Dressy Layers ♥

Hello lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I've been kinda stressed and exhausted with school work (thank you, Innoevent) these couple of days, and couldn't even manage opening the laptop yesterday. But luckily today, I have a little more energy so I can actually manage writing a decent post.

So, without further ado, here are snapshots from our trip to Helsinki some weeks ago.

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My first taste of Pumpkin Spice Latte - or any fresh Starbucks product, for that matter.

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Food at restaurant Britannia.

Helsinki is very pretty from spring to autumn, so when we visited there on September, I seriously just to had to take pictures of the city. Below, you can also see my outfit for the trip:

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Dress: Gina Tricot Shirt: friend's old Belt: Mango Boots: Boohoo Bag: from my mom Necklace: gift from a friend Rings: JC

I really loved wearing this look, there's not much chances to wear dresses anymore this year, as the weather is getting so cold and everything. The shirt/jacket is such a great find from my fiance's nieces closet, she had cleaned up her (fabulous) wardrobe so I got to rescue it. I love it so much, thank you J! (And feel free to come and raid my old ones as well, girl.) Also, the rings are something I absolutely love here, even though they don't show much, it's nice they've been there because I knew myself there were those small details.

What do you guys think about this look? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, I'm gonna take some time to drink my tea, eat something, read few blog posts and watch TV. I love how this week I don't have to bother so much with the school stuff at home. Although on the weekend and next week, I really have to do so, so much more. Oh well.

Like I mentioned in the previous post, I can't make any promises about this week's posting schedule (except that I won't be posting on Friday for sure) so keep checking in to know if there's new stuff up. Talk to you as soon as possible!

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. Beautiful pics, I love your outfit!!


  2. I love the small details on your look and your rings are always on point!

    1. Thank you, you know me, I'm crazy about accessories ;) ♥

  3. I really love this look. The dress looks gorgeous and those boots go perfectly with it. Really love the necklace too.

    1. Thank you dear! I really loved this look so it's nice to hear people find it cute as well! ♥

  4. So funny that was your first pumpkin spice latte! (or should i say PSL) since i'm from the US, those are all the rage every fall season!


    1. I know, we only have two Starbucks' in Finland so far (as far as I know) and I haven't traveled too much so no chance to try it before now. Though, I have made it myself at home, it is little different than the one they make at the coffee shop, but equally good in my opinion. I wish I could try more Starbucks coffees in the near future! ♥

  5. Stunning look dearie !

    btw, do you want to follow each other ?

    what about following each other on several networks : GFC/FB and twitter for example ?

    Elegantesque Blog

    1. Thank you honey! I think I already follow you ;) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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