Studded Leggings ♥

Hello my lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I've caught a tiny cold myself, but that's luckily not stopping me much as of now. That's how I know I've been actively in school though, as I've spent enough time there to catch one. But, it should be over in few days so it's not too, too bad.

Today, I thought I'd post this quick little outfit post for you while the boys are playing a co-op video game in the living room. This is another school look I wore a while back, once again something pretty simple and cozy because that's what I like in school styles. If you have to sit down in class and work on a computer for three to nine hours, you gotta wear something comfy.

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Sweater: SammyDress Leggings: BikBok (bought secondhand) Bag: Mango Loafers: SpiritStore Necklace: H&M

While it still is warm enough to just wear leggings instead of proper pants, I love to take the chance. This look was so absolutely comfy to wear, and I really like the studded knees of the leggings. You will actually see quite many secondhand items this autumn, because I promised myself not to buy new stuff in a while - unless it's on sale. So be prepared!

Let me know what you think about this look in the comments below!

Now, I will join the boys and try to kick their butts in the NHL15. Wish me luck!

Have a great day ♥


  1. Sorry about your cold , hope you get better soon, i'm totally loving your studded leggings, you look great.


    1. Thank you, luckily that's behind already, hopefully I don't get sick again soon ♥

  2. Tuo swetari, college, paita! Mikä lie, aivan ihanaa ja rakkautta! Tuo malli ja tyyli on kyllä sellanen minkä haluan itelleni samantien:) Kokonaisuuskin on tosi onnistunut:)

    1. Kiitos paljon, itsekin tykkäilen kovasti :) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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