Start of December ♥

Heya guys!

How are you all? ♥

I hope your December has started off well. Mine sure has, and today I wanted to share photos from the weekend with you. At the same time, I'm showing you some things I love each December/Christmas time. So let's get started!

In Christmas time I love:

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♥ Enjoying lazy mornings without any rush

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♥ Having a cup of tea from a cutest cups

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♥ Watching the cold weather, while being comfortably inside

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♥ Getting out the decorations

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♥ Putting up the tree

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♥ Untangling the lights...

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♥ ...and putting them to the tree

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♥ Having flowers and candles

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♥ ...lots of candles.

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♥ Reading in the evenings

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♥ Drinking more tea

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♥ Getting lovely surprises (my name on Cosmopolitan Finland? Seriously?)

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♥ Watching sports and TV with my man

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♥ Cooking at home (yeah I know, these don't look like gourmet...)

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♥ Having a nice drink or two with my loved ones

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♥ Blogging

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♥ Doing my nails

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♥ Tasting new holiday flavors

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♥ Eating sushi

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♥ Catching up with my favorite series (I still watch Glee, no judging.)

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♥ Lighting up even more candles

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♥ Wearing cozy outfits at home

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♥ Knitting & crafting

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♥ Listening music

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♥ Choosing the cute calendar...

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♥...and opening the first hatch

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♥ Doing my makeup

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♥ Eating fast food on weekends

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♥ Decorating the tree and the home

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♥ Baking my own Christmas treats...

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♥...and sharing them with friends

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♥ Trying out homemade beauty products (this one can be found here)

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♥ Planning new outfits

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♥ Reading blogs and watching vlogs

That's how my December started, and those are some of the things I love this month.

What does your list of December favorites look like? Tell me in the comments, or if you have done a post like this, you can link it below so I can see it! ♥

Now it's time for me to get some food and quality time with my boyfriend. Later this week, I'll have a little haul post, another outfit post and some other things up here. So stay tuned!

Have a fabulous day ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Hei tämähän oli tosi kiva postaus, varsinkin kun kuvia oli monia:) Minäkin bongasin sut cosmosta, ihanaa onnittelut siitä!:3 ♥

    1. Hihi, kiitos ihana! ♥ Ja kiva että pidit postauksesta, oli hauskaa tehdä jotain vähän erilaista :) Näitä ehkä ilmestyy aika ajoin lisääkin ;)

  2. wow nice photos ! your blog is great !
    Maybe we follow each other !?
    Let me know if you follow me & i´ll follow back :)

    Greetings <3

    1. Thank you Kendra, I'm sure we can follow each other! ♥

  3. Your tree looks stunning, Johanna! I still need to get my decorations out!!


    1. Thank you sweetie! I'm always very eager to get the tree done, though I still have some decorations to put up to ;) They just don't go to the tree :D ♥

  4. Love ur xmas decorations and love that swedish cider llol!.. xx

    1. Hehe, thanks! That Swedish cider was pretty darn good, both cold and warm, like it promised! ♥

  5. I love your white Christmas tree! It is so pretty.

    1. Thank you! I love it that way as well :) ♥

  6. Aww, thank you so much, I'll make sure to return the favor :) ♥


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment for me. I always read every single one of them, and they truly make my day! Please remember to be nice while commenting, thank you! ♥

You can comment in following languages (as these are the ones I understand):
English, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, German

xoxo ♥

Let's be friends in IG!