance!)




#24, Inspired by a book

Now, those who know me, might say there's only really one choice for this. Harry Potter. I'm a huge fan of the series, so I just had to do related nails. ;) I'm not really used to painting on my nail with a nail art brush, so I knew this was going to be a challenge. But for the first ever try, they're not that bad.




So, here are the manicures for this time. I hope you liked them, and I promise you, I have lots of more to show to you in future posts. ;)

Now it's your time to state your opinion. Did you like these manicures, and which one is your favorite? ♥

I'm having kind of a hectic week, starting tomorrow, so I'm sorry in advance if I'm slow with answering to your comments, commenting on your posts, or posting altogether. I need to focus on the schoolwork as it's the last week of this period, and there are deadlines, exams, and four work shifts instead of the usual three.

I'm gonna be so tired on Friday.

Hope you'll have a fabulous week!

Blog ya later,




  1. I love the glittery one <3 The others look fun too!

    1. It came out more pretty than I imagined, and I wish the pictures would show how lovely that glitter is in real life ♥ Thanks honey!

  2. I love every look! You have an amazing talent!

    1. Aww, thank you so much, hon! ♥ It's nice to know these look good to others, I spend so much time creating them & learning techniques :D

  3. Your nails are always the best. I wish we lived closer to each other so you could do mine every week. Ha! I could be your guinea pig so you could try all the newest styles on me. That would be divine.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

    1. That would be so fun! Because, to be honest, there's not enough "canvas" on my own nails :D Yes, I confess, I'm an addict ;)

  4. great nail designs!
    i too am a sucker for hp :)
    your spiderman ones turned out great!
    love your blog, doll! following now! :)
    would love if you checked out my blog sometime!

    1. Thank you hon! ♥ I think I already followed your blog - it's so divine - but I'll make sure I really did right away! ♥

  5. I am amazed by the wonderful nails you always create and how fun they always are.
    Have a wonderful love filled week dear!

    1. Aww, thank you! ♥ With all these positive comments, how could I not feel loved? ♥

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, they're pretty neat, aren't they? ♥

  7. It's official. You are a nail art genius!! I love ALL of these. I'm having a hard time choosing a favorite. I think it's a toss up between Spiderman and Harry Potter. Because those look SO DIFFICULT to do. Amazing. :)

    1. Aww, thank you Jennifer! ♥ They were complicated, to say the least :D

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, A ♥ I've always enjoyed drawing and painting, but as I don't have a proper time or place for that, I do my nails ;)

  9. i keep my eyes for a couples of minutes checking out the details on your spidy manicure. its so cute

    just me,

    1. Hehe, I'm glad you liked it :) Thank you ♥

  10. I spent my sunday watching Formula 1 and becoming more obsessed with Instagram too! I'm following you back as well.

    I love all three nails. The blue ones look amazing.

    1. We have so much in common, hun. Are you as excited about the Austin GP this year as I am? ;) Thank you for the love, here as well as on the other platforms ♥ You rock, girl!

  11. OMG the hogwarts nail art is sooo cute <3

    anyway mind to follow each other? just let me know :D
    please kindly visit my blog at

    1. Thank you, love! ♥ I will visit your blog and let you know :)

  12. I have to learn how to do it .... you need to do a menu or something..
    great post :)

    come visit

    1. I will start doing more tutorials, so many have asked me to do so :D Thanks for the suggestion ♥ I will definitely visit your blog!

  13. Johanna, you are GIFTED doll! You always blow me away with your nails. I just look at them on instagram and shake my head at your talented. Love those blue glittery sparkly nails and spiderman set. You did an excellent job! Concentrate on your school work. That's important! We'll always be here doll :)

    1. Thank you, love! ♥ I love learning new nail art techniques, and maybe one day I'll get an education that allows me to do other people's nails as well ;) I will definitely concentrate on the school stuff, I just wrote a scheduled post that frees me from thinking about blogging for a couple of days ;)

  14. Upeat nuo ekat kynnet, my favourites ! ^^ Harry Potteritkin tosi hauskat, ihanat. me katottiin eilen Azkabanin vanki, hauska pitää Harry leffailtoja miehen kanssa nyt kun on koko sarja omana ^^ Ihan erilaista kattoo tällein parin päivän tai viikon välein kuin silloin aikoinaan, yksi per vuosi tai niin pois päin :D

    Indie by heart

    1. Henkilökohtaisesti rakastan niitä leffoja ihan mielettömästi! Mua vaan harmittaa ettei 3.-6. leffaa oo tehty samalla intensiteetillä kun ekoja ja viimeisiä :) Kiva että tykkäilit kynsistä! ♥

  15. Your nail art is always on point.. soo cool.. xx


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xoxo ♥

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