Skull Dress ♥

Hi everyone!

How are you all today? ♥

We just booked tickets for a trip we're planning for this summer, but when and where, that's something I'll tell you later, when we have all the things figured out. ;) I don't have much to say about the weekend, I've just been relaxing and tidying up the place a bit. The casual thing. Now I'm concentrating in some DIY projects that have been laying in my bags and boxes, and I try to finish them off as I feel this month is perfect for completing things. Do you know what I mean?

Anyway, today I really wanted to come here and share an outfit I wore some days ago. This doesn't really look as good as it should, as we couldn't find the time to photograph it in the daylight, but let's pretend that's okay. Okay?

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Dress: Boohoo Booties: Vest: Cubus Necklace: H&M Hat: H&M Rings: Gina Tricot, JC, H&M

Yet another simple look with skulls and lots of black, but what can I say, that's what I like. That dress has been laying in my closet without any use for quite a while now, but finally I figured out what it looks nice with and actually dared to wear it. Hopefully this means I will actually wear this more during the spring and summer after finding the courage to put it on. :)

But what do you guys think about this look? ♥

Now I will go finish my latest nail design, and while the boys play PC games online, I will try and finish off a skirt that has been bothering me for a few days now. Hopefully that is also something I can show you already this month in outfit posts. I have also been planning a new little series and I hope I will have the time to start it off this week, but we shall see. And we have also recorded our very first vid during the weekend, but I've been struggling a lot with my video editor so I can't promise anything about uploading that, other than that I try to get it done very soon!

Have a fabulous day!

Blog ya later,




  1. ooo aivan ihana mekko! Love it ♥
    t :

    1. Kiitos paljon, itekin tykkäilen nyt kun pieni pää vihdoin älysi minkä kanssa yhdistellä tuo :) ♥

  2. very nice outfit

  3. This is such a cool look. I love the print on the dress so much. And the hat looks so good.

    1. Thank you Sherin! I wish I can pull off more looks like this when the weather gets warmer ;) ♥

  4. I like the look and your nails of course!

  5. Päivänvalo, mitä se on? ;)
    Tosi upea asu, kivasti asustettu ! Me likey. <3 Makia mekko, sopii upeasti sun tyyliin!

    x Satu
    Indie by heart

    1. No nimenomaan, ei liikaa oo semmosta luonnonilmiöö ennen tätä viikkoa tarttenut ihmetellä :D Onneksi nyt alkaa kirkastumaan toivon mukaan! Kiitos taas ihanasta kommentista, sinä se piristät mun päivää niin usein! ♥

  6. I cannot get enough of your acessories hat , jewelry and boots super freaking stylish with the outift (I want)! I am officially following you super cute blog. I am GFC #292 .
    if you can take a look at my blog let me know what you think , possibly follow :)

    1. Thank you so, so much, dear! I will visit you back first thing in the morning! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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