Baked Avocado ♥

Hi there lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

Again few days have passed without me writing here, but hopefully you're all still happy to hear about me. I've been sorting out my studies quite a bit, and then we spent the weekend at our friends in Kuopio, so there was simply no time for blogging. Luckily today, I can finally get something out for you guys so we can try and get back with the more regular blogging. I will try to post 3-4 times per week (or more if I happen to have a lot of free time), but don't hate me if we have to settle for two every once in a while. Okay? Good.

Today, I wanted to share this nice little recipe with you. I found it on Instagram, and when I tried it I simply knew I had to share it with you.

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Oven-baked Avocados

2 avocados
2 eggs
sweet chili sauce
cottage cheese

Cut the avocados in halves. Whisk the eggs carefully and add on top of the avocados. Add spices, and bake in 225 Celsius (425 F) for 15 minutes. Add some chili sauce and cottage cheese on top and serve.

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I personally really liked this recipe a lot, and fully recommend trying it out when you want a nice lunch. I think this would also be amazing with some cheddar on top (because everything is better with cheddar on top), but I have yet to try that out. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this recipe, and if you try this out, let me know what you think!

Now, I'm gonna head out to school and try to learn something about marketing. Later this week I will be posting a new outfit post and more fun things, so stay tuned for that! Love you guys ♥

Have a fantastic day!


  1. I love avocado so so much!

  2. Tätä on kyllä pakko testata! <3

    1. Suosittelen kyllä! Ainakin itse tykkäilin ♥

  3. Vaikuttaapa herkulliselta<3

    1. Juu oli yllättävän hyvä yhdistelmä! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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