New Years' Party Idea: Cocktail Party ♥

Hi there lovelies!

How are you today? ♥

The New Year's Eve is creeping closer, and if you still don't know what kind of party to throw - or what to serve drinkwise, I'm here to help you out.

Last weekend, our friend J was visiting and boys and I had decided that we would go on and try out a bunch of different drinks. So in a way, we had our own cocktail party. Minus the fancy outfits. That gave me an idea to photograph the drinks we tried, and to share the recipes with you in case you wanna try them out. Unfortunately I don't really have non-alcoholic options in this post, but I promise I will share that kind of recipes here as well when I find good ones. ;)

Note: Always remember to drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, don't drink when you're a minor, and all the other stuff you lot probably know already. I'm sorry if this post offends anyone by any measure because I mention drinks here and all, that's not my intention at all. I just want to share something me and my friends liked for the holiday season.

So here are some cocktails totally approved by me and the boys, all of them are reasonably easy to make, though on couple of ones we kind of took our own route as we didn't have the exact items available - and I don't own a shaker so some drinks have ice even if they aren't supposed to, but don't mind that. The ones marked with an asterisk (*) are claimed to be classic cocktails (therefore, one can count them as common knowledge, right?).

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Christmas Cocktail*

1 serving
1 sugar cube
drop of brandy
dollop of cold cranberry juice
cold champagne
(few raspberries on top)

1. Place the sugar cube on the bottom of a chilled champagne glass.
2. Add brandy and let soak. Then add the cranberry juice.
3. Right before serving, pour in the champagne and add one or two raspberries as a decoration.

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1 serving
2 cl (0,7 oz) pear schnapps
cold pear cider
slice of pear or cherry

1. Pour the schnapps into a cold champagne glass and add slowly the pear cider.
2. Decorate with the cherry.

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Blue Lagoon

1 serving
2 cl (0,7 oz) blue curaçao
2 cl (0,7 oz) vodka
drop of fresh lemon juice

1. Take a high ball glass or a cocktail glass, and pour in first the curaçao and then the vodka.
2. Add in the lemon juice and then as much Sprite as you wish.

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1 serving
6 cl (2 oz) gin
2 cl (0,7 oz) lemon juice
1 tablespoon grenadine
1 teaspoon sugar syrup
crushed ice cubes
orange slice for decoration

1. Pour gin, lemon juice, grenadine and sugar syrup on the ice cubes and shake well until the mixture is cold.
2. Filter into a chilled highball glass, and pour over soda.
3. Mix up carefully and decorate with an orange slice.

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Singapore Sling*

1 serving
4 cl (1,4 oz) gin
2 cl (0,7 oz) cherry liqueur
2 cl (0,7 oz) lemon juice
1 teaspoon grenadine
crushed ice cubes
lime skin and cocktail cherries

1. Mix up gin, cherry liqueur, lemon juice and grenadine with ice, until the mixture is cold.
2. Fill a cold highball glass to halfway with crushed ice, and filter the cocktail into the glass.
3. Pour in soda and decorate with lime skin and cocktail cherries.

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1 servings
crushed ice cubes
4 cl (1,4 oz) vodka
orange juice
orange slice

1. Fill a cold glass with the crushed ice.
2. Pour the vodka over the ice and over that the orange juice.
3. Mix well and decorate with an orange slice.

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Long Island Iced Tea*

1 serving
4 cl (1,4 oz) vodka
2 cl (0,7 oz) gin
2 cl (0,7 oz) clear tequila
2 cl (0,7 oz) white rum
1 cl (0,3 oz) white mint liqueur
4 cl (1,4 oz) lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar syrup
crushed ice cubes
wedge of lime or lemon

1. Shake vodka, gin, tequila, rum, mint liqueur, lemon juice and sugar syrup with ice, until the mixture is cold.
2. Filter into a highball glass full of ice, and pour in some coke.
3. Decorate with a wedge of lime or lemon.

So here you have some nice cocktail ideas for any occasion, and each of these are great for the NYE party as well. You can only choose to serve one or two, or if you are gathering with a smaller group you can do a sophisticated cocktail tasting if you want to. This post clearly targeted for my audience over 18 years old, but if you are younger than that, or don't drink alcohol for any reason, don't worry, I have things in store for you too. ;) I'll be posting another NYE themed post tomorrow morning, so stay tuned for that! ♥

What are you guys going to do on NYE? ♥

Now, I'm going to watch a movie with my man, but I try to finish my next post right after that!

Have a fabulous start for your week!

Blog ya later,




  1. Ihania drinksuja! Oon mietiskellyt että voisin itsekin tehdä omista drinksuista tällaisen postauksen mitä oon itse kehitellyt:3 En vain oo saanut aikaiseksi:D Singapore Sling ja Screwdriver kuulostavat/näyttävät herkuilta. Tosin en välitä pahemmin ginistä, mutta punaisuus houkuttaa:D

    1. Se on kyl postaus jonka mielelläni lukisin! :) Nämä nyt on ihan kirjasta lainattuja, joten mitenkään omaperäiksi en uskalla näitä kutsua :D Tota Singapore Slingiä uskaltaa varmaan sen verran muokkailla omaan makuun että laittaa vähemmän giniä tai korvaa sen esim. vodkalla jos tuntuu huonolta noin .) Me haluttiin poikien kanssa koittaa melko autenttisia versioita (toki näistäkin kaikista on varmaan kymmeniä erilaisia) nii laitettiin tuota giniä noihin vaikkei se kenenkään ykkössuosikki olekaan :D ♥

  2. Oh my goodness- these are so fancy and fun! I think my favorite (just aesthetically speaking here) is the blue lagoon!

    1. Thanks, actually the blue lagoon also tasted pretty good - at least if you like citrus flavors ;) ♥

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks love! I wanted to share these the one time I actually had any fancy ideas ready before the actual party event/holiday :D ♥


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