Blue-green vs. Aztec

Hello lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I'm on a trip right now, but I figured that since many of you don't have extended holiday now as we do in Finland, I should schedule you a couple of posts even though I'm not on my laptop at the moment.

Today, I think it's time to talk about nails again, just for the sake of weekend. Maybe you can get inspired?

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First up is this blue-green design, which worked well in theory, but my rusty stamping skills kinda dulled it out for me.

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Despite the lack of neatness, I really liked the color combo and all, so it wasn't a complete fail. But I'd like to try this again just to get it right.

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The colors I used were China Glaze White On White, Wait N' Sea, I'm With The Lifeguard and Smoke And Ashes. Studs and the used stamping plate are all from Born Pretty Store.

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And on to another stamping fail. On these nails I was trying to create these cool summer print with my new large stamping plate, but as I am lacking the skill a lot, the results were... this. I need to practice a lot more, but on these nails I didn't mind it too much that the pattern is a bit off. 

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Again, I was loving the colors a lot even if the stamping is what it is. I think the neon gradient looks way cool on summer nails.

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The colors I used were China Glaze Sun Of A Peach, Surfin' For Boys, X-Ta-Sea and White On White. The stamping pattern is from a Born Pretty Store plate BP-L010.

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So that's what I have for you today, not my greatest nail moments, but I guess still worth sharing as an inspiration. I personally will try to tackle these later this year, so we'll see whether I can actually make them worth showing. 

What do you guys think about these nails? Let me know in the comments!

I will try to check out the comments and some blogs on the trip, but probably I'll be more active on the social media, so for a couple of days, let's interact there more!

Have a great weekend ♥

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