Girly Elements

Hey there lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I was having an amazing long weekend with friends in Kuopio, and that was a much needed break from everything. Now I only have two little exercises to return and then I'm pretty much done with the year. And that, my dear friends, makes me so happy. I'm also starting my internship on Tuesday, which is very exciting. And, that makes it easier for me to plan my days because there are no surprise homework or overload of reports to write - so I can use my free time to blog and take pictures.

Today, I wanted to show you this little outfit I wore a while back. It's one of the most girly looks I've worn in a while, with the cute hat and all.

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Jacket: H&M Hat: Gina Tricot Jeggings: Only Leopard knit: New Yorker Top: H&M Scarf: Gina Tricot Bag: Mango Shoes: Bracelet: Gina Tricot Necklace: H&M

I rarely play with neutrals or girly elements like these, but that day I felt like going all girly and having fun with it. I was layering like crazy since it was quite chilly that day. Luckily it has been warmer since, and I can't wait to share the looks from these warmer days with you soon.

What do you guys think about this outfit?

Now, I'm going to get some sleep so I can wake up early to enjoy my last free day before the internship! I need to get quite a bit things done before Tuesday so I have to really schedule the day a bit. But, I will talk to you again tomorrow, because I will surely have time for that. So stay tuned!

Have a fantastic day!


  1. Ääk, ihana tuo hattu! Musta jotenkin tuntuu aina ettei tuon tyyliset hatut yhtään sovi mulle, pitäskö vaan ostaa ja käyttää:'D Ihanan beige look muutenkin! ♥

    1. Hihi, kiitos! En kans pidä noita päähineitä hirmuisen luontevina itselleni (niin kuin oot saattanut huomata, olen pipotyttö) mutta välillä on kiva repäistä :) ♥

  2. I love each piece of clothing on you and the combination you made looks AMAZING!

    1. Thank you so much! I went a little crazy with the layers but it's nice to know you like it! ♥

  3. I love the neutral colours here. The Hat looks amazing. I think I need t buy a large floppy hat now.

    1. Thank you honey! A floppy hat is such a great accessory, and I think it suits to most people. :) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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