How To: Nail Wraps ♥

Hello guys!

Hope you're all having a nice Friday and all. We're now at the cabin, so I wrote this post for you yesterday, so that you wouldn't be here all without posts and stuff.

So, without further ado, there's a quick pictorial:

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Start off with buying a set of nice nail wraps. I used these cute palm tree ones from Born Pretty Store I ordered a while back, which I figured would be nice for the midsummer. You also need a nail file and a top coat to make the wraps last longer. You can get nail wraps pretty much everywhere nowadays, and they are mostly quite affordable.

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Take out a wrap that matches the size of your nail, and be careful when handling it, so that it doesn't get damaged. You don't usually need tools for that. Place the wrap on the nail, and try to align it nicely along your nail. Take your time with removing the bumps and bubbles as you go. You can use tools like orange wood stick to get the wraps sit better to the nail beds. I didn't do that this time.

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When happy with the placement, turn the rest of the wrap over your nail like in the picture.

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Take your nail file, and carefully file out the excess. It should come out pretty easily.

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Add a coat of top coat for more lasting results.

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And that's it, now you're ready to rock out those nails!

I think these nail wraps are such a cool thing for the weeks when you need to give your nails a rest from the polish - like you should do every now and then. And they also serve those who don't have the time or interest to learn out all the techniques, so they can just wrap their nails and that's good. These don't damage your nails as much as polishes, so they are a good option for the young ones who want to have color on their nails too.

Let me know in the comments if you want more pictorials like this, or if you have anything to ask about nail wraps. I'll do my best to answer you!

I hope you're all having a fun day, and that this pictorial was any helpful at all. You can also find a ton of great videos about these on YouTube, so if you need more thorough instructions, head there. ;)

Have a fabulous day everyone ♥


  1. Thanks for this. I have a few nail wraps which I haven't tried yet.

    1. Thank you dear! Good to know it was useful ♥


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