Leo & Studs ♥

Heya eveyone!

How are you all today? ♥

Here in Tampere, we're enjoying the hot summer weather and lots and lots of sun. Which is awesome because I really wanna work on my non-existing tan a bit. Next week, we're going to another trip - I'll be telling you where in a little bit - which is very exciting.

Anyway, today I really wanted to share this summer outfit with you. This type of looks will hopefully be my uniform the rest of the summer, as I love wearing shorts and such and I absolutely love hot weather. We don't usually get too much of that in Finland, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can when the temperature is up.

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Going with studs and animal print again. Because it's my thing.

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Top: Boohoo Shorts: Gina Tricot Loafers: SpiritStore Bandeu top: Gina Tricot Necklace: Gina Tricot Bracelets: Nelly.com, Europehouse

So that kind of a simple look today! Next, I'm hopefully getting my man with me to the beach, so we can go enjoy the sun before we possibly have many things to do in the evening. Not sure about that, but still.

What dou you think about the look? Let me know in the comments below ♥

Now, I'm gonna go make some cold green tea and do something else than sitting on a laptop the whole sunny day. But I'll see you soon!

Have a great day!


  1. Most of all I like your shoes. Such an edgy, cool outfit turned out! Besides, those snapshots are so lovely!
    Have a fabulous time!

    1. Thank you, those shoes are such a favorite of mine :) ♥

  2. Deise outfit ist Tolle!
    Ich Leibe deine Brille auch!

  3. You look so cool and edgy in this outfit. I would recognize you anywhere, you have an unique and original style!

    1. That's such a sweet thing to say! Thank you so, so much, darling ♥

  4. Such a perfect summer's look. Those shorts look so great.

    1. Thank you! I totally love those shorts so much! ♥

  5. Wow. Lindas fotos.
    Me encantan las puas del short y delos brasaletes. Genial :)


  6. Aika mahtavaa kun kengissä ja paidassa tismalleen samaa kuosia, toimii!

    1. No eikös vain? :D Mukavaa kuulla etten oo ainoo, joka on innoissaan siitä! ♥


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment for me. I always read every single one of them, and they truly make my day! Please remember to be nice while commenting, thank you! ♥

You can comment in following languages (as these are the ones I understand):
English, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, German

xoxo ♥

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