Foodie Post: Spiced Up Hot Chocolate ♥

Hello my darlings!

How are you all? ♥

I've been so freaking busy today with the full apartment cleanup, homework and math class. Like seriously, this stuff never ends! But even with all this craziness, I sometimes take a minute and just have a nice beverage or such. Like this one, that I'm about to show you. I got this recipe from my mom, and it was pretty good!

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Spicy Hot Chocolate

2 servings:
4dl (1 3/4 cups) milk
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon real vanilla
½ teaspoon cardamom
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon coconut flakes
pinch of salt and chili powder

Pour milk into a blender together with other ingredients and mix well, using the maximum power. Warm up and pour into cups

...or you can do like I did, which was putting it all into a pan and whisking well together. I definitely need to buy a working blender...

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And, if you, like me, don't care too much about few extra calories, you can top it off with whipped cream. Though, you may not even need that. This isn't particularly sweet - at least mine wasn't - so if you like the sweet kind more, I suggest adding something to make it more so.

But I do recommend trying this out, especially during these cold months were facing now. At least here in Finland.

Do you have any fun cold day treats I could try out? Let me know in the comments below!

Now, I'm gonna go watch some TV for a while and then get some sleep, as tomorrow, I have so, so many things to do! But talk to you soon!

Have a lovely day, and thank you for being an awesome reader ♥


  1. This recipe sounds soooo good, I am going to try it with soya milk too. I usually drink tee when it is very cold and sometimes ad ginger in my drinks because that helps for being warm.

    1. Soy milk would probably be perfect for this, I might even try that myself. I'm also a tea drinker! Adding ginger sounds great, I need to try that out as well ♥


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xoxo ♥

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