Plaid and such

Hi everyone!

How are you all doing? ♥

I can't believe how quickly the days go by, I seem to have no extra time for anything! But luckily today, I finally found a whole hour just for typing. I'm just getting the hang of how to arrange my days so that I get everything done efficiently and so that I also have enough energy and concentration for everything I do. Yay!

I don't usually like blabbering about the weather, but I must say that today is coldest in a long time (-10 degrees Celsius, but getting warmer), and I'm officially decided to pack my summer shoes and clothes in to the back of the closets, and take out the winter stuff. Of course, they say the weather will get warmer in couple of days, but who knows, right?

Anyone else finding the weather terribly cold now? Anyone?

Anyway, today's photos were taken couple of weeks ago when it was a bit warmer than now, and I could actually pose without a jacket. We shall see how I arrange this kind of photos during the winter, I guess I need to try and create a mini studio or something, haha.

Here's also some music for you to turn to play in the background from one of my favorite female singers:

Avril Lavigne - Rock N Roll

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With this look, I was kind of playing with the grunge trend, not going full grunge, but still. I don't (yet) own a pair combat boots, and didn't feel like sneakers, so I went for biker boots. And naturally, some leather, plaid and ripped jeans just had to be combined.

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Jacket: H&M Scarf: Gina Tricot Bag: Boohoo

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Plaid shirt: second hand T-shirt: from a Linkin Park gig Jeans: Gina Tricot/DIY Biker boots: eBay Necklace: Gina Tricot Belt: Gina Tricot Stud bracelet: Europehouse The other bracelet: Gina Tricot Earrings: Bik Bok

So that kind of look today. One of my personal favorites this year, and definitely something I'd like to wear more.The jeans are the best part of it for me, I get that for some, they look trashy, but I personally like them all ripped up (lol) for this kind of outfit. And again, my bright red lipstick makes an appearance.

What do you guys think about this look? ♥

Well, I better be off now to photo some stuff and also to get some closet rearranging done. But I'll be back as soon as I can, I have loads to post to you!

Have a lovely day, sweeties!

Blog ya later,




  1. you look great dear. :) And I love the bracelets. :)

    Visit my blog: I AM JENNIYA.

  2. You look divine and yes I am finding it very cold and it is already snowing here in Munich!

    1. Thank you so much! Don't freeze there, love!! :D I understand how Munich might feel cold to you, but trust me, it's even worse up here. :D ♥

  3. Your ripped jeans look so cool! I love the plaid too. Plaid has a nice autumn feel to it.

    1. It really does have that :) And thank you dear, I love the jeans as well! ♥

  4. ooh you look great and I like those jeans. It's freaking cold here this morning I spent 25 minutes shovelilng snow off my driveway lol

    1. Thank you! ♥ Wow, that sounds like a lot of snow!! :D

  5. Wow, thank you so much Terry! I will check that out! :) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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