Snapshots From Yesterday ♥

Hey lovelies ♥

How are you all today?

I've been enjoying the fresh winter days lately, the sunshine, the snow, the beauty of the nature... And I've been getting more creative and energetic, which I hope will translate into better blogging and bigger amount of content.

Today I really just wanted to share some pictures I was inspired to take because of the beautiful winter sun. I've been missing sunshine for weeks now, so it feels amazing to finally have some light around here. Because it means I can finally get more outfit photos, yay!

But here once again some little things that have been making me happy lately:

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Morning cup of coffee to wake me up ♥

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Frosted glass on our balcony ♥

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Snow!! ♥

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Winter view ♥ I really like how it looks up here.

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Flowers ♥ Hopefully this one will stand me enough not to die on me.

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New spot for the Christmas lights ♥

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Finally, a wall clock ♥

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More complete spice shelf ♥ Sorry for the photo spam, but I simply love these too much to not share them. Can you imagine the delicious smells from there?

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Hot chocolate after a long day ♥ Seriously one of the best things in the world.

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Managing to knit something kinda pretty ♥ Still not telling you what that'll be, but hopefully you'll find out within few weeks. ;)

So that's the first list of things that make me happy for 2014. Not big things, but rather the small everyday things. And writing this makes me wanna ask:

What has made you happy lately? ♥

Now it's time to go bed so I can get up early to enjoy the light when we finally have some, and hopefully, I will also have the weather for taking some outfit pics as well. ;) I have fun things planned in drafts for you all to see, and I really try to have the time to publish them all as soon as I possibly can, so stay tuned!

Have a fabulous day ♥

Blog ya later,




  1. Goodnight doll and I can't wait to see what you are knitting!
    My sister is making a huge scarf since Christmas!

    1. Sounds lovely! I'd love a huge scarf too with this weather ♥

  2. Aaa ihania kuvia! Varsinkin toi missä on jouluvalot ja kissapulloja c: onko sulla minkälainen kamera? :)

    1. Kiitos kiitos :) Kuvailen Sonyn Alpha 55:lla (Sony Alpha SLT-55V), ja tunnustettakoon näin suomeksikin että oon täys tunari noiden manuaaliasetusten kanssa joten suurin osa kuvista on automaattiasetuksilla näpsittyjä. Ehkä tänä vuonna oon tunnollinen ja opettelen noita ominaisuuksia :D ♥

  3. I love the pictures of the snow. So beautiful.

    1. Thank you. Snow really is such a pretty thing to photo! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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