Fishbraid vs. Glitter (and few more serious thoughts)

Hi lovelies!

How are you all doing? :)

I've been spending a super fun weekend with the boys, we went to an amusement park (yay for road trips), played video games, and even went to couple of bars. Loads of fun, and the weather was very much on our side. I even got a little tan - and that never happens. Never.

I got many great photos from the trip, but more on that later. Today, I have nail art for you - so, enjoy!

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You know how I like to try out new things? Well, this was one of those. I had never done fishbraid nails before, so last month I finally thought it's about time I tried it out. This is a very easy design to do, so if you want to try something new on your nails, try this. I'm sure anyone will manage on this. (Though, the first time might be a bit messy.)

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The polishes I used for this were China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy, IsaDora Silver Sparkles and Ciate Headliner. I personally really liked the color combination, and would absolutely use those color together again!

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The other manicure is a kind of a mix thing, with a metal accent nail, glitter, and neon base.

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The polishes used here are China Glaze Surfin' For Boys, IsaDora Silver Sparkles, and Essie Set In Stones. The hexagon is from a nail art store, I have a jar of them and no idea how to use them.

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This is not one of my personal favorites, but good enough to let it see the light of day here on the blog. Sorry for the messy cleanup, and the already chipped thumb. That doesn't look so nice. :(

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So, which one of these is your favorite? :)

Lastly, I would like to say few words about the sudden death of the Glee star Cory Monteith. Many of you out there might know I'm a fan of the show, and I was shocked to wake up this morning to hear the tragic news from my boyfriend. It's a huge loss for the Glee crew, the fans, and of course for everyone who knew him. The most tragic thing, I think, is that the man was supposed to get married with Lea Michele (co-star on Glee) within 2 weeks or so. Can't imagine the pain Lea is in.

So go hug your friends, family, co-workers, everyone you love/care for. Share the love while you still can, and make the most of your time on this planet. Life is one fragile miracle. Use it well. Don't waste your time on being mean, bullying someone, calling names. Life is too short for that.

I know it seems very stupid to be in tears because of some random TV star, but he was so young - only 31 years old - and had so much in store for him. It seems unfair that it was his time to go. I hope he has peace now.

Have a great day, everyone. Live, love, and laugh. ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. The turquoise and pink in the first design look so amazing!

    1. Thank you, I really liked them together, too! ♥

  2. I love both nails they both appeal to me the first one is chic while the second is did a great job with both nails.

  3. I like both nails and I also feel so shocked today about this tragic lost.
    I pray for strength to his family, friends and love ones!

    1. Thanks! I know, I've been pretty shocked too. Can't imagine what it's like.

  4. Pretty nails ^^~ RIP Cory :( so sad and I can't imagine Lea's devastation.

    Join my International giveaway with prizes from various brand. Click here ;)
    Karina Dinda R. ♥

    1. Thank you Karina! I'm so sad for Lea, too. It must be so hard to lose a soul mate. :/

  5. I am in LOVE with fishtail braid manis! This one is so perfect - the trio of colors you chose is gorgeous!! :)

    1. Thank you Erika! :) Glad you like them! ♥

  6. Nice nail arts! :) You have a nice blog. Would you like to follow each other? Let me know in my blog and I’ll follow right away. : )

    XX, IamJenniya

    1. Thank you Jenniya! I'll visit your blog soon ;)


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