Rainy Day ♥

Hey everyone!

Happy Friday ♥

Last night, we drove to my parents' to spend the weekend (and Father's Day, that here is on Sunday) here with loved ones. Tomorrow, we're seeing some friends and my cousin, who's going to do my makeup again - so fun! :) Pictures of that will follow later. ;)

Today, however, I have another outfit for you. For this look, I had a pair of unworn boots that have been in my closet for many months. (oh yeah, you read it right, for many months.) Luckily, I found them and they got in use.

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It doesn't really show in the pics, but it was really raining that day. Luckily I could place my photographer under a shed so that only one of us had to face the weather while shooting. :D

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The dress here is way older than I dare to admit, but it has been one of my key items when I was in high school, I totally loved it. And it still fits! Not bad. :D

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A detail that doesn't really show in pictures, but what I wanted to show you anyway, as I liked it so much.

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The boots. Such a lovely pair of chocolate colored suede boots, and I had practically forgotten I had them. Bad me.

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Dress: Only (old as heck) Leggings: Boohoo Bag: Boohoo Necklace: Gina Tricot Cropped jacket: VILA Neon top: Gina Tricot Beanie: Cubus Boots: Boohoo Bracelet: Boohoo Umbrella: Mango

I didn't know that having an umbrella along would actually make it into such nice photos. I mean, sure, with professional models, but I didn't think I would have a clue how to work with extra items. Thank goodness these ones turned out alright.

What do you guys think about this look? ♥

Now, I need to go get myself ready for the night - we're going to meet my cousin T and her boyfriend after a long while and I'm so, so excited to see them. And, like I said, tomorrow it's time to play a face model - more about that later!

Have a lovely weekend! ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. great styling and I want your umbrella!!!

    1. Hehe, check your nearest Mango store, they might have nice ones! ;) ♥

  2. ohhm soo cute!!

  3. your beanie is adorable! and I really LOVE that umbrella! So cute!

  4. I love your rainy day outfit. It's so perfect. Your boots are the coolest!

    1. Thanks love! Can you believe I forgot I had them? :D ♥

  5. cool style!

    Enter my giveaway! http://alovelystyle.blogspot.com.es/2013/11/sorteogiveaway-50-lumo.html

  6. Nice rainy outfit really :P I love your legging as well!
    The bf beanie style is great! Xx


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xoxo ♥

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