Hello, Helmer!

Hey guys!

I hope your week has started off well ♥

Mine sure has, I've been doing preparations for future blog posts, caught up with last week's TV shows, and just chilled out. And of course, there was a work shift, which is why I'm writing this post so late at night.

But what I wanted to share with you my Sunday night activity, which this time was:

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Yep, that's right. I reorganized my polish stash and the tools into this pretty little thing. This Helmer drawer is by IKEA, and it is pretty popular for storing nail polish and stuff. It would hold few hundred bottles - depending on the shape and size of the bottles. I don't have quite that many yet, but I thought I'd get all my nail-related stuff neatly in it.

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....though, I guess anything is neat compared to this. The shoe boxes worked for a long while, but as they are overflowing and in heavy use, it was time to move on.

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And so, as I had seen some of my favorite nail artists do, I decided to mark my bottles so that I can see what they are, looking at them straight above. For marking, I used clear reinforcement stickers - though I think white, simple round ones would've been better - as they were the best ones I had in hand at the time.

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I took as many stickers as I have nail polishes, and started painting the stickers. Then, I let them dry completely.

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After the stickers were dry, I added them on top of the caps of my polishes. Then, they were ready to move to their new home.

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And, this morning, I finally could label the drawers, and next, I will now show you what they contain.

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The drawer found it's place on my sewing corner, where it also serves as a stand for our little black radio.

Let's take a look inside, shall we?

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First drawer from up: special polishes (top coats, base coats, etc.), Essie, China Glaze and my only O.P.I.

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Second drawer: Rest of my polishes, Ciaté, Mavala, IsaDora etc.

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Third drawer: Stamping and painting equipment. This means, dotting tools, brushes, stamping plates and so on.

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Fourth drawer: Tools, swatches, removers. Here are the basic stuff I need for taking care of my nails - even if I wouldn't paint my nails. So here are my files, buffers, and other that kind of stuff.

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Fifth drawer: Tapes and stickers. If it has glue added already, it sure can be found here. Now, you see that colorful tape holder? Here's why I have it:

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If you, like me, like to use striping tape for your manicures, I recommend this tip warmly. It keeps things organized, neat, and easy to use. No more digging for the end of the tape with freshly painted nails! ;)

Last but not least:

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Sixth drawer, glitter and glam. Here's where I can find all my shiny little things that I use to top off the manicures.

So, what do you guys think about my new drawer? And, would you maybe like to see an updated (detailed) post about all the nail art stuff? Let me know in the comments!

Now, this girl needs some sleep - and maybe a warm beverage before that. But later this week, I'll be posting about a visit to an old military scene, another outfit post, and of course, more nail art. And, something new is coming up on Saturday. ;) Stay tuned!

Have a fabulous week ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Näyttää ihan mielettömän hyvältä! Ihana uus banneri myös :)

    1. Kiitos ihanuus ♥ Koitetaan ens kuussa ehtiä näkemään ;)

  2. I do the same things with those circular stickers with my polish! You have so many nail implements!

    1. That's so handy! I wonder why I haven't done it before. And yeah, I have bought almost too much, haha :D ♥

  3. oh my goodness, now that is a serious collection! Fabulous post, love. If you get a second, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest post. xo


    1. Thank you! I will definitely check yours out, love! ♥

  4. Vau sulla on kyllä aivan älyttömänsti kynsijuttuja! No se oli kyllä arvattavissa ku paljon olet niitä kynsiä laitellutkin:D Tuo olin laatikko näyttää ihanalta, kaikkea pientä timanttia sun muuta♥

    1. Haha, joo :D Niitä on "vähän" kertynyt. Mutta tietäisitpä sen listan mikä mulla on niistä lakoista jotka vielä haluaisin :D Ja noi timantit on kyllä ihan must, en vois kuvitellakaan tekeväni kynsijuttuja ilman että joskus lisää noita joukkoon ;) ♥

  5. Oi että, aivan mahtava idea! Aina pitää nostella lakkapurkkeja että näkee minkä sävyisen haluaa, tuo on kyllä huippukikka ^^ Plus sulla on kyllä nyt aivan mahtava säilytyskaappikin kaikille kynsijutuille * kade * ♥

    Indie by heart

    1. No siihen minäkin kyllästyin ja onneks muistin nähneeni ton kikan jossain päin nettiä :) Noitahan saa Ikeasta (ja ihania on varmaan kirppiksilläkin) jos kovasti kuumottelee kunnon säilytystapa ;) ♥

  6. It all looks so organised. I love the idea of putting the coloured stickers on the lid.

    1. Thank you, it is so well organized now that it's actually calming to look at it. And the stickers make it easier to choose than the bottles, because you can see the finish there (glittery, shiny, matte, etc.) ♥

  7. Looks great! I love organizing posts! xoxo -Taj

  8. It's beautiful to see all your nailpolish, bruches and stuff ! You're a real artist and professional !


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xoxo ♥

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