Autumn Layers

Hey lovelies!

How are you all today? ♥

I had a lovely dinner with my colleagues today, followed by a cozy TV night with my man. This is actually great, taken that last night was all about reinstalling our PC and failing at it. But I'm sure I will get it sorted out soon - at least with the help of a friend or something. I actually planned out over a week's worth of looks to photograph so that part is covered for a while. Yay!

Today, I'm sharing an Autumn look with you. This one was inspired by a picture I saw on Instagram, but I adapted it a bit to fit my wardrobe better.

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Jacket: secondhand Jeans: Cubus Boots: Boohoo Bag: gift from my mom Top: New Yorker Beanie: DIY Scarf: Gina Tricot Deer ring: JC Blue ring: gift from friend

This outfit was something I enjoyed wearing quite a bit. I wore this to a coffee date with a friend, and that's part of the reason I feel so warmly about it. I think. Although the boots and layers are totally my thing in Autumn. I really think they're so comfy! That jacket is from my husbands niece, who is only couple of years younger than me and has lovely style. She was throwing this away and asked if I maybe wanted to have it. And of course I did, look at the color and the detailing, it's perfect Autumn piece!

What do you think about this look? Let me know in the comments!

Bonus pic: His Autumn shoes.

I have yet to convince my husband to do a His Style post, but we're definitely making progress. Here is his favorite pair of shoes this Autumn, and I gotta say I love these ones too. I would definitely wear a similar pair.

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That's all for today, next one I put up will actually be a Halloween post - I still have some editing to do with it. I hope you enjoyed this one and do follow me on social media for updates on when I post new stuff on the blog. 

Have a fabulous day ♥


  1. Love your boots and the whole outfit. You always show us the most amazing jewelry's!

    1. Thank you darling! I love my accessories quite a bit ;) ♥

  2. Very lovely colors ♥ I like it!


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xoxo ♥

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