Military Things

Heya babes!

How are you all today? ♥

I've been extremely lazy, I had planned a thing or two I should do today, but somehow it's nine o'clock in the night and I haven't done anything. Oh well. Of course I did clean my laptop so that it works better now and watched a movie with my man, but other than that, I've been just chilling. I guess that's good for me, though. Tomorrow, I seriously need to get a grip, haha!

Anyway, today I wanted to share photos from a day that we got to visit an old military landmark in Pori. I'm a very untypical girl in a way, because I like to see old things, buildings, guns, military things and so on. I guess I like trying to broaden my mind in a way (even though I many times get carried away by the gruesome beauty of a venue, so much so that I don't actually remember many facts about them). So here you can see my snapshots of the old artillery weapon we got to visit some time ago. I'm sorry I can't really tell you much about it - I was too focused on photography to actually pay attention to the introduction much.

I promise to try and post prettier things later this week, don't worry!

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Doors that made even me feel like a tall person!

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Itsy Bitsy Spider....

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Jacket: H&M Knit: Mango Leather shorts: H&M Boots: KooKenkä Bag: Boohoo Belt: Gina Tricot Scarf: Gina Tricot Earrings: Bik Bok

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Now, I knew these things are big, but somehow I didn't realize exactly how big. Wow.

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This guy had a better fashion day than me! I was impressed by this themed look, very nice. Medals and all, and he really knew his weapons.

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I don't know how normal this is, but I really think big knives and swords are beautiful. Especially the old ones that truly are handmade. I admire the skills with which people can actually create weapons/tools like that. Now, before someone sees me as a psycho or a serial killer or whatever, I admire the objects, not what they have been made for. Don't get confused. ;)

So, a little different post this time, but I think next one will be more traditional outfit post. But, what do you guys think about this post? ♥

Now, it's time for me to get some tea, and then sleep, so I can get my postcrossing things sorted out in the morning. ;)

Have a lovely day! ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Love the post! very original.....

  2. This looks like such an interesting way to spend the day, Johanna - I love the history of everything featured. And your outfit...exquisite! You look so incredible!!


    1. Thanks love, I love the history stuff, though, like said, sometimes I remember the places, not so much the story. Not that there was that much story to that gun. :) ♥

  3. u look so hot babe

    My blog here

  4. Great photos girl! It looks like you had a great time. I love your outfit too. :)

  5. Thank you! I'll check your blog out now :) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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