Spring Makeover: Kitchen Edition ♥

Hey everyone!

Hope you've had a lovely start for your week ♥

I've been enjoying my free time as I don't have to work this week, so I can focus more on cooking and training and fun stuff, which is very nice. Also, as I will be spending more time in the kitchen, it should look nice. So, I finally did something to the plain white wall full of little holes and stuff, where our spice shelf is located. See more below!

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So what I had to deal with was this white wall here. It's no entirely unpleasant, but I don't like plain white walls that much. Especially ones with little holes and stuff in them. So, on Sunday we headed to IKEA and I picked up some decoration items to spruce this up for the Spring.

I decided to use stickers, because we don't own the apartment and can't do major renovations on our own, but these can be ripped off when we eventually move.

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So, when we got home, it was time for little planning. I have no vision whatsoever if I can't plan things visually, so I took out some tape and gently attached the cut out sticker things (with the paper in the back, of course) the way I wanted the layout to be.

After that came the hardest part - attaching the stickers. Okay, so it wasn't that difficult as the stickers weren't huge, but still. And the end result? See for yourselves:

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Simple and fresh in my opinion, and totally changes the look of the kitchen.

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Of course, whenever the light hits them in the right angle, you will see clearly they're stickers, but personally I don't really mind that. And these are also the type of plants I cannot manage to kill with the lack of watering, so that's just perfect.

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All in all, I love our little renewed kitchen wall, and the best thing about this renovation is that it only cost 13 Euros. ;) Goes to show that a little bit can go a long way with just a bit of creativity. This Spring I will enjoy cooking even more because the environment is so pretty.

Have you guys done any Spring makeovers of any sorts? Let me know below! And also, tell me what you think about this little DIY project I manage to pull off. ♥

Once again it's time for me to go catch some sleep, and tomorrow, I will be having quite the day with workout, homecooking and Spring cleaning. Yeah, I know, my life is so exciting (not). But I'll get back to you as soon as I can, because I have loads to post for you!

Have a fabulous day ♥


  1. What a cute design! I love it :) You're so creative and talented.

    Karina Dinda R. ♥


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xoxo ♥

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