Born Pretty Store Accessories ♥

Heya lovelies!

How was your weekend? ♥

Mine has been great so far, and I feel totally ready for another work week - though I maybe need to dig into some popcorn and watch silly TV shows before I can be sure I'm totally relaxed, hehe.

Today, I'll be showing you some items I got from Born Pretty Store for a review. I chose to cooperate with them as I have been so happy with the things I've ordered from there before, and I feel like maybe some of you would like to know more about them and their selection - mind you, I've mostly ordered nail art stuff. But today, I'll show you things I got from their Jewelry & Accessories department. (Click the link to see all the fun stuff they have.)

This post is a cooperation with Born Pretty Store and the items were provided for me. However, the opinions are fully my own and clicking the links or buying through them will not make me earn any money. 

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So here you can see all the items I got for the review, thank you so much, kind people at Born Pretty Store, I really like what I got. It was a pain trying to choose from all the lovely shiny things, but eventually I made up my mind and chose these. Below, you can see how I styled them when wearing them for the first time. If you like these pieces, or anything else from their store, you can use the code JVNT10 at the checkout and get a 10% off from your order.

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Cross Earrings (click here to get yours). Absolutely amazing pair, not bad quality at all, even though they are so affordable! They are light, so they don't stretch ears even if you wear them the whole day and the gold color is easy to incorporate into most of the looks, so I'm pretty sure you'll be seeing pretty much of these later on. I think I should get the same pair in silver too, just the sake of variety.

Here I just wanted to demonstrate how it looks on, but I could think of pairing these with many things, and I could also see myself wearing one cross on one ear, and something completely different on the other. We'll see what I'll figure out later on.

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Weave Chain Bracelet (click here to get yours). This was absolutely perfect piece for wearing as a part of a huge armparty. I know that for some, this is much, but for me it's just perfect for the days I'm kind of going easy on the outfit otherwise. These armparty things are something you are forced to witness on my spring/summer looks, so, you know, this is a fair warning for you. I absolutely love how the weave piece looks, and I could see it on many different looks, as long as there is either gold or very bright pink.

One of the things I really liked about this piece was that it is very adjustable, so girls of every size could wear this easily. And that's a big plus, because not every onesize piece actually is that. You can get this one in a couple of different colors, and I could see myself buying the other colors as well.

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And last but not least: Love Bracelet (click here to get yours). Also a perfect armparty piece, but way more delicate than the previous one. This one would probably also work nicely on it's own, but for me it's more natural to layer the bracelets quite much. I adore the way this bracelet looks, and even though I don't necessarily like the way the ends of the elastic band show here, but otherwise, I have no complaints. The fact that I could wear it for two days without breaking it proves that it will not break too easily. (Yes, I'm clumsy and I break stuff. If anything survives a couple of days in my hands, it's pretty sure anyone can wear it without worries.)

This bracelet comes also with a cross or and infinity symbols, and you can buy them all in gold as well. I'm pretty positive they're something I'll be getting into my collection later on.

So here you have some of my thoughts about the fun little products I got. I would definitely buy more accessories from them, as they are affordable, cute, and they go great with my personal style.

What do you guys think about these accessories? Have you ever ordered from Born Pretty Store - and did you like what you got?

Now, it's time for me to shut the laptop and go enjoy the rest of the night with my fiance, popcorn and TV.

Have a fabulous start for your week ♥


  1. All this jewellery is so pretty. I'm a huge jewellery fan so I definitely need to check out Born Pretty.

    1. I strongly recommend it. The quality seems really great compared to the affordable prices, so if you are like me and love having loads of variety with your accessories, it's the perfect store for you. :) ♥

  2. I love all of the pices that you showed us today. I never order jewellrys from BPS, but maybe in the future I will.

    1. Thanks, I really love them too. I do recommend them, so far I've been totally happy with the things I've gotten from them :) ♥

  3. Ooi nättejä! :) Mulla on tuollaiset ristikorvikset mustana ja hopeisena Glitteristä ( no mitä mulla ei kohta sieltä olis hehhe :D )

    Indie by heart

    1. Hihi, sulla varmasti on tosi paljon ihanuuksia sieltä :D ♥

  4. That LOVE Bracelet is gorgeous!

    I ordered a few things from them not too long ago, but they haven't arrived yet - counting down the days. They have so many pretty things!!


    1. You gotta be patient my dear ;) At least to Finland, it takes about three weeks or so. :D Can't wait to see what you got!! ♥

  5. Cool review on BPS stuff! Did the colour change after multiple wears?


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