Clarria Cosmetics Flawless Foundations Review

Hey lovelies! How are you today? I'm super excited since I finally get to talk about a cool cooperation I am lucky enough to be part of. So, who else loves makeup? And who else wants to find products that are as natural as possible? If you answered yes to either, or both, you might be in for a treat today. I will share you my experience with Clarria Cosmetics.

Clarria describes themselves on their website like this: "Based in New York City, Clarria Cosmetics is your trusted brand when it comes to elegant, opulent, and luxurious beauty products for women. We offer top quality natural and organic cosmetic products that are safe for the skin. On our site, you can choose from a wide selection of beauty products in order to ensure that you get the perfect item that will help you satisfy your beauty needs." Clarria is a new line of cosmetics, and when  I heard they're organic, I knew I had to try them out. 

Clarria box

So, along with many other gorgeous girls, I got sent this cute little box, that contains product samples to try and review. I have to say that I really like the way the products are packaged, it goes well along with the natural and organic products.


Clarria foundations

Inside, were these tiny jars of foundation. These are called Flawless Liquid Foundations, and this sample kit has a cute name: Lucky 7. This contains all the seven shades they offer at the moment, and I was excited to see how different they would be.

Lucky 7 foundations

Here are all the jars opened up, and even with my not-that-amazing lighting, you can see they are all different. It looks here as if there would be maybe even a light enough tone for an albino like me, but the true test is always my hand - and moreover, my face. Below are two pictures of swatches, using my hand, but I will also do a makeup look soon using one of these as a base so you can see how it looks on my face as well.

Clarria Lucky 7 swatchesClarria Lucky 7 swatches 1

Here you can see all the shades against my skin, the left one being the darkest and right one the lightest. The numbering you see refers to the last digit on the foundation name (Lucky 00X, X=shade). Currently, I'm somewhere between 1 and 2 as it is winter time, but because  like my bronzer, I can pull off 2 easily. I think the shades look so nice, and I'm sure most women could find (or mix) a good shade from this range. But to know that for sure, you should see someone with a darker skin than me to write or otherwise post about these.

What do I think about these? At first I was super skeptic as this runny foundations can be really tough to work with, especially when they have a matte finish like these ones do. So I was a bit horrified to try them out. On the hand, they dried very nicely, and they didn't rub off too easily. Also, the matte finish looks quite smooth there. Now, my face has issues with matte foundations. Big issues. It always gets dry and even flaky when I use matte coverage. But these weren't as bad as usually, and having used these for little over two weeks now as my main foundation, I feel like my skin is a bit better than with other products. Although, I need to continue for a couple of weeks more before I dare to claim that as the whole truth. 

If you like trying out new stuff, and natural, organic products are your thing, I would recommend tying this out. They are not the cheapest on the market, but if you want to try them out, Clarria is generously offering a discount code you can use when purchasing from them. It's clarria15, and it gives you 15% off at the checkout. 

Have any of you tried Clarria out yet, and if so, what do you think? Let me know in the comments!

Now, I gotta head to bed because tomorrow (wednesday) will be a fair day, so I will be on the move for quite a bit of the day. I will probably update bits and pieces to Instagram & other social media, so stay tuned there if you want to follow me around a bit. Also, I will be posting another blog post very soon, so stay tuned for that too.

Have a lovely day ♥


  1. Ooh these are lovely. They do have a wonderful range of shades available - I think I would be 1.


    1. Thank you, I'm definitely 1 in the middle of winter and 2 of I've gotten any sun. Others are simply unreachable without tanning products since I'm a pale girl. :) ♥

  2. Hienoa, että sulla on luonnonkosmetiikasta juttua blogissasi! :) Onko tuotteella sertifikaatti vain vaan firman tae että ovat luonnollisia?

    1. Kiitos, ja hieno juttu että otit sertifiointiasian esille. :) Tietääkseni tällä hetkellä sertifikaattia ei ole, mutta kyseessä on tuore yritys joiden valikoimassa on vasta juurikin nämä meikkivoiteet eli voi olla että sertifikaatti on vasta tulossa. Voisin itse asiassa olla yhteydessä Clarriaan ja kysyä tästä, ja päivittää sitten postaustakin, jotta se vastaa tuohonkin kysymykseen. Mahtavaa että olit noin tarkkana asiasta, tuohan on hirmuisen tärkeä pointti vaikka se minulta olikin jäänyt pois. Pistän mieleeni että merkkaan vastaavat jatkossa tarkemmin. ;)


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xoxo ♥

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