Sequin Cross Top

Hi peeps!

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving/Black Friday/weekend? ♥

I sure have. It's been one of those weekends that are purely made out of relaxing and watching sports. It was the final F1 race of the year, and it was so much fun. Though I wish it would've rained more. But at least Sebastian Vettel won the championship, which is pretty awesome.

Anyway, now I can fully commit to schoolwork on weekends. At least, almost.

Still interested how my shopping ban is going? I haven't bought a single makeup, clothing, nail art or other "superficial" item since starting the ban. I do admit ordering a Star Wars blu-ray box for us, as well as placing a quite massive order to MUA Cosmetics, but as entertainment doesn't count - and I had promised the MUA 35% sale for myself weeks before the ban, I don't think it's that much cheating.

As many of you have spent the past few days with your families, I thought it would be nice to share some photos from the last time we visited my parents. Not quite Thanksgiving, but I think this comes close enough.

I think my parents have the best feel-good snacks ever, and I think most of my love for food comes straight from them.


Last time we went to visit them, this was the table that was set up just for us. I was practically jumping with joy when I saw this, too many delicious things at once!



Cheese, fruit, nuts... My food heaven.


And of course, couple of glasses sparkling wine. My favorite as well. My parents were laughing a bit when I was taking pictures of everything, but like always, they were very supportive.


There's simply nothing better than spending the weekend with loved ones - and good food. That weekend also included a fierce match of Trivial Pursuit, where me and mom were the top dogs. And I won, but mostly because there was so many video games questions. (Which I know, but mom doesn't.) All in all, it was a super fun and relaxing weekend.

And here's one of my outfits for that weekend. I was still thinking the weather is warm enough for not wearing jeans or such - which it kinda wasn't - so I opted for long top, blazer and tights.









Sequin cross top: c/o BlueInc
Blazer: H&M
Bag: Mango
Rings: Gina Tricot
Earring: JC
Necklace: Accessorize

A simple outfit, where I was using top as a dress, and just threw a blazer on top, and thought that's an outfit. I love, love, love the sequined top, it's so very cool - and can be combined with many things. I had been looking for similar for quite a while, and was glad to find one from BlueInc in very affordable price. There's also other cool items, which I'm hoping to buy once my ban is over. ;) Also, the shoes here are on for the very first time, though I bought them, like, in August. They were surprisingly comfy to walk in, and I can tell you'll be seeing more of these babies later.

What are your thoughts about this outfit? And, how would you wear sequins this season? 

As we are now talking about holidays, especially Thanksgiving, I wanted to share these fun facts about the Black Friday (and the shopping part of it) with you. (Which is more than suitable as I'm in shopping ban, and study business, both of which make to think finance stuff quite a lot.)

Did you know...?

womenspersonalfinance net black friday infographic v2 Womens Black Friday Infographic

So it's quite amazing how much we women spend on holiday shopping - Black Friday being only one example of many. Kinda baffling, right? 

Anyway, I need to go get some things done before going to sleep, so I think it's good to stop here for this post. I'll be posting again in a couple of days - and it'll be nails, so if you like that, stay tuned!

I wish a fabulous start of the week for everyone - can you believe it's nearly December? ♥ 

Blog ya later,




  1. Your parent really know how to make a great dinner , the table is beautifully set and it is always great to get to play Trivial with parents, they are so funny.
    I like the shoes a lot and its a lovely choice of an outfit!
    What is with your hair here? look longer and I like it of course.
    Thank you dear for Today, I will fill you in on facebook.

    1. Thank you sweetie - I really find my parents awesome ;) I'm wearing my hair, both own and extensions, straightened here, which is unusual for me. But it makes a whole lot of difference, doesn't it? ♥

  2. Wasn't the final race so amazing!? I couldn't take my eyes off the TV.
    I love your sequins top (I'm wearing sequins on the blog today too). The top looks amazing.

    1. I know, it was pretty exciting till the last minutes! I need to check out your blog to see how you rock sequins ;) ♥

  3. Aww, looks like you had a lovely weekend with the family, your pictures have definitely given me some serious food cravings ha.
    I keep deluding myself that it's warm enough to leave the house in a dress/skirt and tights, but I always end up freezing ha :/ xx

    1. Haha, I'm always like that when others post food pictures :D Glad to know I'm not the only one freezing herself out there - but then again, maybe we should both try to know better when going outside ;D

  4. Aww, thank you so much, Janice! I will definitely visit you back ♥

  5. yum! what a spread!!! and i am totally loving your hair in these photos, Johanna!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  6. Hieno paljettitoppi!


  7. Great weekend!, the pictures are amazing!!, i love your sequin top !!
    I have a giveaway in my blog ! :)

  8. Happy Cyber Monday!

    That cheese platter looks amazing. And to think my parents just sit out a plate of Twinkies around this time of year >.<

    1. Thanks dear :) Haha, I'd be happy with "just" Twinkies as well, as long as I had my loved ones with me ♥

  9. it looks like a great thanksgiving you had, love your sequin top, and haha the facts about black friday is pretty awesome, I guess for me I would buy clothes and electronics too, so I'm in the norm!

    1. Well, this wasn't exactly Thanksgiving, but anyway. :D I would totally be in the norm when it comes to Black Friday, if we were to have that here in Finland. :)

  10. Your top is gorgeous. Thanks for posting the stats. I'm bewildered by this Black Friday phenomenon, and find it incredibly interesting as a marketing major. Nice blog though, would you like to follow each other?


    1. I know how you feel, I'm studying business myself - and marketing interests me quite a lot. :) I'll visit your blog soon! ♥

  11. johanna, i love that table spread! those candles really make for nice ambiance. those are some interesting black friday statistics! hahaha i didn't know some of that. love your outfit! love that sequined top underneath.

    1. Thank you, lovely! ♥ I love candles and candlelight so, so much myself ♥

  12. Star Warsiin saa kyllä tuhlata, jopa shoppailulakon aikana ♥

    1. Jep, se on sen verran klassikko. Ja ennen kaikkea koska mun miehekäs ei niitä oe nähnyt - voitko kuvitella - niin olihan ne pakko laittaa tilaukseen lakosta huolimatta. :D ♥


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xoxo ♥

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