Blogmas Day 16, Penguins and Star Wars

Hey loves! It's a super late hour that I'm posting this, but hey, when you love what you do... This time I will cut to the chase and just go straight to the nail art. I hope you're okay with that!

Penguin nails

So yeah, the first set for this post are these penguin nails inspired by cutepolish (she's freaking amazing!) and they also work as my entry for #aussienailchallenge under the theme Christmas lights. I really loved wearing these for the first half of the week!

Penguin nailsPenguin nails

The mani is nowhere near perfect, but I thought not to edit these out since there's a moral of the story. Never use too dry nail polish for details. (Which reminds me, I should get acrylic paints!)

Penguin nails

The polishes I used were China Glaze At Vase Value, Liquid Leather, Break The Ice, White On White and Home Sweet House Music. The tools needed were a thin nail art brush and a dotting tool. The rhinestones are, as usual, from Born Pretty Store.

Penguin nailsStar Wars nails

Okay, so since everyone and their mother are talking about Star Wars, I decided to mix and match Christmas and the Lucasfilm universe together for the geekiest Christmas mani this year. I'm quite happy with these since my free hand painting isn't the strongest out there!

Star Wars nailsStar Wars nails

My favorite thing about this design is probably the Gingerbread Jedi here. I know I could've given him a blue sword but that didn't seem like Christmas so I went with the red. He may be a bad boy.

Star Wars nails

The polishes I used were China Glaze White On White, Liquid Leather, Seas The Day, Star Hopping, I'd Melt For You, Home Sweet House Music and MUA Cosmetics Mud Pie. I used two different nail art brushes and three sizes of dotting tools for this one.

Star Wars nails

So two more of cartoon side of designs today, I hope either of these can inspire you to do whatever you want with your nails. 

How do you like these designs? Let me know in the comments!

I'm off to bed now but I'll be back tomorrow with another post. Until then, stay tuned on social media for the latest updates and more. I love you all so much!

Have an amazing day ♥


  1. Wow this looks so cool. I love your star wars inspired nail art!

    Sonam -


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