With My Truck ♥

Hello my lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I'm super happy because I signed my internship papers a couple of days ago, so my summer will be spend working with marketing stuff - and I also get a giant monkey off my back as this will cover most of my mandatory internship for the degree. Now I just need to get few exams, one case and some other stuff done, and then I can officially say I'm on the smaller half of my studies. I'm so happy to finally feel like I actually can graduate and that I am on the right track with the business studies.

And that also makes me a better blogger, because this inner peace gives me new energy to write. At least, once I get through my exams. I will have a couple more later in the spring/in the early summer, but that won't bother me too much.

Okay, enough school rant? I think so too. Maybe we should proceed to the outfit of the day?

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Jacket: H&M Pants: H&M Shirt: secondhand Scarf: secondhand Booties: SpiritStore Bracelet: SpiritStore Rings: Gina Tricot, H&M Necklace: H&M

Simple look with a lovely shirt I hunted from a thrift store. I love absolutely every item in this outfit, and I think they play along quite nicely. The truck was a perfect backdrop for the photos, as it was pretty unusual - and more interesting than a plain parking lot. 

What do you guys think about this look? Let me know in the comments!

Now, I'm gonna go hit the bed as it's 1am, because I've deserved a good night's sleep after all the video shooting and other stuff today. More on that probably later on, but now, I need my sleep. Talk to you very soon though!

Have a wonderful weekend ♥


  1. Congrats on the internship. Sounds like a great experience.
    Love this look - the trousers are pretty cool.

    1. Thank you! I have a feeling it will be amazing. I'm glad you like the look!♥

  2. Your style is totally different from my own, but I think it still looks really good and suits u nicely. :) And the backround fits perfectly with the army colours, great detail :)


    1. Thank you so much! Nice to hear you like it! ♥


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xoxo ♥

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