Blue Ombre Lips ♥

Heya people!

How are you all today? ♥

Sorry for the silence, I've been sorting out some medical stuff and such so I haven't had the energy to come here and write. Once again, nothing serious, I'm just going a little bit of a diet change and such - I'll be talking a bit more about this once I have things figured out.

Anyways, today I wanted to show you guys this little lip look I did a while back:

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Yup, they're blue. Not because I'm cold, though. Haha.

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Crazy face, but I wanted to show you how the lips look with neutral makeup.

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For this look, I used blue eyeliner from MUA Cosmetics (shade Royal Blue), and blue lipstick as well as a purple one from Makeup Revolution (shades Immoral and Vice). I simply lined my lips with the liner, then added the blue lipstick on the edges, and finally added purple in the middle. Very simple, very cool, but I can't wait to learn to do it better.

What do you think about these lips? Let me know in the comments!

Now, once again it's time for me to get some sleep, there's a ton of things to do tomorrow before work. But I'll be back as soon as I can.

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. Wow, congratulations for the courage to use such a bright color on the lips. I couldn't do it.
    I love how it looks on you!

    1. Thank you, I believe in the fact people should try everything (or most things, at least) once. So of course I had to try crazy colors on lips, too! ♥

  2. OMG that is so amazing. I stick to neutral lip colours, but I want to try this out so badly. It is so fun and unique.

    1. You should totally try some crazy color, you have such a gorgeous complexion that you could actually rock any color :) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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