Snapshots from Amusement Park

Hey lovelies!

How are you today? ♥

As the Autumn is fully here (and October,yay!), I think it's appropriate to say goodbye summer through these pics from the trip me and the boys did to the amusement park Powerpark last month. I really don't have many words to describe the pics, but we had tons of fun out there. I hope the pics can tell you at least some of that.

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This ride was pretty darn scary. The dragon tower. It goes super high up and comes down as free fall. Scary as heck, I was literally shaking few minutes after this, when usually none of the rides give me any chills at all.

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All but one in the same shot, and I'm looking like my dwarf self next to boys. The photo was taken by our bestman J, thanks a bunch for it dear! As you can see, it was quite a fun day out, though we didn't take nearly enough group shots (boys, we totally need to do that!). But I got to drive go-kart against them, and even though I'm not too good at it, I beat my own expectation. Sadly, I didn't get any shots from there, but I can tell I rocked the oversized overalls.

What fun memories do you have from this summer? Tell me in the comments below!

I'm gonna hit the bed now, but I'll be back quite soon with another post. In the meantime, you can stay tuned with me in social media, where I post a lot of updates (especially on Instagram) between the posts. See you all soon!

Have a fantastic day ♥


  1. Pure adrenaline rush :) I tried in Italy something similar like the dragon tower, and I thought at the end that I will trough up. Never ever again! :)

    1. Haha, I feel you! Though I went twice there, and would do it again. I guess I'm a tiny bit adrenaline junkie ;) ♥

  2. Theme parks are my favourite place ever. This looks like so much fun.

    1. I feel the same. And I love Powerpark because the rides are bit tougher than in other parks in Finland :) ♥


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xoxo ♥

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