Casual Grey

Hey guys!

How are you all today? ♥

As the October has begun, it really feels like Autumn here. The weather gets colder, the days are grey, and the air feels amazingly fresh. What I love about Autumn is that I can finally start layering clothes again and also I can wear scarves, hats, boots and gloves. That feels good.

Also, I will start an annual tradition that I will call No Buy October. That means, I will not buy anything that I don't actually need. Mostly, that means clothes, shoes, accessories, nail art stuff and makeup - but I also try to save on other things as well. I think it's good for everyone to sometimes have a longer period of time when you focus on whole lot of other things than shopping. And it's also good environmentally, as you don't support buying new stuff all the time.

I don't consider myself a shopaholic, but I do think I would manage without so much stuff. And, this kind of months will allow me to learn the art of making my own clothes and other DIY projects. So, I'm positive I'll be posting that kind of stuff here soon enough. :)

Today, however, it's time for another outfit post. It feels kinda weird posting a summery outfit like this when you can't consider a similar outfit even for a few minutes if you're going outside now. It's under 10 degrees Celsius now (not that freezing still, though) so knits and jeans are a great uniform at the moment.

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Very casual little look, I totally love the shorts here. And that shirt is super comfy!

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To see this manicure in better shape, check out this post!
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Shorts: Gina Tricot Shirt: Cubus Ballet flats: SkoPunkten Beanie: KalPa shop Rings: Gina Tricot, JC, H&M Necklace: Gina Tricot

This is the kind of outfit I usually like to wear when hanging out with the boys or going shopping or such. I'm not the girliest girl, but I don't mind that, personally.

So, what do you think about the outfit? And, do you ever decide to have the kind of shopping bans like I'm having at the moment? Share your thoughts in comments! ♥

Now, me and my fiance are about to go and test drive the new-ish ice cream shop they opened recently in Koskikeskus here in Tampere. But, more on that later!

Have a fabulous day ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Cool idea. I'll definitely commit into No Buy November!

    1. That's so nice to hear, Macy! It's refreshing, when you don't think about buying new stuff for a whole month. It's actually good for anyone's shopping behavior. I did this last year too (don't remember the month, though) and really liked it, so I'm doing it again this year. ♥

  2. It is a lovely outfit and I like your nails so so much!

    1. Thank you so much honey! The nails look pretty good here too even if they have taken some damage on the decorations :D ♥

  3. love your blouse and shorts! you look stunning <3

    Letters To Juliet

  4. I like the idea of no buy October. I might have to do it with you. And such a lovely outfit. I love the print on the shorts.

    1. Yay! I really recommend trying it out. It's not actually hard, and it saves up money for better things, like a night out with friends or such :) ♥

  5. Aww, thanks a lot Kathy! I'll make sure to visit your blog, too! ♥

  6. Gah! Johanna, your jewelry is incredible! And I love the way your nails match your outfit - such a gorgeous look! :)

  7. Upeita koruja! :) Vai pitäiskö munkin kommentoida englanniksi niin en pomppaisi joukosta haha? :D

    1. Hih, kiitti! Ja ei sen väliä kommentoiko suomeksi vai englanniksi, molemmat on yhtä hyviä :D ♥

  8. The shorts are so stylish!

  9. Love your bracelets and rings, dear!!


  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Francesca, that's big, coming from you, as you always rock your fab accessories! ♥

  11. you look sooo darling, I love the accessories!

  12. Thank you so much, Sharena! ♥

  13. Yeah the no buy is definitely tough, but I think you can do it :) I too think I got too much junk at home, all the clusters!

    1. I know how you feel, I'm the same! But probably no buy will inspire me to get rid off unnecessary stuff ;) ♥

  14. good luck , Johanna! :) I love all the greys in this outfit-- especially your nails!

    1. Thank you Laura, I'm sure I can do it :) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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