Halloween Nails: Bones ♥

Hello lovelies!

Happy Tuesday! ♥ I hope you're all doing well today - I sure am despite being pretty tired and all, but like they say, one doesn't get tired when the projects in life are interesting enough. That's how it is with me. I can honestly say I am stressed, but for once, it actually feels very good. Motivating, even.

As I'm typing this, I'm on my Russian lecture. By Christmas, I should have a proper base to actually start learning to use the language. We shall see...

But anyway, today I really wanted to share this kinda simple and cute Halloween nail design with you all. All you need is a black and white nail polishes, a thin brush and a dotting tool.

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I did this cute little skull and bone design, because I had seen someone painting bone nails on Instagram. If I remember who that someone was, I'll make sure to link them here.

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Like mentioned, only two polishes are needed to recreate this. I used China Glaze White On White as a base, added couple of coats of China Glaze Ghoulish Glow on top to make it glow in the dark, and then used China Glaze Smoke And Ashes to paint the print. (Does anyone know how to photograph glow in the dark polish in the dark? I would need loads of help with that.)

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For the skull, I painted a big blob with the black polish. Then I took a thin nail art brush and painted the tooth part (kind of a square). After it dried, I took white polish and added eyes with a dotting tool, along with a little nose. With a thin brush, I painted the teeth. Then just a tiny drop of black to the center of each eye to make it cuter.

For the bones, I painted a thin line, just a little shorter than I wanted the bones to be. Then, with a dotting tool, I added two dots for the end and repeated that on the other end of the line. And there's your bone.

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So that's another little Halloween inspiration, you can easily make many different designs with these, and you can make the skulls edgier without the centers of the eyes. Try it out. I promise you this is an easy one!

What do you guys think about this design? Let me know in the comments below!

The Halloween spamming continues later tonight, when I will share a cupcake recipe with you. Stay tuned for that!

Have a lovely day ♥


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xoxo ♥

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