Halloween nails: Spiders ♥

Heya guys!

How are you all? ♥ Today, I have been feeling so positive about all the school stuff, blogging stuff and life all together. That feels so great. I also got the chance to quickly meet an online friend for the first time today. V, it was very brief, but I'm so happy to put a face to a person. You are very nice.

Anyways, before I run off to other things, I shall take a minute and share these Halloween nails with you. I personally think they are super cute even if I was totally winging the design without planning it that much.

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So, here you go, little spiders, bit of sparkle and a lovely red background. I absolutely adored these nails even though I don't like spiders at all. But these are so cute!

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The polishes I used for the base were China Glaze Seas The Day, China Glaze Crimson and Essie Thigh High.

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The polishes for the decoration, on the other hand were China Glaze White On White, China Glaze Glitz N Pieces, Essie Licorice and L'Oreal Color Riche Confettis. The studs/rhinestones are all from Born Pretty Store.

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The spiders were painted with thin nail art brush and couple of different sized dotting tools.

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So that's my first Halloween mani of the year, you might have seen my second one on Instagram already (I'm @silvertigo, in case you'd like to follow me), and I'm just about to paint my third one when I finish with this.

Let me know what you think about this design, and tell me how you are planning to do your nails this year, in the comments below!

I'm going to make some tea now, so that I can better focus on doing my nails (yeah, I'm a tea addict!). I'll be talking to you again really soon, as I have a ton of things to post before Halloween! (Don't worry, I will be back to normal after next week, if you're not so much into the Halloweeny stuff.)

Have a lovely day! ♥


  1. Babe, this is one of my FAVES from you lately! Loving the ombre, the embellishments, that little web is chock full of surprises! Sooooo dang talented!
    Thank you for visiting hun, please come back to check out my latest!

    Xx- Julie
    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

    1. Thank you so much! I put a lot of hours to nail art so I should have learned something so far ♥

  2. OMG! That's amazing! I love the style so much. Looks so great. I need nail inspiration for Halloween - I'm a pumpkin haha.

    1. Thank you! I think I managed to create something for you couple of days after this, hope you saw it! :) ♥

  3. Gorgeous !! Love it!


  4. The spiders are too cute :) The whole manicure is fantastic!

    1. Thank you so much, it is actually one of my personal favorites of this Fall ♥


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xoxo ♥

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