Orange Hot Treat ♥

Hey lovelies!

Who else is excited because it's weekend? ♥ I know I am. On Sunday, two big deadlines are finally over and done with, so it's less stress for me for a little while. That feels pretty amazing. I'm also pretty hyped about Halloween, and I'm going to do some fun preparations during this weekend. More about them soon on the blog.

For the Halloween party purposes, I tested out this neat little recipe I found on Home Is Where The Boat Is.

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How cool is orange hot chocolate? I think it's pretty awesome. Although, I don't know how I feel about calling this hot chocolate since it doesn't have any brown chocolate in it. It was nice, nevertheless. You know how I am with foods. Gotta try everything, as long as it is gluten free.

And this is pretty perfect for Halloween as well. Just add a marshmallow on top and you're good to go.

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I couldn't resist taking some candlelight shots of the drink. They remind me of autumn and Halloween, so it felt perfect.

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If you happen try this out too, let me know what you think about it. In my opinion, it is pretty clever and perfectly color-coordinated for this time of the year. And it was such a nice sweet treat for the stressful time I'm having. (Though I totally should work out instead of eating when it comes to dealing with stress, hehe!)

What are your Halloween treats (traditionally, or this year)? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, this girl is off to bed so that I have enough energy to do all the things I've planned for tomorrow. Talk to you soon!

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. I say it goes perfectly well with the season. Looks yummy too and I'd like to try it for sure, :). Will let you know.

    1. I would love to know how it went for you! Lovely to hear that I inspired you ♥

  2. Sounds tasty, but I would try to color it with pumpkin, not with food coloring! :) Love the photos you made!

    1. That sounds actually like such a cool idea! Not that easy to get a hold of good pumpkin stuff where I live - that I know of. ♥


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xoxo ♥