Skulls vs. Plaid ♥

Hey honeys!

How are you all today? ♥

Sorry for the couple days' silence, I've been way too busy to bother to open the laptop - as I wouldn't have had the time to compose a proper post, I rather write less but well than loads but not with any thought. I hope you understand.

However, today I really wanted to share two new nail designs with you. Some of you might have seen these already in Facebook or moreover on Instagram, but as many of you are probably not familiar with these already, here you go:

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I didn't really dress up for Halloween this year, but as I got the new stamping plates earlier this autumn, I really wanted to do these sort of pirate themed nails.

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I used China Glaze White On White as a base, and stamped the skull things on thumbs and ring fingers with black Konad special polish. The rosary print was done by a small dotting tool and the color used was Essie Licorice. The little cross on the end of it was painted with a thin brush. The bigger crosses on pinkies were simply done with striping tape, and then I added two black rhinestones to the index fingers.

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The funny thing about these nails is that they really show how rusty my stamping skills are. Of course I could've done this so many times that I finally got the stamp straight, but I hate wasting polish so I figured it's good enough. I promise I will learn that skill again, though!

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Personally I liked this mani a lot, surely mostly because I'm such a fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies (I mean, who doesn't love Jack Sparrow?). And as I didn't have a costume, I was happy that at least my nails did have. ;)

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The other mani is more colorful, this one was inspired by the plaid trend that's been going on this autumn. I don't have that much plaid in my closet, so again, I let my nails have fun instead. (You know, like they actually had feelings and seriously wanted to be trendy. lol.)

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The polishes used were China Glaze Roguish Red, China Glaze Crimson and Kiss nail art pen on white. The black isn't actually black as my fellow nail enthusiasts might realize, but instead it is a super dark red. I thought it's nicer for this design than an actual black polish.

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I do realize that many might have done this perfect and smooth and all, but taken that the inspiration was actually mostly the plaid shirts my fiance has in his closet, I thought that it would be totally cool even if there were "flaws" within the design. Though I also get it if it just makes them look sloppy to you, it really depends what you like.

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Definitely not on my own personal favorites list, but they were fun to make and they can sort of be an inspiration (hey, someone out there might actually make the perfect ones after seeing these!) so I thought that they were worth sharing. This is also what happens even to me when I use a technique or draw/paint something I haven't practiced much/at all. This was done with the help of a striping tape, but with lacking the patience a bit and having somewhat bad light. Anyways, no excuses, I just didn't bring my a-game while doing these. I might have to give these another shot later.

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So here are the two manis today, both very different from the other but with not that different color palette.

What do you think about these designs? And, what are you wearing on your nails today? ♥

I'm off now to get some sleep, I have planned much of blog prepping for tomorrow so I really hope I can get up pretty early to get things done before work!

Have a fabulous day! ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. I really like the pirate-inspired nails! Cool design!


    Erin @

  2. Noi valkoset kynnet on iha tosi mageeet !!

    1. Kiitos paljon, itsekin tykkään niistä kovasti :) ♥

  3. The skull ones look so cool! I wish I could do them.

    1. Thank you! I'll be happy to do those for you any time! :) ♥

  4. OMG I LOVE the plaid for the holidays - it is perfect! You are like the master of nail art, Johanna!!


    1. Aww, that's so nice of you honey! ♥ Thank you!!

  5. Fantastic piece of art, Johanna.
    Happy weekend.

    1. Thank you dear! Have a fabulous start for the new week as well! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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