Skull Dress ♥

Hello lovelies!

Happy Friday/weekend! Hope you're all doing well today. I just started my weekend and I'm so excited, because once again it's Formula One weekend and that means tons of fun at our place. Like camping in our living room like we're doing tonight. We do crazy little things like that.

Anyway, as I need to get to bed right now, I'm keeping this quick. Here's few pics of an outfit I wore a while back when we were visiting Pori the previous time.

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Dress: Boohoo Boots: SpiritStore Bag: Mango Necklace: Gina Tricot Bracelets: Gina Tricot, KappAhl, DIY Watch: Born Pretty Store

So yeah, I was actually wearing a girly dress. That happens relatively rarely. But I love the print in that dress so, so much. I really should wear it more often. I figured boots and big hair were the right things to wear with it. And see, I had only one color on my nails that day. It's a first in a long time.

Let me know what you think about this look!

I'm gonna hit the bed now, because I need to get up before 8 am to see the Japanese GP. Talk to you soon!

Have a fabulous weekend ♥


  1. Todella kiva mekko, sopii sulle hyvin! Nuo saappaat on myös tosi kivan näköiset! Ihanaa viikonlopun jatkoa :)


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xoxo ♥

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