Home Clothes ♥

Hey everyone!

How are you all today? ♥

I've been up and moving the whole day, eating out, checking out a couple of stores, having a coffee, going to a hockey game... The kind of things that make the life good. I was hoping to get into writing earlier, but hey, midnight writing suits for me as well. (I get a nice reason to take in some tea on unreasonable hours, hehe.)

Anyway, like you know, most of my outfits try to be well planned and so on, but today I just wanted to show you something I simply just threw on one weekend for hanging out with friends at our place. Also the photos show some of the things I do when I hang at home, so they're not very cool and creative but hey, let's not mind about that, right?

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Knit: Boohoo Leggings: Nelly.com Socks: H&M Scarf: a gift Necklace: a gift Rings: H&M, Gina Tricot, gifts

Okay, it's not like I hang out around the house looking like this all the time - the truth is, rather, that I wear a pair of sports pants and a simple tee, but that really doesn't make it into a nice post, huh? But the one time I looked somewhat nice, I thought it would be fun to take photos.

What do you wear when spending time just relaxing at home? ♥

Now, I need to shut down the laptop and go try get some sleep - after watching some TV and going through a couple of boxes. So much to rearrange and throw away! (Yes, I have a major de-cluttering urge at the moment, better make the most of it, right?)

Have a great weekend, loves!


  1. Looks like a great relaxing outfit. The green top looks amazing. I'm the same in the house - I wear sports trousers and a hoody, so nothing special.

    1. Thank you. I really wish I was actually this chic hanging at home, but no :D Sports pants are just so awesome :D ♥

  2. Great look doll and I am loving the little scarf you have on your hair!
    Totally posh and opulent!


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xoxo ♥

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